Hey has 7. I have also been rrying to do the same.
There is no plugin at the moment that can do that (based on my research in the past 3 days).
The viable way of doing it is to create a custom page template.
For example in my case, I have created a custom page template and a dummy database TABLE in phpmyadmin under the wordpress database. The table O created has 4 columns and four rows with the first column consisting of names of persons and the other colums consists of their age, height and weight.
My basic php script that reads and prints the results from the data base is;
$data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_happy");
The print results is used because the echo command returns “array”
The challenge now is to extend the baseic code so that the user is dynamically given a response based on a choice on a given row or column.
How does your code look like so far?