Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iQ Block Country] IP Blacklisted from wrong countryThis IP is being blocked. IP search tool does identify it as Canada, but it is blocked. hmm
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quotes Collection] Not Refreshing/Next Quote not WorkingI am having a similar issue in ie10, next quote not working. This is a big problem ??
please look at the homepage
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quotes Collection] Feature request: Ability to reorder quotesI love the plugin but this is a major pain. drag ‘n’ drop re-ordering or weight would be a big improvement.
For example, client keeps sending new testimonials, but they want their favorite testimonial also to show first… ??
PS. Noticed that you can now use more HTML element, nice!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox Plus Colorbox] Opening Youtube in Lightbox?Here is how i got it to work
1) Initialize secondary lightbox
2) Set your size, position (I found that I had to use fixed position for it to work correctly)
3)Under “Other” tab check iframe and create a “Secondary Class Name”The link format must be (if secondary class is “youtube”):
<a href="" class="youtube" rel="lightbox[secondary-demo]" title="">link or image goes here</a>
The notice the URL structure /embed/ this is different from the page URL or the share link URL.
The usage tab says
<a title="The Known Universe" class="lbpModal" href="">YouTube Flash / Video (Iframe/Direct Link To YouTube Video)</a>
But that doesn’t work, at least the way I tried.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox Plus Colorbox] image link to youtube video not workingLook at the usage tab. you need to use the embed link
For YouTube videos to load you cannot use the share link which looks like this: However you can get the required link from the embed option that you get from YouTube. The embed links look like this: <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>. You will need to copy the URL (in this case: and create your link as follows:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hostgator New IP Server MigrationYes, they eventually got it working. It was a hosting issue. Hostgator is usually pretty quick to respond to problems. I think it ended up taking a couple hours before it was completely resolved.
Advanced Custom Fields can sometimes trigger this behavior, not sure why. But I deactivated all plugins then logged in with IE9, once I edit a post and have the visual editor selected, I can then go back and use Firefox or Chrome.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in" "post.php on line 3588"much love to Brassrazoo!
I would suggest using a text link with a class attached for easy styling. Maybe in the options panel you could select:
- Define link text
- Placement: above or below testimonial
- Upload a image for a button to replace the text.
Please fix this plugin. When items are deleted they still appear in the database and still redirect!
What a pain!
Thanks for you quick response. Sending some beer your way. I encourage others to do the same.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Move] [Plugin: WordPress Move] Backup Files not FoundYes, you must set the remote backup path to:
otherwise the files won’t be found. I think it would be better if you could choose the backup location. As this directory is public! and you could have your backups downloaded by anyone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [More Taxonomies] [Plugin: More Taxonomies] Get TermsI am using this code below on another website to filter custom posts types in the admin. It is using a different Taxonomy plugin and works fine. I followed the suggestions to turn on queries and use the slug but to no avail. I also had using querying terms on the front end with this plugin. Something isn’t working right for sure.
function todo_restrict_manage_posts() { global $typenow; $args=array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $post_types = get_post_types($args); if ( in_array($typenow, $post_types) ) { $filters = get_object_taxonomies($typenow); foreach ($filters as $tax_slug) { $tax_obj = get_taxonomy($tax_slug); wp_dropdown_categories(array( 'show_option_all' => __('Show All '.$tax_obj->label ), 'taxonomy' => $tax_slug, 'name' => $tax_obj->name, 'orderby' => 'term_order', 'selected' => $_GET[$tax_obj->query_var], 'hierarchical' => $tax_obj->hierarchical, 'show_count' => false, 'hide_empty' => true )); } } } function todo_convert_restrict($query) { global $pagenow; global $typenow; if ($pagenow=='edit.php') { $filters = get_object_taxonomies($typenow); foreach ($filters as $tax_slug) { $var = &$query->query_vars[$tax_slug]; if ( isset($var) ) { $term = get_term_by('id',$var,$tax_slug); $var = $term->slug; } } } return $query; } add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', 'todo_restrict_manage_posts' ); add_filter('parse_query','todo_convert_restrict');
I am having the same issue. I will save my content. preview the page and then edit another page, then go back to the first page to make a change and the main content tab will be empty.
However it doesn’t always happen, so it is hard to pin point how to reproduce the bug.
I did the same thing! Need to change the names! Too similar LOL