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  • Thread Starter boionfire81


    Thank you! That worked.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Nope still the same.

    What I mean by does not work (listed in my third comment, or the second one above this message)




    Prints up exactly as it’s suppose to when using an item with an apostrophe in the name. I.e. Men’s T Shirt prints up with an apostrophe.





    prints up as Men & # 8 2 1 7 ; s T Shirt. (Spaces needed to display the code instead of the entity.)

    And that’s using get_the_title or the_title. Same thing with or without esc_attr or other standard php decode functions. Typecasting also doesn’t work. I’ve verified the cache is clear by adding a static value after the php code which prints and removes fine. But the php value (apostrophe/html code) does not change regardless of the static value.

    Thread Starter boionfire81



    <img?src="<?php?echo?esc_attr($url);??>"?alt="<?php?echo esc_attr(the_title());??>">


    Didn’t work. I’ve even been checking the cache is flushed. Just doesn’t make sense.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by boionfire81.
    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Yeah it’s in the theme, and yes I know about updates. It’s what keeps me from changing things alot >.<

    The theme used $post->ID so I tried that, but that was a no go.

    I decided to just use the product name with the_title(); but now I’m finding out about apostrophes. Some items are Men’s or Women’s. So the alt reads Men & # 8 2 1 7 ; s. And none of the standard php_decode functions are working. The exact same line though works great in the viewable area. But in view source code the alt tag prints up like that.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by boionfire81.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by boionfire81.
    Thread Starter boionfire81


    bcworkz I already doubled checked that ALL published product images have alt tags in the media library.

    threadi, I haven’t talked to them about this. I upgraded to their pro version awhile ago and despite the payment I decided to revert back to the free version and just let them just keep the payment. Pro version was worse than the free believe it or not. And they don’t seem to have much knowledge as to the actual code. I think they probably used a generator of some type. Design is great. But a lot of bad markup and missing code. So they keep the payment and I make things work my own way for me from here on out.

    I’ve just always preferred custom code so learning the WordPress slang, since it’s not a technical language like php, is where I’m at.

    Anyways, I located the file and the line number to add it. I’ve tested it with a static value, but I don’t know how to call the string value of the image alt tag that has been completed.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Ok. That sets it for products on backorder or not readily available. I use draft mode for products not readily available to keep them out of the catalog/website until ready. So I’m not understanding why I would need it to be today +7 days? If should be available from the date of publish until at such point it gets removed permanently. So why use today +7 days? And why is a dynamic (constantly changing) published/availability date needed? I put it for sale on 01/01/2024, not 01/08/2024 and the next day 01/09/2024, etc. This doesn’t make sense?

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    No. Once activated it says connect and immediately after clicking connect is says that error.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    So far so good. Transfer and licensing is going good. Just in the amount of time it took for everything to transfer over, then login and me to set starter rules, I had 12 attacks in that time. People like the company name, just saying. Plus I’m an a$$ and while I have time ?? I can still go over every url. Here’s the starter parts





    As you can see, I have time and I’m an a$$ about ish. But I will not lose. As you see it is very specific and the majority, as well as 2024 above is specific to the themes and plugins of each website. All though sometimes wordpress catches me off guard and throws in a /wp-json when no such file exists.

    Anyways the other part is general use, except for .com, .net, .org, etc. I’m strict to .com.

    My next is further securing the uploads to exempt any file execution, except .jpg, .jpeg, .png…..such as cgi, .exe, .js .asp My only problem lays in what plugins have what files in what directories inside the uploads folder >.< and can they change them and eff up that entire firewall. Currently my firewall is only to the top directory. My theme file is custom. I’m the only one who makes that change. I know my files and block any files that do not equal existing files. I stay to WordPress specifics, I do not deny outside of the wp-content folder. That covers wildcard page names from being affected. Although I also limited the empty file names and any programming character in the urls. 11,000+ lines. js

    Another good suggestion is finding a way to hash plugin folder names. But the problem is front end script loading would be transferable to the plugins directory. If there was a way to second hash the front end and still connect to the main plugin. An option here would be for the plugin to generate it’s own hash for the front end files, and make sure it is all loaded through the plugin side.

    And yeah, I like the company name too. That’s why I named it. Plus Google crawls almost every second. Let me just say this ish is not easy.

    I could really use some help though. It’s a bit much for me to secure a dedicated server. My education with whm is limited. And I really got to spend more time configuring functions for Cloudflare anyway.

    Oh and regarding the Cloudflare comment above, you can be whitelisted in Cloudflare through your ips to by pass any rules. Not to mention, Cloudflare blocks all countries, but america for me. So when I see France in the live traffic logs, I already know. I’ve watched their url requests closely. I have no intention of blocking very very specific files and folders on an individual basis. So I wildcard and said f* em. And sometimes they test the hell outta me with normal / 10 or more times. No…nope! I blocked all countries. Why do I see france, why do I see russia, china, etc. Nope! I am not dumb. I figure I only sell to America from America, I only wanna deal with 1 country. Not to mention customs, duties, and vat. I don’t even sell over there I’m not taking their hackers. I got enough hackers already.

    Good luck figuring out the code above. With this type of ish with wordpress I’d go custom script, but I like Wordfence. Good to know someones got their eye on the code for me when I’m sleep. Really gotta get an app for Wordfence that can blast my phone bam you are under attack.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Thank you!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Breadcrumbs
    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Thank you!

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Thank you. I will check that out.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Ok. You know how sometimes a form or whatever the case is will only accept certain data or certain types of data? i.e. you fill out a contact form, the email address has to be an email format or the server rejects it or you fill in a phone number and it has to be exactly 9/10 characters that are numeric only. Basically server side filtering data. Does Pinterest utilize that when receiving data from product feeds? i.e. If they only accept colors “Green, Red, Blue” and you use “Green & Red” or “Blue/Teal” is it rejected? Same thing with sizing. If you use 2X when what they want is “2XL” or if you use “XXL” and they want “2X”. Is this a thing with those fields? Some fields only accept specific values, i.e. “yes” or “no” to properly categorize the product. So this would play a factor in the acceptance or rejection of the product in the product feed.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    Just an update, I’ve had 0 issues with compatibility using Inmotion. Guess hostinger was wrong/lied about their portion.

    Thread Starter boionfire81


    The answer is Wordfence. They don’t mix well with the majority of user management plugins. It has to do with their login security area using reCAPTCHA. The response from Google isn’t applied during the login/registration process. I’m hoping to find a filter or hook that will keep it from loading on unwanted pages. I’d remove their reCAPTCHA portion entirely if it wasn’t for the woocommerce checkout page/login during checkout. Anyways, I’ll continue to search and possible hire a developer who is willing to take on the task. Thank you!

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