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Well if checking for either logged-in users only or guests only is possible, I’m confident that it will be possible to check for “guests and subscribers” too in not too long ?? Thank you for taking the time to answer.
I’m sorry if it’s obvious – I believe I’m expressing myself somewhat confusingly, that’s why I keep trying to make it clearer and it’s become more complicated. Again, just to make sure: having Everyone selected and perhaps another checkbox to “Ignore roles of higher than: Subscriber-level-users”‘ views would suit me perfectly for example.
I already have statistical widgets from WordPress.coms’ plugin JetPack and Google Analytics on my dashboard, but I’m not sure about how they track my own website access. Anyway, my website is not really so significant… it’s more of a journal I keep for myself and few people really read. I also benefit from practicing my web technologies knowledge by modifying it.
Meanwhile, if you could benefit from any way that I can help in, to contribute to this nice project, let me know how to do that – any time. I’d be happy to translate it into my native language for example. Thanks again!
Wow! Great!
That should work in my case, but I’d still need to toggle between counting “everyone” (including logged-in users) and “visitors” (guests only) every time I’m testing the website myself… because the plugin’s “Log views from” setting only allows those two options.
What I need (and I was very specific about this) would be an option to log views from guests (non-registered visitors) and subscribers (“subscriber role”-level registered users), ignoring myself, or even better, ignoring the “contributor role” (and up – up to the “administrator”) level users. That option could be named “visitors and subscribers”.
Why rush and declare this issue solved? I repeat, I’d need this feature to use your plugin in my blog because I’m using the Social Login plugin to authenticate visitors/users. They are buttons for several social networks which act as intermediary tertiary log-in pop-ups. The visitor needs to authenticate for example to be given permission to comment on posts. The first time they login using such a tertiary account, they are given a new subscriber-role-level account on the blog created automatically by that plugin, which associates it with the e-mail address belonging to the tertiary website (eg. facebook).
In PHP, I think the conditional code to check whether the logged-in user is of subscriber level and not higher would be: `current_user_can(‘subscriber’) and !current_user_can(‘contributor’)’. I hope this is as easily implemented as it seems. It doesn’t make much sense that I start coding my own plugin or hacking into yours just to do this. There already are too many statistical plugins.
Let me know if it is possible and whether you plan to implement something like this. I’ll be using the “everyone” option meanwhile.
Thank you!Well apparently nine months have passed and I was hoping it might have become more of a priority up to this time.
Sure. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.
These people are funny doing exactly the opposite obviously without even reading your post. It’s like a joke! I wanted to take the opportunity of this funny thing and just thank you for this great plugin personally even though you’ve made the difficult decision of providing support separately. Maybe the plugin’s support forum tab on the plugin page here should be removed after a while.
I don’t recall the HTML reference documentation saying anything about single quotes. They always advise enclosing all attribute values between double quotes, even numbers (because many people didn’t, and not every version of every browser behaved the same in this case), and XHTML strict even requires them in order to validate.
This is the piece of code I’m using in a hook to wp_enqueue_scripts():
if( !is_admin() ){ wp_deregister_script("jquery"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery", "");
I don’t understand how that is an improper way of loading jQuery, except for the fact that I don’t specify a version string (the fourth parameter in the function definition), but I wouldn’t know that before jQuery is even loaded anyway, because I only specify the major version in the URL as a wildcard to always get the latest version of the script.
You’re dedicating your time and you’re doing a great work, and that’s indeed all the apology anyone needs. Plus, AAPL deserves the full 5 stars, because, like you said, it’s not its fault, it’s the nature of AJAX and it’s current limitations.
No more exceptions appear in the Javascript console ??
But, the “…” links still don’t work with AJAX. I need other links to posts than the excerpt titles to load with AJAX as well – the links at the end of excerpts should load the full post with AJAX too, and so should the list of “related links” (a scroller of links to other posts from the same category) which I need to update whenever the post changes (even by AJAX, but that’s a suggestion for which I’m going to start a new thread). In other words, how do I “ajaxify” links? Answer to this question in its own thread here, please:, it’s in my profile as well:… Don’t tell me that this is working only for everyone else as well!
I don’t know how this has been working for you and other people. Because of the double-quotes within a double-quoted javascript string, the script has been broken for me ever since I’ve been using the plugin.
I repeat, that syntactic error made the whole javascript part not be interpreted and leading to errors like “AAPL_warnings not defined”, which broke the functionality of the plugin (content didn’t load by AJAX). That’s why I’ve been so surprised.
Yes, I didn’t forget about it. I’ve favorited AAPL already, of course, I love it, it’s cool, very complex and… AJAX, but in my case, loading of only changed content is not proving to be fast at all which is disappointing.
