Forum Replies Created
I got this from the code and tinkering, it works for me:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Export to Text] Serious bugYes, me also. Users below Admin cant login and get the error message described in the OPs post. Deactivating the plugin resolves this issue.
Thanks for an otherwise wonderful plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Taxonomy Images] [Plugin: Taxonomy Images BETA] Return only the image url?bumpity bump. being able to get just the url would be ace.
Thanks for a wonderful plugin!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Styling Search Widget…here’s the code that mods decided to delete: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom menu suddenly not supported (piano-black)I’m using the new version of piano black in development and it’s telling me as well that custom menus are not available.
and to anyone reading this, don’t add those lines of code to your functions.php file, it will stuff up your permalinks.
Hi John,
thanks for the response. I cant replicate the issue any more, so I’m sorry for wasting your time and raising an unwarranted alarm.
The only thing I changed between the malfunction and it now working was in trying to correct a permalink issue I was having with a custom post type, I added this code to functions.php:
global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules();
…and refreshed/saved the permalink structure a few times. I not sure how/if it was related to the ajax calendar issue that I was having, but the calendar is working now, that’s the main thing.
I’m not running any other plugins to disable, this was a clean install I was playing with.
Thanks and sorry for the alarm,
Dan H.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Calendar widget for custom post types?apparently they’re working on it: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: CSV Importer] multiple categorieshi dvkob,
Thanks for coming back to us. and thanks for the wonderful plugin!
I just saw what you’re referring to in the sample file, excel hides the multiple lines so I missed that point, sorry and thanks!TL;DR: You need to use a carriage return/line feed character to separate the multiple taxonomy names within the column.
Great, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: CSV Importer] multiple categoriesI’m very interested in this too. but with custom taxonomies. It should work the same as Categories though.
I’ve tried
“”parent1,child1″,”parent2,child2″”but no success. It screws up the columns and crashes the import with a ‘no such post type’ error.
thanks if anyone knows the trick!