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  • Gui A., you don’t want to use Mail Poet for that. Use either your service name’s plugin or WP mail SMTP plugin. Most providers have a plugin. If they don’t just use an SMTP plugin. If you want to add more functionality on designing transactional emails and newsletters, you will need to get another plugin for that. There’s one called Newsletter

    I’m going to just delete the plugin and insert the footer code manually. I’ll let you know how that works out.

    I think it’s safe to say nobody has fixed it. Everyone I talk to is having trouble and can’t get answers from Facebook.

    I have a similar problem on two sites. and However, nothing shows up at all.
    I did notice that when I go to the plugin settings and select the page to link to, it doesn’t seem to save that selection. Maybe that’s just how it looks.
    I also made sure to list the www and non-www as well as http and https versions of my website. Nothing.
    I made sure the site was open to everyone and not age restricted. And followed all the troubleshooting tips, emptied cache etc.
    I don’t think this plugin works.

    It takes a long time to load. I waited 10 minutes for my widgets to load when trying to change some text on one of them.

    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    Thank you @bianca205 i will check it out and play with it. The look and feel of different themes post results makes me want to find a common plugin to give me control over a vast range of themes. Some themes are great except the post aesthetics. One of mine is the Vantage directory theme at and the post look is not to my liking. So I’m trying some methods of streamlining the process of making them look good while inserting links, ads, etc where needed.
    It wouldn’t be a problem if it was just one blog. But get up to over 5 and it’s a bear to manage.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by TopLocal-org.
    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    Problem? Trying to write attractive posts and have control over the look of them. That’s the problem I have with Gutenberg. No matter how many times I give it a chance and really try to like it, I just don’t. I write daily and it’s a big fail for me. Sorry if you disagree but it’s my opinion. The classic editor gives easy control over size, font, color, etc. and if Gutenberg had a better UI and more settings I may like it. Instead, I will either use classic or a plug-in to provide the writer’s settings I need to make my job easier.

    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    Ok, so I couldn’t wait and did extensive testing on this issue. I found no way for Nimble Builder to coexist with WP-Members or Simple Membership plugins, and probably a host of other content restriction plugins.

    Nimble should definitely have this topic covered in troubleshooting or documentation. This was way too much of a pain for software in 2020.

    The Fix?
    I switch to Elementor builder and it works fine.

    If anyone has this problem with WP-Members and a builder like Elementor or Nimble, make sure you don’t set the page as the login page for WP-Members. Other than that, Elementor plays well with content restriction plugins and respects the WordPress editor section’s Block command. Nimble does not. Thanks anyway for the lack of support on this.

    I’d be interested in that too.
    I think to achieve that, for one of the drop down items, you could set a mail 2, with a custom subject identifying that drop down item, and set a rule to forward it accordingly.
    But, to look at a specific drop down selection, and set a special email notice and subject for each? I don’t see that it exists. There are two form completion notice areas. Mail and Mail 2. So you could take care of 2 of them with outlook rules. If you find out another way, I’d love to know.

    I got egg on my face again!
    We tested with just the administrator being notified. And it worked fine.
    one notice per post.
    Then, after a few weeks I got confident it would work for all subscribers.


    I sent over 9,000 emails in 2 seconds and froze my account with sendgrid, ticked off 1,000 people and effectively damaged my credibility in the process.
    I feel like an amateur, but I did everything I could to test it.

    I’m so mad now I don’t know what to do.
    It’s a simple process to send a notice, ONCE, to everyone when a new post is published. It’s not rocket science dang it!

    I’ll be removing this from my site immediately

    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    If it helps, we’re using the Flexform theme from swift themes.
    We also have the following plugins:
    404 to 301
    Activity log
    Contact Form 7
    Easy WP SMTP
    Events Manager
    Lazy Load
    Popup Maker
    Restrict Widgets
    Slider Revolution
    Toolset Types
    User Last Login
    User Role Editor
    White Label CMS
    Wordpress HTTPS
    WP Courseware
    WP Full Calendar
    WP Members

    We recently updated the theme and Contact Form 7, But that’s all we did.

