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  • Forum: Developing with WordPress
    In reply to: Rest API

    Ah, I see the problem. You’re using the default permalink settings. You have two options:

    • Use one of the “pretty” permalink options (docs here), or…
    • If you want to keep the default permalink settings, manually specify the route using ?rest_route=/wp/v2/posts/(example below, more info here)

    Example of the second option:

    Assuming the following directory structure:

    • /public_html/ – where WordPress is installed
    • /public_html/protected_dir/ – the password protected directory (“protected_dir” = whatever you named the directory)

    When you create a password protected directory in cPanel, it adds a .htaccess file to that protected directory. The .htaccess most likely looks something like this:

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Example Directory Name"
    AuthUserFile "/home/example/.htpasswds/public_html/protected_dir/passwd"
    require valid-user

    Try doing the following:

    In the protected directories .htaccess file (/public_html/protected_dir/.htaccess), add ErrorDocument 401 /401.html before the existing authentication directives. Example:

    ErrorDocument 401 /401.html
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Example Directory Name"
    AuthUserFile "/home/example/.htpasswds/public_html/protected/passwd"
    require valid-user

    Now, in the main /public_html directory, create a file named 401.html. Enter whatever you’d like in the file. Something along the lines of “Password Protected Directory – Enter your username & password”.

    Does that do the trick?

    Forum: Developing with WordPress
    In reply to: Rest API

    Are you making the GET request against the path /sito2/Wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/? Or the URL for the posts endpoint (yourdomain.tld/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/)?

    WordPress doesn’t keep a log of uninstalled plugins. If you had only deactivated the plugin, it would show up under “Recently Active”, which will display plugins up to seven days after you turn it off.

    Yes, that helps, and that’s most like what was going on (Google’s cache just hadn’t updated yet).

    FWIW, I’m not seeing the coming soon language on your result as of the time of this message. (Example)

    What’s the website? What exactly are you referring to? Google’s title/description for your listing?

    Without knowing more details, all I can really tell you is Google’s cache doesn’t update automatically when you update your content. If you “turned off”, or otherwise removed/replaced the “coming soon” content, it takes some time for the Google’s cache to update.

    If this is what you’re referring to, and have Google Webmaster Tools setup, you can request a recrawl to help move things along.

    The issue is with creating a subdirectory multisite using an existing site boils down to permalinks. When you attempt to install multisite, you’ll receive a warning:

    Warning: The main site in a sub-directory installation will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.

    The issue arises when you create a new site (within the multisite) that has the same path as a page in the original site. For example:

    Once the new site is created, that site will take precedence over the original page, and the original page will no longer be accessible. (The record for the original page is still in the database under the existing site, and still accessible via wp-admin, but it can no longer be visited on the front-end.)

    If you attempt to go through with converting the existing site WordPress will not stop you, it only gives you the warning before you proceed with the install.

    The Codex gives more info on it here:

    It does say:

    This is in order to ensure you don’t have conflicts between pages (i.e. ) and sites (i.e. ). If you are confident you will not have this issue, then you can change this after you finish the initial setup.

    If you decide to try this, I strongly recommend backing up your site, creating a local copy, and testing the switch before you attempt the upgrade on your production server. I’d also test restoring your backup in the event things go awry.

    To remove all doubt, follow the recommendation of the Codex and use subdomains.

    FWIW: This hasn’t gone into effect yet. The proposition passed, but still has to make it’s way through the state’s legislature. That’s probably not happening for several months.

    Also, I think that list is generated from PHP’s timezone_identifiers_list.

    It looks like you inadvertently inserted the image inside the <h2>.

    Current mark up:

    <h2><img class="alignright" style="width: 350px; height: auto;" src="">How Kona Coffee is Graded</h2>


    <img class="alignright" style="width: 350px; height: auto;" src="">
    <h2>How Kona Coffee is Graded</h2>

    You can try it through the text tab in the editor, or you can try to remove the image in the visual editor, creating an empty line above the heading (“How Kona Coffee is Graded”), and inserting it again.

    I’m not seeing where it’s linked on the site, but I believe you’re probably looking for this:

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: HTML Code Setup

    At this point I’m just going to assume you’re talking about the vertical scroll within the iframe.

    You probably need to adjust the height of the iframe. Example:

    <iframe width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" src="" />

    Modify “600” until it reaches your desired height. And know, it will never be perfect. Especially if your theme is responsive and the visitor is on a mobile device.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: HTML Code Setup

    I tried the code you said to do and it didnt even work that way. It didnt even pull up the right information. I tried contacting the developer of the theme im using to see if they could help me but right now its just not working. Thanks for the reply

    @valorrsps – It’s directly from the code you provided. You probably need to replace the URL in the src attribute with the correct URL for your embed. I’m guessing what you provided us was an example.

    <iframe width=”100%” height=”100%” frameborder=”0″ src=”” />

    You could add those specific data attributes (data-domain & data-user) to the allowed HTML using the wp_kses_allowed_html filter. For your specific example:

    function my_allowed_html($allowed, $context) {
      $allowed['span']['data-domain'] = true;
      $allowed['span']['data-user'] = true;
      return $allowed;
    add_filter('wp_kses_allowed_html', 'my_allowed_html', 10, 2);
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: HTML Code Setup

    All you really need is the <iframe> portion. Everything else should be left out.

    <iframe width=”100%” height=”100%” frameborder=”0″ src=”” />.

    That being said, the iframe will bring in everything from the page in the source attribute ( There’s no way within WordPress to modify the page within the iframe. Perhaps that service has a way to modify the layout of page you’re trying to embed.

    @nickp87 – Timing might be bad for this. In the past you could either create a custom TinyMCE button or maybe even a custom media button.

    With the upcoming release of Gutenberg, either direction you take would no longer work once 5.0 is released assuming you upgrade (unless you use the Classic Editor plugin). Once you upgrade to 5.0, the recommended course of action would probably be to make a Gutenberg block.

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