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  • Thanks for the post, been pulling my hair out trying to get this to work.

    Thread Starter brian7997


    Here is a link to my page

    Here is my calendar shortcode:

    [my_calendar_upcoming before="3" after="3" type="event" template="<div style='border:solid {color} 4px;padding:10px;margin-bottom:2px;'><span class='eventname'>{link_title} ( {category} )</span><div style='float:right;clear:right;'><span class='thelocation'> <strong style='display:block;margin-top:5px;'>LOCATION:</strong> {location} <br />{street} <br /> {state}, {postcode} <span class='themaplink'>{link_map}</span></div><span class='eventdate'><strong>DATE:</strong> {date} to {enddate}</span> <span class='thedescription'>{description}</span><strong>LINK:</strong><a href='{link}'>GROUP/EVENT WEBSITE</a></div> "]

    If you would like the whole page let me know. I was able to determine that the link template tag inside quotes was causing the issue. `<a

    Example ‘fixed’ is the same except the the {link} template take is not used inside an anchor tag.

    I am having a similar issue, actually the exact same error. I am wondering if there is a plugin conflict? I have deleted the files and deleted the database tables, but still gives an error

    from my research this is caused by IE cleartype this cause the text to be rendered without the nice smooth edges. The link above has a solution, but this would require altering the plugin files.

    Heee hee hee. HA!

    Yeah it is a firebug thing. Everything works fine if I turn off firebug, I am just curious why it is triggering firebug?
    “convertEntities is not defined” I guess it is an error just not one that effect the website?

    yeah I’m one of those idiots. Anyone can register was disabled. The thing that hung me up was that I figured the login plugin would work without “anyone can register” enabled. It seems that you should be able to login with SFC without needing anyone to register enabled? Maybe it has to be done that way for a reason? It is probably a small minority of people that would use it that way given the purpose of the plugin.

    Some really basic documentation would save a lot a support time I think.

    Dont forget :



    function restoreText(field) {
    	if (field.value == '') field.value = field.defaultValue;
    Thread Starter brian7997


    I am using firefox 3.6.6 with firebug add-on on Windows 7. I may try disabling firebug. Advanced Excerpt, Akismet, Contact Form 7, Google XML Sitemaps, List category posts, Simple Facebook Connect – Base, Register, Login, Connect, SimplePie Core, Simple Tags, Simply Show IDs, Viper’s Video Quicktags, WordPress Importer, Zemanta.

    I had hide wp dashboard installed but I deactivated to see if that was the problem.

    I will go through and deactive one by one and see if I can find a conflict.

    I notice that contact 7 is the only plugin that adds an admin panel, so I will start there.

    Would it be possible to get a file with hide menu disabled?

    Thanks for all your hard work! The theme is really top notch!

    Thread Starter brian7997


    I would love if there was like a color picker or hex color input. That would be just one more cherry for these theme. Maybe base, highlight, accent? 3 colors? Is that greedy?

    BTW: How does one add those color schemes that are on the profile? Anyone got a link to a tutorial, I am just to lazy to google lol. And can you force the color scheme? I know how to hide the option on the profile so I don’t need that. Am I getting off topic? Sorry.

    I have the same issue. I thought that if the register and login were installed it would create a WP user and connect it with FB automatically. IE allowing a user to register with FB credentials.

    If you create a user and then login go to the profile and you can manual connect the accounts. This isn’t the functionality I wanted but it is the only thing I can seem to get it working.

    I would expect that if you are logged into FB you should be logged into WP or at least use the connect button to log in without without entering credentials however I have not been able to it to work this way.

    Otto seems very good at responding to support questions but documentation seems like; no jab at Otto just an observation.

    Thread Starter brian7997


    I figured out what is was.

    add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'twentyten_page_menu_args' );

    in functions.php

    I am not sure how or why, but it was overriding my args.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Page Content Template?
    Thread Starter brian7997


    What I would love to see is an easy way to create form inputs for the page edit.
    So the plugin Admin would have this type of functionality
    1. Create new page content template
    2. Add Content Fields (repeat as needed)
    2.1 Name Content
    2.2 Define Before = <h3 class=”example”>
    2.3 Define After = </h3>
    2.4 Type = image (pulls image tool) once only, multiple (for <p> and sub headers)
    3. Save

    Then when creating a page there would be a menu of templates that would then reload the page with the appropriate form. Form elements that can be reused would have a add another button. Images would have a select file button. Text could have a text tools b,i,bullets ect.

    Doesn’t seem that complicate. LOL I know this is sort of what custom fields is for but that is kinda wonky for most Lay folks. Heck trying to get a client to figure out the absolute path of a picture is asking a lot!



    Me too



    I have a few requirements: WIDGET!
    1. Localized widget to specific category pages (solved with “Widget Locationizer” plugin)
    2. Show Tags only from posts of specified category

    Is there an easy way to modify the either the simple tag plugin or default tag cloud widget to filter my category?

    Get Tags specific to Category: you can get it by installing Simple Tags plugin and calling st_tag_cloud(‘category=YOUR_CAT_ID’) on your category pages.

    FYI: Also tried this and didn’t filter the categories FYI.

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