    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    Here’s what we used to correct it. Inside the Snippets plugin.

    function footer_custom_js(){
      echo "<script>
      var wpfc_loaded = false;
    var wpfc_counts = {};
    jQuery(document).ready( function($){
    	var fullcalendar_args = {
    		timeFormat: WPFC.timeFormat,
    		defaultView: WPFC.defaultView,
    		weekends: WPFC.weekends,
    		header: {
    			left: 'prev,next today',
    			center: 'title',
    			right: WPFC.header.right
    		month: WPFC.month,
    		year: WPFC.year,
    		theme: WPFC.wpfc_theme,
    		firstDay: WPFC.firstDay,
    		editable: false,
    		eventSources: [{
    				url : WPFC.ajaxurl,
    				data :,
    				ignoreTimezone: true,
    				allDayDefault: false
    	    eventRender: function(event, element) {
    			if( event.post_id > 0 && WPFC.wpfc_qtips == 1 ){
    				var event_data = { action : 'wpfc_qtip_content', post_id : event.post_id, event_id:event.event_id };
    						text : 'Loading...',
    						ajax : {
    							url : WPFC.ajaxurl,
    							type : \"POST\",
    							data : event_data
    					position : {
    						my: WPFC.wpfc_qtips_my,
    						at: WPFC.wpfc_qtips_at
    					style : { classes:WPFC.wpfc_qtips_classes }
    		loading: function(bool) {
    			if (bool) {
    				var position = $('#wpfc-calendar').position();
    			}else {
    				wpfc_counts = {};
    		viewRender: function(view) {
    			if( !wpfc_loaded ){
    				//catchall selectmenu handle
    			    $.widget( \"custom.wpfc_selectmenu\", $.ui.selectmenu, {
    			        _renderItem: function( ul, item ) {
    			        	var li = $( \"<li>\", { html: item.label.replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}?) - /g, '<span class=\"wpfc-cat-icon\" style=\"background-color:#$1\"></span>') } );
    			        	if ( item.disabled ) {
    			        		li.addClass( \"ui-state-disabled\" );
    			        	return li.appendTo( ul );
    					format: function(text){
    						//replace the color hexes with color boxes
    						return text.replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}?) - /g, '<span class=\"wpfc-cat-icon\" style=\"background-color:#$1\"></span>');
    					select: function( event, ui ){
    						var calendar = $('#wpfc-calendar');
    						menu_name = $(this).attr('name');
    						$( '#' + menu_name + '-button .ui-selectmenu-text' ).html( ui.item.label.replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}?) - /g, '<span class=\"wpfc-cat-icon\" style=\"background-color:#$1\"></span>') );
[menu_name] = ui.item.value;
    						calendar.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', WPFC.ajaxurl);
    						calendar.fullCalendar('addEventSource', {url : WPFC.ajaxurl, allDayDefault:false, ignoreTimezone: true, data :});
    			wpfc_loaded = true;
    	if( WPFC.wpfc_locale ){
    		$.extend(fullcalendar_args, WPFC.wpfc_locale);
    	$(document).trigger('wpfc_fullcalendar_args', [fullcalendar_args]);
    	$('.wpfc-calendar-wrapper ').not(':first').remove();
    	$('.wpfc-calendar-wrapper #wpfc-calendar').fullCalendar(fullcalendar_args);
    add_action('wp_footer', 'footer_custom_js');

    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    I’m using Flexform by Swift Themes

    me too. But only in Firefox. Login is too skinny to read

    Thread Starter TopLocal-org


    Snowgoose I had our team fix it with a snippet and the snippets plugin, so it would survive updates. I’m not sure how it will act if the devs fix the problem on the core plugin.

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