Forgot to write so we can mark the topic as solved :>
If someone need the same thing, the solution was:
add_filter('bring_shipping_rates', function( $rates ) {
$shipping_classes = [
$free = false;
$items = WC()->cart->get_cart();
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$shipping_class = $item['data']->get_shipping_class();
if ( in_array( $shipping_class, $shipping_classes ) ) {
$free = true;
if ($free) {
$rates[0]['cost'] = 0;
return $rates;
}, 999 );
This code is placed in theme’s function.php file. Before this, shipping class needs to be created (name of the shipping class will be matched here
After that these lines are commented in the wp-cart-functions.php in the woocommerce plugin