Bryan Petty
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] GDPRIt doesn’t use cookies at all, and doesn’t collect any personal information (really, it doesn’t collect *any* information at all).
It stores your preferences of font, syntax highlight theme, and other editor settings in local browser storage, and never transmits any of those settings anywhere outside of your browser.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Having a theme by default.The last theme you selected is saved in your browser’s local storage (assuming your browser supports local storage, most do), and will automatically be selected for every following file you edit. You might need to re-select your preferred theme if you move to a new computer, or use a different browser, but this usually covers most people fine.
This is also the case with all other settings provided above the editor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Color scheme don't work on 2.3.0This should hopefully be fixed in the latest release now (2.3.1).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Color scheme don't work on 2.3.0Have you tried a hard-refresh, or clearing your browser cache? Is there any errors or warnings in the Javascript console in your browser?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Issues with ChromeI’ve changed the way the JavaScript assets and modules are loaded in the latest release. It should help resolve your issue. Let me know if it continues to be a problem in 2.3.0+.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Sucuri found an exploit in the pluginSucuri mis-diagnosed the file, this is a false positive match. The first indication of this is that it thinks it found a PHP exploit in a JavaScript file. Second, they’ve confirmed this false positive in other plugins that use the ACE editor like this one:
2. would contact Sucuri for a fix.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Must haveThanks for the review, and I agree with both vertical resizing and fullscreen support. Might manage to get both added eventually.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] invalid header error in wordpress 4.0I think I figured out why this is occasionally happening. The latest release somehow managed to duplicate the development branch release along with the latest stable tag, so there were two copies of the plugin in the latest release.
I’ve removed the duplicate copy now. I was able to finally reproduce the problem, and it no longer appears to be an issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] invalid header error in wordpress 4.0Invalid header errors is a symptom of having ‘display_errors’ turned on in your PHP configuration, and either WordPress or the plugin generated an error before displaying the page. That’s normal, but I really can’t help unless you can show me the actual error, or you give me more details about your configuration like version of PHP, WordPress version, and I’m able to reproduce it.
Also please note that the plugin was never designed to replace the page and post editors, just the theme and plugin editors. Also see: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] invalid header error in wordpress 4.0Could you please explain how and where you’ve seen this error?
What were you doing?
What page were you on?
Any other plugins installed?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] add a "Beautify" Option?I just pushed an update that includes a very experimental, and frankly still unusable beautify feature built into the ACE editor. For what it’s worth though, this seems to hint that this feature could become a reality in a future update.
If you’re interested in pushing this feature forward, consider getting involved in the ACE editor project where it’s being developed: now it only formats PHP code, not CSS or anything else. Also, it’s default key binding that provides access is not ideal since every browser already ties to that keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+B).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] Can code editor window be resized?That’s actually the ideal choice. I highly recommend everyone find a better code editor if you’re spending a lot of time in the built-in editors. This plugin is just meant to make life a little easier for those occasional minor changes you feel safe with making live. Everything else should be developed offline.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] What are all the quick keys like Ctrl f and Ctrl l?Also note that any settings changed in that window don’t currently persist between edits unfortunately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better File Editor] What are all the quick keys like Ctrl f and Ctrl l?They all come from the ACE editor defaults: I have exposed a few settings right above the editor (for what I felt might be the most useful), it’s always fun to explore some of the rest I haven’t in the settings menu (Ctrl+,). Not all of them will be relevant to the plugin/theme editors, and not everything is implemented properly, but most will work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disable Post Locking] Plugin broken on wordpress updateCan you provide any further details like what plugins you might also have installed? The latest version of the plugin seems to work fine with 3.8.2 and also in the latest development version of WordPress (3.9 RC1).