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  • Oh sorry I didn’t see that someone posted to this already
    From what I gathered from bad behaviors website it stops bots from commenting, which in our case they aren’t, just getting through captcha and registering
    I deleted 25 this morning and after activating reCaptcha there were four more this afternoon.
    site is https://outfitnm(dot)com

    we think this may be something to do with the shared registration between bbpress and wordpress
    Brian Rodgers

    Same as me though
    anyone figure this out?
    In between deactivating Sabre and installing a new Captcha they were still able to register
    Brian Rodgers



    Is it me or is every comment on the Internet about BotProof a bright and shinny company line?
    Where are the FAQa? Where is any dissenting opinions? I’m only asking because I have been looking for any information about trouble shooting Bot Proof for two weeks and it still won’t run on my Word Press 2.7.1. No place can I find anything useful, sigh. I’m about to deactivate it for the fifth time because it still isn’t working. A few days ago I got a “2” next to the plugins heading under admin dashboard, Further digging showed an update to bot proof, I deactivated Sabre again then “activate” automatically updated Bot Proof, copied and pasted the public and private fields again. Still nada, No information to be found about what any of the fields mean at the bot proof site.
    Anyone got any idea what is going on?
    I want to get back to using Word Press for writing and forget about all these bot registrations
    Brian Rodgers

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