Forum Replies Created

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  • Plugin Author bp-help


    The plugin is no longer offered or supported on and I have already requested that any instances of it be removed. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    The plugin is no longer offered or supported on and I have already requested that any instances of it be removed. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    The plugin is no longer offered or supported on and I have already requested that any instances of it be removed. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    The plugin is no longer offered or supported on and I have already requested that any instances of it be removed. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    The plugin is no longer offered or supported on and I have already requested that any instances of it be removed. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    Beginning at line 8 of private-bp-pages.php you would simply comment out this section:

    || bp_is_groups_component() || bp_is_group_forum() || bbp_is_single_forum() || bbp_is_single_topic() || bp_is_forums_component()

    So that it appears like this:

    /*|| bp_is_groups_component() || bp_is_group_forum() || bbp_is_single_forum() || bbp_is_single_topic() || bp_is_forums_component()*/

    That should unblock your forums as well as groups assuming you have groups. Let me know if that worked for you.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    It is going to block everything except the pages you set in the dashboard settings of the plugin. This plugin is meant to build private communities not make everything private but allow google to crawl all over the pages it protects because that would totally negate the reason for using the plugin and it would basically let people browsing your directory to see things they shouldn’t. Unless I am misunderstanding you please let me know.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    Your not a potential customer because you are a freeloader and I gave you the premium version of my plugin free of charge because all you do is whine about paying for plugins! Your good name lol your name is worth as much as the toilet paper that wiped your arse! Your a cheapskate loser period that thinks everything should be free. I am not the only developer that offers lite versions of plugins on the WordPress repository. That is mine and every other developers right to do and in your email you call that “sketchy” and “unscrupulous” seriously? Are you that much of a cheapskate pal? You obviously misread the plugin guide lines because according to this:

    5.) Trialware is not allowed in the repository. It’s perfectly fine to attempt to upsell the user on other products and features, but a) not in an annoying manner and b) not by disabling functionality after some time period. Similarly, you cannot “cripple” functionality in the plugin and then ask for payment or provide a code to unlock the functionality. All code hosted by servers must be free and fully-functional. If you want to sell advanced features for a plugin (such as a “pro” version), then you must sell and serve that code from your own site, we will not host it on our servers.

    I am in full compliance because I don’t sell the premium version here. You are really just making yourself look like a complete uninformed cheapskate arse pal! I do hope others take note of what a true cheapskate jerk you really are that just wants a free ride in life! Your free ride is over with me pal because neither me or any other developer owes you nothing you condescending jerk! If your skin is so thin that you can’t take constructive criticism of your crummy cheapskate personality then don’t let the door slam your arse on the way out!

    Plugin Author bp-help


    This cheapskate sent me an email and this is an excerpt from it:

    It also seems to me that you are using the WordPress free plugin repository to promote your premium plugin, which is becoming more and more the case with plugin developers here. But hey, I’m not responsible for how plugin developers get to market their wares here… all I can do is point out what I see as sketchy, if not unscrupulous claims about what is being offered on a free plugin repository. You promote your plugin on a free repository, then castigate users for complaining about abuse by premium plugin developers.

    I sent this cheapskate the premium version of the plugin free of charge and didn’t even get a thank you. As you can tell his agenda is clear from the email as well as if you look back at his history of forum topics as well as replies. He hates paying for plugins so he is a total cheapskate and I advise everyone to avoid this guy! His reviews should all be deleted because they don’t count unless you give him what he wants for FREE. By the way cheapskate what makes you think anyone owes you anything just because they have plugins on the WordPress repo? Your a cheapskate and my point is proven by your email. Goodbye cheapskate LOSER!

    Plugin Author bp-help


    You said

    “My review of this plug-in was not hostile and those who follow will see what kind of temperament they will have to deal with if they ever need support from the developer. I’ve never resorted to ad hominem attacks to make my point.”

    I hate to bring this up again but I noticed this statement and the problem YOU have here is the exact same thing I have told you from the start. YOU DIDN’T ASK FOR SUPPORT PERIOD! You only gave a negative review. If you payed attention to the support forums I have a good track record of resolving issues without any hostility. Just to reiterate that you totally approached the review the wrong way you should read this article:

    Plugin Author bp-help


    You are totally missing the point. The point is you should ALWAYS request support first on the support forum before leaving a negative review because you are not even giving developers the chance to help you out before you show negativity. I am not being hostile towards you either I am simply stating you show a pattern of wanting things for free and showing negativity in many support threads when it involves premium plugins instead of giving someone a chance to help because you expect it all for free. I don’t have anything to do with WordPress or BuddyPress core development just so you know that my premium plugins is the only source of income I have so if it seems like I have thin skin I am sure you can understand why now. Just this one time I am going to give you the premium plugin for free just because I feel you really need to think about your review process and hopefully my generosity will persuade you to ALWAYS ask for support first before posting a negative review. Contact me via my site here:
    And I will gladly send the premium version of the plugin this one time free of charge so that maybe you will think a bit before posting negative reviews in the future before at least giving a developer a chance by asking for support in the first place. The bottom line is your review was not fair and no matter how you try to justify it you was wrong to approach it that way. Cheers!

    Plugin Author bp-help


    Furthermore I noticed on several other plugin threads that you constantly complain about paying for premium versions of plugins so it makes you appear to be a troll as well as a cheapskate. When it comes to premium plugins what makes you think you are entitled to test out a plugin before paying for it when others have purchased it? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it doesn’t work that way when it comes to software. I hope the moderators take notice of the consistent negative behavior you display in not just reviews but other plugin forums because I personally think you should lose your privilege to post reviews until you open a support thread first. Lesson here is it is ALWAYS the best policy to open a support thread first before posting a negative review.

    Plugin Author bp-help


    A nasty troll writes negative reviews before opening a support thread and getting help. If your that incapable of changing a single line of code via copy and paste to make it suit your needs then you need to just stop using WordPress/BuddyPress for a while and learn how to write code because nothing will ever be to your satisfaction because you don’t even have the skills necessary to modify a single line of code via copy and paste which is nothing but you being lazy. It is very discouraging for developers that provide the community a free product when you give negative reviews first before giving the developer a chance to help you out. Why not just test it and if it doesn’t work for your situation then move on. You are now banished to the Hall of Shame as a negative review troll so good luck getting future support!

    Plugin Author bp-help


    Before giving negative reviews you should have asked for support on the support forum first because it makes you look like a negative troll. If you had asked me there I would have pointed you to the below support thread in which @shirleyl provided a work around for unblocking the home page without having to buy the plugin. Either way I hope this helps. Good luck!

    Plugin Author bp-help


    This is exactly why on the plugins description it says to read the F.A.Q. if you read it you will see how to resolve your issue.
    Good luck!

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