I’ve just realised I need to update the list of links to posts from the same category when the post changes and I think I figured out a way of doing that (query and output the data as hidden html within post template, then retrieve it from within “data ajax loaded code” [edit] or a “reload code”), but if I’m generating links from within javascript, how do I make the content of those posts load by AJAX when one of those links gets clicked? So again, the issue of links not “ajaxified”.
No, sorry, I was wrong, the reload codes don’t finally get into a PHP file, so no PHP tags there ?? I suppose it would need to use a jQuery function to retrieve the home path from a separate PHP file which would need to get the path from wordpress and output it as text for jQuery.
I’m using a onFailure callback to log eventual errors, which is optional, but useful because Youtube-Lyte will be updated and may trigger exceptions which otherwise wouldn’t be caught by the javascript debugger (because of jQuery which is responsible for asynchronously downloading and then executing/interpreting the script).
Also, in the final line I’m using a root-relative path to specify the path of the Youtube-Lyte script, which works in my case, because my wordpress installation’s homepage is accesible at the root of the domain, but other may have to change that – or use a PHP tag (this being a .php file) to get the home/base URL. The same applies to the tenth line (I noticed he used a full URL there, so it again needs the wordpress location).
I haven’t made other changes to Futta’s code and it works for me (it also logged the exceptions when it was the case and so I was able to identify the issue and he could come up with this “reload code”).
************************************************************** //AAPL reload code for WP YouTube Lyte var onFailure = function(jqXHR, settings, exception){ console.log('AdvancedAjaxPageLoader youtube-lyte reload_code exception: ' + exception); }; var onSuccess = function( script, status, jqXHR){ ly.te();}; window.bU=''; style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; rules = document.createTextNode('.lyte img {border:0px !important;padding:0px;spacing:0px;margin:0px;display:inline;background-color:transparent;max-width:100%} .lL {margin:5px ;} .lP {background-color:#fff;margin:5px ;} .pL {cursor:pointer;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;position:relative;margin:0px !important;} .tC {left:0;top:0;position:absolute;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6);} .tT {padding:5px 10px;font-size:16px;color:#ffffff;font-family:sans-serif;text-align:left;} .ctrl {position:absolute;left:0px;bottom:0px;}'); if(style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = rules.nodeValue;} else {style.appendChild(rules);} document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); jQuery.getScript('/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/lyte/lyte.js').done(onSuccess).fail(onFailure); **************************************************************
If you’re going to test edit: my website – In case you didn’t read the conversation above, you can trigger AJAX loading only by clicking on the TITLES of the post excerpts/summaries of my website’s homepage/archives. The “more” links don’t use AJAX/AAPL, if you click those links at the end of the post excerpts, it will just take you to the new page with the full post contents, reloading the entire website / HTML document. I mentioned this on another post and you said you didn’t understand what I was trying to say, so please continue the conversation there when you have an answer (to why the “more” links don’t use AAPL like the title links do). In case I’m not very clear, on most websites these links just say something like “continue” or “…”, while in my case the symbol is “[…]->” (at least in the case of most of the posts).
Just use double qoutes instead of single and single instead of double. For HTML attribute values, it’s better not to enclose them in any quotes at all than using single quotes.
OK, I will return with more results tomorrow or whenever you update it then. I’d use Firefox otherwise, but my machine is a slow one and Chrome is faster and better for debugging and checking live HTML/CSS/Javascript anyway.
Oh and my website address is, which is listed in my profile too (you’ve asked in my other posts too, so just check it when you’re theRE, so you don’t have to wait for my answer).Hi
I’m using Google Chrome version 21.0.1180.83
This may be Chrome’s doing indeed, because in the Javascript debugger and in the live code examiner, the string appears within double quotes, but I checked the PHP file and it is now in single quotes (I told you that is not valid HTML).
Thank you for taking the time.Please let me know when you update that part of the code by replacing the single quotes surrounding that partial HTML string in Javascript with double quotes or by escaping the double quotes surrounding the path to jQuery using backslashes. For now, revision 17 still has double quotes inside a double-quoted string, breaking the javascript script execution.
I repeat, disabling the jQuery check doesn’t solve the problem – the syntactic error still prevents execution of the script. I’m debugging the live javascript code in the browser’s console. I’m the same age as you, but I was never taught programming in school. My IT teachers were never present, I’m learning it as a hobby, so I’m sorry if I appear as if I was telling you what to do, but it just seems such a trivial task. If I’m wrong about anything, just say so. I’m only trying to help.
I appreciate your work and helping me, but you keep releasing revisions for every comma edit and I’m tired of re-updating the plugin manually everytime and testing it when it’s clearly not necessary. I suggested changing the enclosing quotes from the very beginning, and I’ve wasted the last hours only to return to that conclusion. I’m going to take a headache break to play some poker and come back later to test and report issues, if any.