Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hacked by 3 php filesThank you,
I’ll take a look at the ressources in your answer.
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WassUp Real Time Analytics] Wassup 1.9 upgrade problemsHi,
Here’s my server configs:
WassUp Version: 1.9
WassUp Table name: XwNU2l2R1YJ8_wassup
WassUp Table Charset/collation: utf8_general_ci
WassUp Table engine: MyISAM
Wassup Upgrade date: InconnuWordPress Version: 4.3.1
WordPress Multisite network: arrêter
WordPress Character set: UTF-8
WordPress Language: fr-FR
WordPress Cache: non défini
WordPress Allocation mémoire: 128M
WordPress Décalage horaire: UTC +1 hours (14 h 14 min)
WordPress Host Timezone: CET (UTC +01)
WordPress Serveur: Linux
WordPress Browser Client: InconnuPHP Version: 5.5.30
PHP Droit d’ouverture de fichier (open_basedir): arrêter
PHP URL File Open (allow_url_fopen): démarrer
PHP Disabled functions:
_dyuweyrj4, _dyuweyrj4r, dl
PHP Allocation mémoire: 256M
PHP Utilisation mémoire: 32.23M
PHP Limite du délai d’execution du programme: 600 secondes
PHP Explorateur de fichier (browscap): non défini
PHP Curl: installé
PHP Décalage horaire: UTC +0 hoursMySQL Version: 5.1.73-2+squeeze+build1+1-log
MySQL Storage Engine: MyISAM
MySQL Charset/collation: utf8_general_ci
MySQL Max User Connections: 30 (possibly too small)
MySQL Query Cache Allocation: 300M (possibly too big, reduces available RAM.)
MySQL Cached Query Limit: 0M
MySQL Index Buffer: 2048M (key buffer)
MySQL lire le Tampon: 12M
MySQL Delayed Insert Queue: 1 rows
MySQL Delayed Handler Timeout: 1 seconds
MySQL Attendre la fin de l’execution: 60 secondes
MySQL Fuseau horaire: SYSTEM (CET UTC 0) (may be different from PHP offset)There’s something Wrong with MYSQL (see the lines “MySQL Query Cache Allocation” and “MySQL Max User Connection”).
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Coupon not working when set to exclude sale productsHi,
My config: WordPress 2.3 + woocommerce 2.4.6
The BUG: Coupons with Email restriction doesn’t work:
Every customer can use the coupon, even if they are not in the Emails restriction list of the coupon…