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  • Thread Starter bortraws


    Hi Bas,

    I’m so sorry. You’re absolutely right. I’m not using your plug-in and I feel very stupid for writing in a support forum of the completely wrong plugin (yours). Which is unfortunately named exactly the same as the one from another developer except from one tiny detail, yours uses the word invoice in plural.

    Thank you for your offer. I will first try to make the correct developer give us support.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter bortraws


    At this moment we’re using Sensei by Woocommerce that has support for tests and certificates build-in.

    But the QMN plug-in is definitely getting better. The developer is really listening to its users. I just miss some important features to be able to use QMN at this moment but I have good faith the plug-in will get there eventually. It all depend son your needs.

    Hi Frank,

    Great plug-in. I would love to see the following features:

    1. <div> or <span> tag with a class around the question number and question text for more flexibility in styling (like say a box around the question but not the answers).

    2. An overview of all question numbers at the top of the test. These should be buttons and allow you to jump straight to a specific question. The color of the button depicts whether the question has received an answer yet. This way the person doing the test knows which questions are still unanswered. In my opinion the color should NOT indicate whether the question was answered correctly. Although that could be an option that one could switch on or off in the settings.

    3. The clock should start counting when the first question comes into view. The introductory text at the beginning could then be used for test instructions. When the person clicks a button ‘start the test‘ (currently the ‘next‘ button) he or she sees the first question and the clock starts running. This means the ‘next‘ button on the first view of the test should preferrably be customizable.

    4. Have a passing percentage so that someone passes after answering a specifiable percentage of questions correct.

    5. If 4 gets implemented I would like to see an e-mail layout that can change according to the results. So preferrably a passed lay-out and a failed lay-out.

    6. More and better styling options for the certificate.

    I wouldn’t mind paying an extra fee for implementation of these features .

    One question. Would the styles still work and overrule the default styles if I added them to the child-theme’s ‘styles.css’ file? This would be a lot handier as I can then edit the styles in my favorite editor. The workflow of changing the layout becomes much faster then when working inside the Dashboard of the plug-in.

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