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  • Pat K


    Same problem.
    WP v3.8.1
    Twitget v3.3.1 using the Twiget Widget (Appearance > Widgets)

    The shortened URLs are visible but there is no anchor tag.

    NOTE: in case this matters; I tried checking “Show full URLs” and clicked Update Options and the URLs continued to be displayed (no change). I WAS able to modify the number of tweets displayed, so the Update Options function seems to be working…just not with respect to the URL setting.

    Great plugin by the way – very configurable!

    Pat K


    Hello! Great plugin!!! I too have been having the problem with rel attribute being stripped out by the Visual Editor when clients switch between it and Text mode. I searched for an found this:

    I’ve been testing it and it seems to be working great. Just added the snippet to my functions.php file and voila! No more stripping!

    …if it breaks something horribly I’ll re-post.

    PK @ BlackCapDesign

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Follow-up to this:
    There was more going on here than I realized. Despite the change I made (above), I continued to get 403 Forbidden messages when following links from Google. I tried removing all instances of %27 (single quote) from the BPS root .htaccess file and the forbidden errors stopped completely.

    I have since determined the offending single quote was in the Site Title (Dashboard > Settings > General Settings > Site Title) …as in “Bob’s Website”. I replaced ‘ with ’ and once the change is reflected on Google, I’ll try replacing all instance of %27 in the root .htaccess file.

    Any idea why a single quote in the Site Title would trigger the BPS filter? And do you think replacing ‘ with ’ will do the trick?

    Thanks again for a great plugin!

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Problem resolved!

    The problem was NOT the BPS plugin – rather an email obfuscation plugin that works fine in HTML 4 but throws header errors in HTML 5. The combination of BPS and CSF firewall were catching this and directing traffic to the forbidden page. I THOUGHT I had disabled the obfuscation plugin during testing – but clearly I did not. If anyone’s interested, I replaced the OLD email obfuscation plugin with the Email Encoder Bundle plugin and it works great with BPS.

    Thanks again for BPS; excellent plugin and stellar support.


    Thread Starter Pat K


    I checked the links using Firebug (in Firefox) and there are no special characters. There is a JavaScript onmousedown event:
    <a href="...">

    …but the URL itself if clean and uses this format:

    I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be something dead-simple and I will soon be smacking my forehead….

    Thanks again for your suggestions!

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Re: Redirects; thanks – the problem was happening before I installed the Redirects plugin. I tried the Custom Code method already (I use it on other sites). The reason I’m using the Redirects plugin is because I’ve had to disable BulletProof Mode on the root directory – because of the weird broken link problem.

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Makes sense, although when I was testing this yesterday, I deactivated the Redirection plugin, and it made no difference; following Google links to the Home page – the index.php file in the root directory – were resulting a “Forbidden” page – even with the Redirects plugin deactivated. Disabling BulletProof Mode in the root directory caused the links to start working again.

    After I received your message(today), I reactivated BulletProof Mode and turned on Error Logging – no errors have been logged.

    I do have a firewall on the server (CSF – LFD)…I’m wondering if something in BPS is triggering the Firewall to throw the forbidden error …although if that were the case it should be affecting other sites on the server too, and it’s not.

    Thanks for your suggestions!

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Thanks for the quick response! No, the directories are the equivalent of /%postname%/ (Pretty Permalinks). They all resolve to WordPress pages.

    The ‘old’ site structure was similar to the current WordPress structure:, and in some cases the directory name of the ‘new’ site match the old site ( example: /contact/ ) but most of the directory names are different, hence the need for redirects.

    Strangely, even the link to the home page results in a “forbidden” error message when I activate BPS in the root directory. As soon as I switch to Default Mode, the Google links work fine.

    Something else: if I click the Google link, it resolves to the Forbidden page, but if I place my cursor in the address bar and hit enter, the browser resolves to the correct page. So it’s something to do with the inbound link from Google….

    Thanks again!

    Pat K


    Greetings Frank! I too am receiving the same error upon installation:

    Warning: join() [function.join]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/xxxx/xxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-maintenance-mode/inc/wp-maintenance-mode-settings.php on line 228

    There is nothing in the Exclude field; it’s blank. I have uninstalled and reinstalled your plugin. I disabled a few other plugins (Bulletproof Security for one) and it didn’t make any difference. What’s odd is I have used this plugin on other sites and it has worked fine.

    In the warning message (which appears directly above the Exclude field) the words “function.join” are a hyperlink to a “page not found”:
    If I check my preferences and click ‘save’, the Preview button displays the same “page not found” error. Odd. Hope you can figure this out…

    Pat K


    I have noticed this too; only on Windows 7 in both Firefox and Chrome. It works fine in IE. Weirdly, in Windows XP it’s fine.

    The script is dynamically calculating the height of the parent element (anchor) and does this inconsistently. As a result, the vertical distance from the Parent in the submenu to its children is inconsistent…leaving a large gap when it renders improperly (about 50%) of the time.

    Any suggestions on how to remedy this?

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Udate: adding the .htaccess file to the /wp-includes/ directory broke the WYSIWYG editor. Try removing it after installing the wp-e-commerce plugin…WYSIWYG mode should work again.

    Thread Starter Pat K


    Update: it’s not the plugin – it’s a memory problem.

    I was able to install wp-e-commerce only after doing each of the following (I tried this MANY different ways before getting it to work):
    1) create a file called php.ini (using a text editor) and adding the following:

    ;; set memory limit for cache.php
    memory_limit = 128M

    …upload (FTP or cPanel File Manager) the php.ini file in 3 places;
    – above the root directory
    – in the root directory (public_html or www)
    – and in the wp-includes directory

    2) Add the following line below the opening <?php tag in the file wp-includes/cache.php:
    ini_set('memory_limit','128M'); // set memory to prevent fatal errors

    (…yes it’s modifying a core file, but it works!…just make a note of the modification)

    After that, create an htaccess file for the wp-includes directory and insert the following directive:

    3) Use a text editor to create a .htaccess file and add the following:

    # set memory limit for cache.php
    php_value memory_limit 128M

    …upload the .htaccess file to the wp-includes directory.

    Log out of admin, clear browser cache, login and install the module.

    See the following for details:

    I hope this helps…

    Pat K


    You don’t need to be an MIT grad.

    Some plugins – like this one – are too big to upload inside wp admin
    in which case, if you have cPanel, you can use the File Manager to upload the .zip file from your computer, then use WP admin to install it.

    Or, you can unzip the plugin on your computer and use an ftp program (like FileZilla) to upload the folder to /public_html/wp-content/plugins/ then install from WP admin.

    BUT, I did install the plugin and it crashed my admin area. If this happens, use cPanel File Manager or FileZilla to delete the /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce directory. It seems this plugin is NOT compatible with wp version 3.3.1 ??

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