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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] NO XML sitemap generatedjoneiseman solution also worked for myself after receiving 404 errors.
Turn off XML sitemaps
Click Save.
Turn on XML sitemaps
Click SaveTest your sitemap.
Hi Casper,
As stated in the Previous message the ‘File Deletion’ is set to ‘2’ and throws the above error as shown in the log in the previous message.
Ive been doing some tests and found that a space in the destination path causes the issue.
It can place files into the dropbox destination path with a space i.e ‘/backup test/’ but cannot run the deletion command afterwards to cleanup the older backups. in the error log it puts the path as ”/backup%20test/’ which is incorrect.
Removing the Space resolves the issue, but there is a bug there that it cannot remove files with spaces in its path.
Ive adjusted my sites accordingly but please resolve the bug in the next release as im sure many people will have the same issues.
Im having the same issue.
My ‘File Deletion’ is set to two and once its done the two backups it will throw an error that it could not delete the older is the log:
[INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.4; WordPress version 3.5.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken
[05-Mar-2013 15:34:25] Database dump done!
[05-Mar-2013 15:34:25] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[05-Mar-2013 15:34:25] 725 folders to back up.
[05-Mar-2013 15:34:25] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[05-Mar-2013 15:34:25] Compression method is ZipArchive
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:57] Backup archive created.
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:57] Archive size is 39.79 MB.
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:57] 5828 Files with 75.31 MB in Archive.
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:58] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:59] Authenticated with Dropbox
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:59] 1.49 GB free on Dropbox
[05-Mar-2013 15:35:59] Upload to Dropbox now started …
[05-Mar-2013 15:37:10] Backup transferred to Backups/backup/daily/
[05-Mar-2013 15:37:12] WARNING: (404) Path ‘/website%20backups/backup/daily/’ not found
[05-Mar-2013 15:37:12] ERROR: Error on delete file on Dropbox:
[05-Mar-2013 15:37:12] One old log deleted
[05-Mar-2013 15:37:12] Job done in 168 seconds.PreferencesEnglish
Hi everyone just an update, this is a persistant issue and everytime I upgrade the plugin it puts
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(bash|git|hg|log|svn|swp|cvs) [NC,OR]
into .htaccess causing password reset to fail and produce a 403 error when you try to submit the new password.Removing the line resolves it, but is annoying as every time there is an update I have to remove the line again.
I believe re saving the option would resolve it.
Hi Guys,
I had the same issue when submitting the new password after a reset.
I found the line of code causing the issue in the .htaccess file
remove this line:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*(bash|git|hg|log|svn|swp|cvs) [NC,OR]
Ive tested at it resolved the issue on my installation.
If this is the line of code causing the issue for everyone, please can we get it sorted on the next update.kind regards