I am also having this issue. I followed the link you posted above for more support but I can’t even log into your support forum. I can’t find a way on there to register.
I have gone onto different forums to get help and nothing suggested has helped. One person suggested this:
The module is not defined error is caused by one of your plugins creating a global exports variable. The envira plugin sees this and mistakenly thinks it can use requirejs to load the jquery library. A simple fix for this would be to change the order of your script tags so that envira loads before the file that is creating this global variable.
Make sure the order of your script tags in the HTML has
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://devsite.laaperformingarts.org/wp-content/plugins/envira-gallery-lite/assets/js/min/envira-min.js?ver=′></script>
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://devsite.laaperformingarts.org/wp-content/themes/royal/layout/plugins/retina/retina.min.js?ver=4.8′></script>