Forum Replies Created
Hello @mohsinbsf,
unfortunately it did not have any effect (was the first thing I tried after reading the docs). Strange is also that on WooCommerce category pages the stylesheet is loaded, but without any effect.
Kind regards,
FlorianHey there,
thanks for your reply, I was not able to track down the issue. Seems like the stylesheet is not loading.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Beautiful Cookie Consent Banner] PHP ErrorFix is confirmed, thank you very much for your quick effort!
Moin @niklasinpsyde,
vielen Dank für deinen Support! Magst du mir schreiben, was das Problem war, rein interessehalber. Oder sehe ich das im Changelog?
Danke & viele Grü?e,
FloHi @aweissinpsyde,
ich habe nochmal alles überprüft. An Plugins liegt es nicht, in der Console wird mir eine Verletzung der Content-Security angezeigt:
Content Security Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf inline blockiert ("script-src")
Von der Datei (jQuery v1.12.4)
jQuery (jQuery v3.5.1) wird ja von WordPress schon geladen. Das muss dann wohl an PayPal liegen?
Danke & viele Grü?e,
FloHi Andreas,
den Cache habe ich geleert, mit ist aufgefallen, das der Fehler nur in Firefox (Desktop & Mobile) auftritt. Chrome & Edge verhalten sich wie erwartet.
Danke & viele Grü?e,
FloHi Andreas,
danke für deine schnelle Antwort.
es handelt sich um diese Seite (unter anderem).
Um den Fehler zu reproduzieren sind folgende Schritte notwendig:
- ein Produkt in den Warenkorb legen
- zur Kasse gehen
- den Zurück-Button im Browser anklicken (oder mit der Maustaste zurück)
Anschliessend l?dt die Seite im PayPal-iframe neu.
Viele Grü?e,
Flo- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Bloxxor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ajax BootModal Login] Register Button does not open TabI think so,
when I disable bootstrap 3 the modal is too far on the left. I just disabled it, so you can check.
Thank you for your quick feedback!! Really appreciate this!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Marketplace - Complete Shopping Cart / eCommerce Solution] ScamI just can agree to bairdbc, awful coding, no support. Just look here how much issues have been solved and how much Shaon answers. He`s just trying to rip-off peoples money.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox Gallery] Responsive ColorboxNo Coding needed.
Just go into Lightbox ColorBox Plus settings > Primary Settings > Size and set the maximum width Field to 100%
works like a charm
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabbed Login Widget] German TranslationTranslation sent.
Thank you
Thank you for your information Andy.
Thats another reason why I love wordpress – the community.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Adding class to form tagThanks,
viraks hint also worked for me!
Thanks for your replies.
I changed the permissions of the files/folders.
Then I watched the files and after a couple of time they are deleted.
Thanks for your reply,
I know everytime someone visits the page a new image and text is generated and stored.
But how do I remove them automatically after the user has submitted the form?
I can`t check every client once in a month to check if free disk space is available.