Hi Mike!
It almost did the trick. To use CSS to hide the div directly after the check box I need to use a CSS adjacent sibling selector, and it wouldn’t work right because the checkbox was inside a paragraph instead of “adjacent” to the div.
I was able to get it working by altering the plugin code, which sadly means I’ll need to do this again next time up update plugin.
Essentially I removed the RSVP_START_PARA.
"<label for=\"rsvpFor".$a->id."\">".
sprintf(__("RSVP for %s ?",'rsvp-plugin'), htmlspecialchars($a->firstName." ".$a->lastName))."</label> ".
"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"rsvpFor".$a->id."\" id=\"rsvpFor".$a->id."\" value=\"Y\" />"
in “rsvp_frontend.inc.php”, and making sure to leave the semi-colon.
Then I added the following CSS to my theme:
div.rsvpAdditionalAttendee > input[type=checkbox] + div {
display: none;
div.rsvpAdditionalAttendee > input[type=checkbox]:checked + div {
display: block;
And now it seems to work as I want it to. When the checkbox isn’t checked, the extra questions are hidden. When checked, the questions show up.