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  • Thread Starter bobo8


    He, the problem is not only with my browser, other people tried to download and complained, that it didn’t work. I tried it on 4 computers (Win Xp and 7) on Opera, Firefox and IE 8. This morning I were able to download only on 1 computer!, the rest didn’t succeeded, even the small file, after clicking on a file the error page opened (File not found). It is very curios, that the behaviour alters when I didn’t change anything on my WP.

    Then I have added stats="false" and everything is working! I even returned line 34, no error. Many thanks.
    But I think that there is a problem in your download script. I understand, that it is difficult to find it when you can’t reproduce the error. I have let my test page without stats=”false” setting, if you want to test it.
    Should I change the description in my rating?

    Thread Starter bobo8


    He, when I removed this line 34, then the download of big (not only zip) files worked.
    But after last update of FA removing of the line 34 didn’t help. Now the download of bigger files doesn’t start or finishes, but then the page freezes – on IE 8 and FF last version, Win XP upgraded; on Opera it works.
    I have made testing page: test
    Then I installed WP-Filebase, there it is possible to download big files.
    Then I tried FA on another wordpress (on same webhosting) – there FA works properly ??
    If no other people have this problem, then don’t solve it, I will use WP-Filebase (but I prefer FA – it has better display…).

    The function set_time_limit() is disabled on most webhostings, thus maybe it would be handy to deal with it.

    Many thanks, now it works.

    Trifles: why in your e-mail there was:
    ALTER TABLE wp_slim_stats ADD ip_temp VARCHAR(39) DEFAULT NULL AFTER id
    In your post is correct column name

    And why you have set it to VARCHAR(39) when in previous version there was int(10)?

    Best regards

    He I have same problem.
    Linux server (webhosting)
    WordPress Version: 4.2.2
    PHP Version: 5.4.37
    MySQL Version: 5.6.12
    Web Server: Apache

    Tracker Error Code 215 Unknown column ‘other_ip’ in ‘field list’ recorded on 09-06-15 @ 06:42 pm (after the update).

    WP Slimstat is excellent plugin, thanks.

    Thread Starter bobo8


    Is there any better solution than turn off error reporting?
    As I thought, after the plugin update this error returned. I have no other trouble with my pages than with this plugin.

    But now it doesn’t download even some PDF files. It looks like it starts to download twice, after downloading the page is stuck, I have to reload it.
    I repaired it same way (I removed line 34), now it is possible to download everything, but other, described, troubles remains.

    Thread Starter bobo8


    I have off the WordPress debug – define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    I didn’t find where to turn off error reporting in File Away.
    Which error reporting do you suggest to set off?

    I have copied woocommerce plugin files only (no database) from my backup and it works. It is dirty, but fast solution.

    Thread Starter bobo8



    Then I have written a scipt for it and included it in a plugin:

    // Copy Title to Caption in attachments
    or die("Unable to select database: " . mysql_error());
    $query = "SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type= 'attachment' AND post_excerpt= ''";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) die ("Database access failed: " . mysql_error());
    $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $query = "UPDATE wp_posts SET post_excerpt=post_title WHERE post_type='attachment' AND post_excerpt=''";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) die ("Database access failed: " . mysql_error());
    echo 'Captions changed: ' . $rows;
    echo "\n"; ?>

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