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  • Thread Starter Bob Aborn


    Deactivated all plugins and Customizer loaded.
    Then activated them (one-by-one) to find which one or ones were causing the hang-up …
    it was “Pik-List”.
    Am now running with that plug-in deactivated and Customizer working as designed.
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Bob Aborn


    Downloaded another copy of WP (4.3.1) and chose the same theme I had been working on. From the files of the one I had been working on I one-by-one uploaded all the config. files (checking as I did) and have restored the theme basically as it was. So, I thinking that the problem must lie in a plugin conflict … I’ll begin working on those sometime after Sunday Football.
    Enjoy the day Bill, and again thanks for the help and your time.
    Over and out -Bob

    Thread Starter Bob Aborn


    Understood! Will do and post tomorrow [noonish] with results (need a rest from this right now).
    Again, thanks for your help and patience Bill.
    Have a great night!

    Thread Starter Bob Aborn


    I did download the theme folder from wp-content/themes/ just didn’t/don’t understand why re-uploading the entire theme folder would solve the problem.
    I’m comfortable with creating sites with html and css but WP is new to me.

    Thread Starter Bob Aborn


    Thanks Bill.
    You write: “delete and replace the entire Weaver II theme folder with the fresh one.”
    Don’t understand “replace with a fresh one”.

    Thread Starter Bob Aborn


    Thank you for the help, Bill.
    I located the parse error, it was in an add-on widget … the programmer had started a line of code with the closing bracket instead of the opening bracket. I corrected that.
    The two wp_debug entries I believe were caused by the code I entered into the config file to show the errors:

    error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

    I removed this from the config file so to negate those two errors.
    Still white screen.
    I’ve downloaded the theme file and saved it. I’m at the point where I’ll re-download the WP 4.3 and then file by file replace all the files in the new wp_config file and go from there … unless you can recommend a course of action that’ll restore just the theme folder.
    Again, thanks.

    I’m a “new” beginner to WP. Working with weaver II. Was setting up site (it was up-loaded, I could link to it on web) and was working on the parent-child functions.php and style.css files (following and inputting what I gleaned from WP Beginners site). I uploaded the weaver-ii-child folder and then got white screen of death (wsd). Removed the file but still wsd. On a help site I found and inserted (into the wp-config.php file an “error” reporting code and then on the wsd got this:
    Notice: Constant WP_DEBUG already defined in /homepages/17/d272894331/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyWordPress/wp-config.php on line 76

    Notice: Use of undefined constant RSHCP_DEBUG – assumed ‘RSHCP_DEBUG’ in /homepages/17/d272894331/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyWordPress/wp-content/plugins/rs-head-cleaner-lite/rs-head-cleaner-lite.php on line 104

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in /homepages/17/d272894331/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyWordPress/wp-content/themes/weaver-ii/functions.php on line 14

    Please, what do I do with this information?

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