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  • blogs-about


    All files and folders under your public_html folder should be owned by your account and your group account name.



    One possibility :
    We have had this happen to some clients in the past, once they have reached their disk space quota. The server will let you open the page but when you goto save it then it without warning the end user will stop it from saving data and leave you with an empty file. Truly annoying.



    If your server runs phpsuxec.. then all php files should be 644. Everything else should be 755 or lower. No directories should be set to 777. 777 is world writable and not a good idea at all.

    As long as you have 644 then they are executable by the owner which under phpsuxec php runs as the account owner.

    Unfortunately I dont run my servers without phpsuexec so couldnt tell you the perms needed there.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: about spam


    comments and trackbacks are the same in 1.5 if comments are disabled then so are trackbacks if I remember correctly. (big if!)



    links.php under whichever theme folder your using.
    Most likely has the following code :

    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: about spam


    Thats a little worrying. You dont mention which version of wordpress which makes it harder to think of ideas. I am not sure if the XMLRPC security bug would permit this which is from 1.5 version. Have you upgraded to the latest?



    alter your query for the front page to use :

    Example :

    select WHATEVER COLUMNS YOU WANT from wp_posts where post_date > (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 2 HOUR));

    This will take whatever the servers date is and add 2 hours. Obviously giving Date : 2am.

    Examples :

    | 2006-03-12 02:00:00 |

    | 2006-03-12 13:00:00 |

    Hope this helps.



    All hosting companies limit CPU usage somehow. The bigger issue is expectations of the client. Most clients are looking for the cheapest host they can find.. The cheaper the packages then typically the more clients they will have to load on the servers to make even a minimal profit. hosting does the opposite. We do not enter the pricing war for hosting clients because quite frankly an active blog will use a fair amount of the cpu at different times which is something we understand. So instead we charge a higher price per month with the expectation that even on a dual processor server with 2gbs of ram that you can only host upto around 80 blogs.
    So smaller hosting companies with higher prices tend to be far more forgiving and simply stack less clients on a box (most of the time).
    I mean lets face it.. 100Gbs of bandwidth for 3.95$.. The cpu usage you will need to actually transfer 100GBs is way over what these cheap hosts are willing to give you. Its effectively a way to force an upsell. Hosts force you to upgrade your packages based on CPU usage or face termination of service or force you to move which takes days etc.

    We found on our own servers that due to anti spam plugins people just left the spam in their tables which forced mysql to spike tremendously because mysql doesen’t seem to calculate necessary space for tmp tables very well and resorted to tables on disk simply because those tables had more than 50K rows of comment spam or unmoderated comments. So as a hosting company that understands blogs we wrote our own scripts that go through nightly and delete spam or unmoderated comments that are older than 21 days. There are some solutions to high CPU usage that are not always readily available to clients and whether its us or another hosting company you should always expect to get what you pay for and for 3.95$ I wouldnt expect too much.

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