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OK. That’s disappointing but I appreciate the clarification.
My workaround had been to set a fixed Width (540) while leaving Height field blank. Just now I tried again setting Height to 540 with Width blank in one of the Simple Portfolio galleries.
I did the HTML Cache and CSS Cache clear in FooGallery settings, as well as doing Clear Thumbnail Cache from the gallery edit screen just in case. I also cleared my SiteGround optimization site cache.
Then I cleared the browsing history from my Chrome brower and re-loaded the page with that gallery. Still getting the thin, white vertical bars instead of images.
So I went back to Width 540 and Height blank and the site is completely usable with that setup, it’s just not the ideal way I’d prefer to see the images laid out.
I created a test page with the not-working settings if you’d like to take a look at what’s happening.
Simple Portfolio with Width blank and Height 540, having 16 images of various sizes, test page: Portfolio with Width 540 and Height blank, same 16 images, this is the live page: didn’t exactly solve the problem but found a workaround.
My Simple Portfolios have a Height specified (540 pixels) but no Width. I wanted them all to be the same height and let the width vary depending on the aspect ratio of the image.
Not specifying a Width in Simple Porfolio apparently no longer works in 1.8.11 and 1.8.12 like it did in 1.8.8 and previous versions.
For the time being I specified a fixed width of 540 pixels, with no Height specified, and my image thumbnails are displaying properly.
I’m using the “Internet Explorer Support” so my Accordions will work on Microsoft Edge (my everyday browser). The fix-up Works great, doesn’t mobile or Chrome at all and fixes the Microsoft problem, thanks!
Tiny, nitpicky question. In “closed” position, I’m seeing a little right-pointing arrow that is bright blue (unlike the downward-pointing arrow which is a normal black one). Trying to figure out if that’s something specific to my setup or if the design is for that arrow to be blue.
I think the Coblocks code is using \u25b6 for “closed” and \u25bc for “open” Accordion. Those are supposed to be right and down pointing black triangles. I used some CSS to change the codes to \u25b7 and \u25bd so now I’m getting black outline triangles instead, which is fine by me. Just trying to figure out where that blue one is coming from.
P.S. I had to use the dreaded “!important” on my CSS to force my change of codes: details > summary::before {
content: “\25b7” !important;
} details[open] > summary::before {
content: “\25bd” !important;
}OK, my mistake. I now see what the issue is with Gutenberg.
I already had my site built with featured images on page. The only thing I wanted was to turn them off within the page but leave them showing on the parent page thumbnails. So I turned on the “Conditionally…” plugin and voila it worked great!
But if I go back and add new pages, change the featured images, etc. then this plugin messes up the featured image meta box. D’oh!
The workaround is to disable the plugin whenever making changes to featured images or adding pages, then re-enable it. Not really ideal but I like the functionality enough that I’m OK with the workaround…and I don’t add new pages or new featured images very often anyway.
My issue was quickly solved by SiteGround support. Wasn’t actually the Minify CSS at all.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by brenthutto.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by brenthutto.
This was my first time enabling HTTPS so I may not remember the sequence exactly. But yes, I used the SG Optimizer “Enable HTTPS” setting to do it, although I think first I had to set my Let’s Encrypt to be a Wildcard.
After having problems I did go back and turn on the “Fix Insecure Content” setting but I may have tried a couple other things before that, can’t remember for sure.
I was still getting something like 17 of the red-flagged (in Chrome’s Inspect Elements) HTTP references in font-loading requests. I was going to try a different plugin for fixing insecure content but when I turned off SG Optimizer those warnings went away.
That’s when I turned SG Optimizer back on and tried flipping each setting on and off until I identified that Minify CSS Files was the one causing the mixed content.
What means the warning “does not work with Gutenberg”? I have WP 5.0.3 and use the Gutenberg editor to create my website. This plugin seems to work fine, the check box shows up in the page editing meta box and when I check it the feature image no longer shows up in the page (but still shows up on page-list links, etc).
Perhaps the plugin has been updated and that warning is no longer needed? Or is there something about working with Gutenberg that I’m overlooking?