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  • @westcoastresident – Its tough to explain this but simply put WordPress will rewrite every URL on the site using a consistent format specified in your permalink settings and you can change individual links on your post/page edit screens.

    You may want to try using the WordPress Import plugin however I’m not 100% sure if it will keep the consistent URL structure, I would test in a development environment first.

    You may even be left with the hard choice of leaving out the .html and .htm on your links but your probably worried about SEO rankings so what you could try to do is download a plugin called Simple 301 Redirects and you can specify each link to redirect accordingly.

    But that method may be a pain if you have tons of posts to go through, however there are tons more 301 Redirect plug-ins developed for WordPress that can give you more functionality via Regex Expressions.

    I know it doesn’t really solve your issue but it’ll get you closer to a solution.

    I would take the iframe embed code straight off youtube and paste it into your post using the HTML screen.

    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I know switching between the HTML and Visual editors when working with YouTube videos can mess things up as well sometimes using the Shortcodes the output will be formatted incorrectly leaving you with default video dimensions.

    You could use the WP To Twitter and the Wordbook plugins.

    These plugins will enable you to post a wordpress post to your twitter and facebook accounts.

    As for showing what your posting on your twitter and facebook accounts you can try to use the Twitter Widget but I’m not sure what plugin may work to display your Facebook news-feed on WordPress

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Side bar

    You need to edit your sidebar.php file and activate widgets for whatever themes your on. It should look something like this.

    if( is_page() ) :
        if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('page_sidebar') ) :
    if( is_single() ) :
        if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('post_sidebar') ) :

    And so on and so forth making each if statement specific to each type of widget.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Editing PHP

    The domain doesn’t appear to be working so its a little hard to help troubleshoot your issues.

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