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Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPI solved it. Thanks for your help Mika!
For those who want to know, a quick write-up.
1) installed a new WP install in a
2) Followed, so the root of points to wp (for now)
3) enabled network / multisite by following (put the .htaccess in the root)
4) the URLs of (only) the primary WP site don’t seem to work. Fixed it by changing the permalink format
5) added “DirectoryIndex index_static.php index.php” to the top of my .htaccess fileResult:
– points to a static site
– all subsites have the url structure, primary wp site does not work properly together / next to the static site, because of step 5. But that is fine. I use my first subsite as my primary WP site. If in the future I want to replace my static site by a WP site, I just have to undo step 5.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPI did a fresh install of WP (in a new directory). During the install, I gave a different table prefix (wp2) so it would not conflict with my first WP install (I will delete this WP install, once the new install is working properly and content has been trasfered). I did not have to do any database search & replace.
There are several strange things now
– when I visit, I see do see my new (primary) blog, including Hello World post and some other posts I have added. However, when I click on the title, I get a file not found error because the URL is incorrect
– when I add a new WP site to the network (, this problem is not there. It seems to work fine
– the subsite however cannot is not listed in the dropdown list under My Sites. It *is* listed in My Sites > Network admin > Sites, so it isn’t a big problem, just strange. Previously every subsite would be listed directly in the dropdownlist of My Sites.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPMika, do you know how I have to resolve the incorrect pingback URLs?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPI reinstalled WP in a new subdir (public_html/wordpress) and did the “trick” so points to the wp site. This works fine.
After this, I wanted to activate the multisite mode, but got stuck after completing step 4 from I am guessing because the code for the wp-config.php and .htaccess provided is not tailored for the ‘trick’ desribed above.
When I go to My Sites > Network Admin > Dashboard (or Sites), I now get a “Not Found” error. It points to in stead of How can I fix this?
ah, I think I had to put the .htaccess file in the root, not in the /wordpress folder! Only one strange thing, when I write a new blog post, the pingback refers to my old wp install ( and not to my new install ( I did give the new install a different table prefix
</edit>Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPjust to be sure before I undertake this endevor, so it IS possible what I want? If I follow option 1, I will get subsites with only one level deep URLS ( without the WP files cluttering my root (it will be installed in public_html/subdir)?
So, to what does the “no” refer to? That I cannot keep a static / non-WP site in the root? (I can live with that / will convert my statis site to a WP site)
If I follow-up on option 1 and enable multisite after the “trick”, am I free to choose either the domein-based multisite vs path-based multisite? (I think I prefer the latter)
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPHi Mika
You might me right. Perhaps reinstalling is easier. However,
– I prefer that WP doesn’t clutter my root folder, where I also have a static site. So I want to install wp in The extra network sites should however be a direct (first level) child of the root ( and Is this possible?
– for now, I would like to keep my static website which resides in the root. Can I follow the instructions on, but after copying wp’s index.php to the root, renaming it to wp_index.php?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: changing URL of multi-site WPMy WP was first a single-site install, which I converted to a path-based multi-site WP (am not sure, but a domain-based install maybe didn’t work with my shared hoster
ktrantum, if I am correct you are referring to creating an entire new wp install when you are talking about creating your own directories manually.
What I ment is
1) I already have WP installed (as a path-enabled multisite) in
2) When I go to My Sites > Network admin > Sites > Add New, I can create a WP new site. It automatically creates a path/directory like
However I don’t want it to be, but
As I understood from, it is possible that URL refers you to the directory public_html/wp_install_directory. So, your top level URL is a WP site, without that the WP files are actually in your root. I would like to achieve something similair, but now for *all* the subsites I create through the network admin interface. And actually, if possible the root of by domain should still point to my static html site.
So > static site > wp main install (public_html/blog) > a networked WP site > another networked WP site
etcIf this is really a problem, than I can convert my statis site to a WP site. Then the scenario would be > wp main install (public_html/blog) > a networked WP site > another networked WP site
etcForum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: setting up multi-site on existing subdomainp.s. I do not know if this makes a difference but
– (or should stay visible to the publiv
– can only be accessed after entering a (https) password
– can also only be accessed after entering a (https) password
(accessed = viewing blog post)
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: A better search?Same here. I am badly in need of a more sophisticated search engine. It should also be able to combine keywords (AND / + operator). It would also be nice if it could search the Category titles as well.
If someone knows some code/plug-in that could achieve this, could you send me a note to bobob21 at