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  • After you clicked the “Download Export File” button, did you then select “Open with [your browser]” or “Save File”?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Lost API Key?

    The main thing to keep in mind here is that you’re talking about three separate username/password sets:

    1. The one you use to log in to the (self-hosted) WP account that you inherited.
    2. The one you use to log in to (this site).
    3. The one you use to log in to

    Note that these are three completely separate username/password sets; if you try to use the username/password set for number 1 to log into, e.g.,, it won’t work.

    If you already have a account, then just log in to that account, and select “Global Dashboard” from the dropdown menu in the upper left corner. From the Global Dashboard, click on “Profile” in the left sidebar. Your API key is at the top of your Profile page.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Gravatar Issue

    Is it possible that the email address you’re using for your site’s admin login contains uppercase letters? According to the “Common Questions” section of, they use only lowercase letters in their email addresses, so if you have any uppercase letters in your admin email, it won’t match the email address.

    If I had to guess, I’d say the theme was made available before it was tested very thoroughly. In particular, it appears that any “long” post will overlap the previous post. Also, given the placement of the “Read More” buttons, it looks like the coder intended for long posts to have just the first few lines appear, and you could click the “Read More” button to see the whole post.

    You could probably fix this if you knew a little html and had time to play with the code. Or you could bring it to the attention of the person who wrote it, though it is a free theme, so they may not have a lot of time to fix it.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Moving Domain

    Can you tell me exactly the steps you’ve taken so far? I’m guessing it’s something like:

    1. You copied all of your WP files from (e.g., the wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes folders, etc.) to
    2. You made some edits to your database, attempting to replace all instances of to

    It may help if you can provide some more details on exactly what you’ve done in step 2.

    Finally, what happens right now when you attempt to go to ? Does the login page come up? If so, what happens when you try to log in?

    Hi Jesse,

    There’s a quick way to find out if this is a problem with your theme. In your WP Admin, go to the Appearance->Themes page and select another theme and activate it (the WP Default theme is usually a good one). If the problem goes away, then it probably has something to do with the theme.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Two Home Tabs

    Hi Jesse,

    If you log into your WP Admin and click on the “Pages” link in the left sidebar, does it list two pages named “Home”? If so, one of them can be deleted.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Moving Domain

    Are the webspaces for and both on the same host?

    I recently merged two WP sites into a new (third) site, but did not have any problems. Have you tried upgrading one or both of your blogs (prior to doing the export) so that they are both using the same version of WP?

    Another thought is that there may be some problem with plugins (on one or the other of your blogs) interfering with the process. Maybe if you deactivated some/all of your plugins before doing the export?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Gravatar Issue

    If you log into your WP Admin and go to Settings->Discussion, there’s a section at the bottom labeled “Avatars,” and there’s a place there for you to select the “Maximum rating” that you’ll allow for avatars (gravatars) on your site. If your site’s maximum rating is set to “G” and someone (including you) has a gravatar that’s rated higher than “G,” then their gravatar is not going to show up on your site.

    (You set your gravatar’s rating on your account.)

    Hi Richard,

    I currently have a single web hosting account (with HostGator) and previously had one with 1and1, and I have configured multiple WP sites on both. Unless your hosting package has some draconian restriction (e.g., you’re only allowed to create one MySQL database), this shouldn’t be a problem.

    Before you did the import, did you update the pathname to your webspace in your database backup file? Since you’re attempting to move your blog to a different host, it may be that the reason WP can’t find the upgrade.php file is because, after importing your backup, WP is looking for that file in the directory structure of your old host. If you didn’t update all the pathnames to your webspace in your database backup file (e.g., by using a text editor to perform a global search and replace on the backup file), then they’re still pointing to your old space.

    Here’s a description of the steps I went thru when I moved a WP site to a different host.

    Also, here’s the link to the codex that describes the detailed steps to upgrading WP manually. Step 9 may be particularly relevant for you.

    Try deleting the plugin folder (using Filezilla), then add the plugin back from within WordPress. Go to Plugins->Add New, and search for “wordpress feed statistics.” Click on the “Install” link, then click on the red “Install Now” button.

    After it’s installed, you can activate it and it should be ready to go.

    Is there some reason you don’t want to do this from the Posts-<Edit page of your WP Admin? From this page you can use the Quick Edit feature to add or delete tags from any of your posts.

    It should be easy enough to find out if the problem is with your current theme. Just login to your WordPress Admin, go to Appearance->Themes, and activate a different theme (maybe the WordPress Default theme).

    If that doesn’t fix it, you might try deactivating your plugins one by one to see if one of them may be causing the problem.

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