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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twitter profileJames,
I understand. I think that I’m going to give up trying to get a lot of helpful information regarding the viewers to my blog from any statistical program, but I may check out the sharedcount program. Thanks again for your help with this. BobForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twitter profileJames, I basically write what I think is timely and personally of concern or interest to people who are seeking to secure what is good in their lives. I invite them to talk with me and other viewers about these matters on the posts of my blog. I have over 3200 users to my WP blog who have registered their interest in my blog, but I don’t know exactly what they have viewed on my blog or what initially attracted their interest. I would like to get some information about them, but I can’t figure out how to do this. If you have some suggestions that will enable me to do this, I would be glad to give them a try. Thanks for your ongoing response to me regarding this matter. Bob
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twitter profileJames, I will deactivate this plugin and remove it from my WP platform. I’m trying to use the Leadin program from HubSpot to give me some data regarding the viewers of my blog, but I can’t get it to work very effectively. I’m not sure that getting stats regarding my viewers is really going to help me to expand and to strengthen my connections to interested viewers of my blog. Anyway, thanks for your feedback. Bob
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twitter profileJames,
Yes I do, and it has been activated. What do I need to do to get it to recognize my Twitter profile?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twitter profileJames, This feature on my WP Dashboard is cited as WPStatsDashboard. And
it still isn’t indicating that I have a Twitter profile and account. I would appreciate some help to correct this problem. Thanks. BobForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Registration linkWhen I’m not logged into the blog, the link to “register” is displayed; but, when I am logged into it the “administration” link is displayed. That makes some sense to me. OK for now.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Nifty Newsletters (Formerly Sola Newsletters)] simple like eatingI’m looking for a new plugin that will enable me to send a newsletter to the users of my blog who are registered as “subscribers” to my blog. I’ve tried a different plugin, but I don’t like it very well. I would like one that will easily connect to the growing list of “subscribers” to my blog. Please explain to me exactly how the Nifty Newsletters plugin does this. I don’t want to have to go through a lot of different steps that I probably won’t understand in order to “import” the list of my “subscribers” into the operation of this plugin. I’m not sure what a CSV file is or how to get my list of “subscribers” into such a file, so I would rather not have to go through that procedure in order to get the newsletter plugin to have access to my list. Your explanation regarding how Nifty does this would be helpful. I hope that you can help me with this. Bob
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: sidebar widgetsI’ve been able to install the Primary right sidebar with its appropriate widgets. I can select widgets for the left sidebar, but the program puts them below the right sidebar and not into a left sidebar. How do I get the widget controls to display a left sidebar so that I can cite its contents? I want a 3 column template for the display of my blog. I need some help for these further settings. Thanks.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Putting themes into Administration operationWhen I installed the selected themes, they were put into the Administration operation where they are now available to me to refine and activate if I wish to do so.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Titles for RSS feeds in Meta WidgetMika, I have fixed the initial problem that I had with the subordinate titles of the RSS feeds by just deactivating the SEO Title Tag plugin. So the duplication of my blog’s title, A good blog, in these citations was not being caused by any theme.
So I don’t need to “remove and to replace” a lot of files and folders in the operation of my WP blog. I would still like to install a new theme for its display and I should probably refresh the files that are controlling its operation, but I may hire a technician to help me with these procedures.
I thought that since you indicated that the fresh copy of the WP files was not “on my computer” but that it was on the server for my website that I wouldn’t be able to see it or access its files when I was “offline”, but that is not the case. Its folders and files can still be displayed to me from its citation in My Documents-Christianityetc-Website-Blog. How can that be, if they are not “on my computer”? I really don’t understand that! I can’t display my website or my blog if I’m not “online”. If you could explain this to me, I would be glad to learn from you. Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Titles for RSS feeds in Meta WidgetHi Mika, I just try to operate my computer and all of its various programs by punching keys on my key pad. I don’t always understand how they do what they are suppose to do or exactly what they are doing, and I certainly don’t understand very well how to fix problems when I encounter them.
