Felix Patzelt
Forum Replies Created
Ok i found out that heartbeat was producing the problem, because a plugin used google analytics scroll tracking and produced extreme much requests to database
I can see that each second in access log /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=as_async_request_queue_runner&nonce= is called
Index WP MySQL For Speed didnt speed search up
No I didnt ask if it utilize elastic search server but if it is compatible with the elasticpress plugin which does so
Is your plugin also compatible with elasticpress?
My Page is also broken after the newest update of this husky plugin. No products at all are showing anymore
Thank you for your help! I changed it and hope the problem is fixed
thank you!. I will buy it soon
I have not yet made the final decision to buy it because it needs this feature. Is this feature available to always select the last day in automatic export with scheduled jobs?
Ok, filter for telephone set i did with <> empty. Another Question: How can i always select the last day in automatic export?
I tried it on another website and it was working. I have another question regarding billing phone. I want to filter for orders which has phone number entered. But if i filter for billing_phone IS SET its also showing orders with no billing phone set. How can i do that?
Thank you for your answer. I tried that but it is not working. I get feedback “Nothing to export. Please, adjust your filters” And yes there are orders from customer who only ordered once. In Database table wp_postmeta i also cant find the attribute _order_count. Is there another way?
hello i still need help and my question is 1 week ago
Problem still happening
Wordpress 5.7.1
WooCommerce 5.2.2