I punched the “download” icon to get the fresh copy of the WP 4.1 program, and I saved it into my website. I know how to access my website and the files that I have created for its operation through the File Zilla tool. I use it all of the time to add new material to my website. The WP software configures all of the codes for my blog and its features and posts. I have never written any code for any of its contents or displays or operations! I just depend upon the WYSIWYG editor and the plugins to do all that for me. So I don’t know what I need to do to get this fresh copy of the WP 4.1 software into the right place where I can transfer its fresh codes into the remote directory for my blog on the host’s server for my website. Your help with this process would be appreciated.
I can problem turn off all of my current plugins, but I don’t think that either the Twenty Fifteen or the Twenty Fourteen themes will work with the settings for a 3-column display of my blog. I haven’t spotted an appropriate theme to install as a test, and a technician for my current theme, Suffusion, indicated that my problem with the subordinate titles in the RSS feeds was not being caused by the theme, but it was being caused by some settings in the WP files.
I’m sorry to be so dense in regard to the operation of this program, but I guess that why there are professional technicians to deal with some of these matters.
I recognize that everything on the server for my website has to be accessed over an internet connection, which means that it is not on my local computer, but the copies of these files that in the folders for my website that on my local computer can be opened and managed “offline”; so I understand that the fresh copy of the WP 4.1 software is not on my computer where it can be accessed or managed “offline”. But I still need some “expert” technical help to fix my problems and refresh my WP blog. I appreciate your assistance with this, so please stay with me. Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Titles for RSS feeds in Meta WidgetOK James, I have your instructions “to delete then replace” most of my current files. I understand that you are busy, but you are the “volunteer” technician that has responded to my request for help on the WP support forum. Please instruct me how to get the folder/directory of the fresh WP files from its position on my computer as a sub-folder of the “blog” directory so that it is the “blog” directory for my website. I’ve tried several times to hire a professional WP technician that you have recommended (whom I’ve used before) to do all this for me, but I can’t get any to respond to my request. I want to correct the problems in the operation of my WP blog, but I’m not a WP technician. Please give me a few more moments of your time to help me get these WP files into the right place on my computer so that I can transfer them to my blog directory on my host’s server. Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Titles for RSS feeds in Meta WidgetJames,
I just downloaded the zipped copy of WP 4.1 to my computer. It is saved here:, but it needs to be cited as the “blog” directory on my website. How do I manage to get that done? Once I get it placed where it needs to be, I guess I should be able to unzip it and all of its folders and files will be displayed and available to me to transfer to my WP blog on my host’s server. Is that right? Am I still going to have to remove most of the current files for my blog before I transfer any fresh ones or will the transfer process just overwrite the current files with the fresh clean codes. I hope that such a overwriting transfer process would correct the problems that I’m having with these files and the display of these RSS titles. Why shouldn’t that work. I think that is the way that the transfer process works for the files that operate my basic website.I would appreciate your further guidance in this process. ThanksForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Titles for RSS feeds in Meta WidgetJames,
I have removed all of the old directories and files for the WP blog from my computer except for this one: wp-includes/images/smiles. Most of these files were 6 years old and of no use. This gives me a spot on my computer where I can now install a fresh version of the WordPress 4.1 software on my computer from where I can transfer its fresh directories and files into the blog controls for the operation of my blog on my host’s server. I have cited the download controls for this software, but I’m not sure which format to load. I guess that one is a zipped format and the other is not zipped. Which one should I download? In either case, I plan on just saving all of its directories and files to the blog directory on my computer without trying to immediately install them to the remote host’s server. Please give me some guidance on which format to download. Thanks. BobForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Titles for RSS feeds in Meta WidgetJames, According to my Dashboard WordPress 4.1 is already installed on my blog and is currently running the Suffusion theme. I recently upgraded from 4.0.1 to the latest version, so it is already operating my blog. I’m sorry, but your instructions leave me very confused. I don’t think that I need to download another copy of the latest version of that I already have. If I just open a copy of the blog software that is currently on the server for my site in my computer, will that display all of its directories and files so that I see exactly what is there? Are you suggesting that this current version of this software that is now operating my blog may not be exactly the same as a freshly installed version would be. If so, that makes me very nervous about using this software at all. I’m totally confused about how to use this WP software.