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  • We have the same problem, so joining the conversation so we can see when the fix is made available.


    Thread Starter Brian


    Hi Dipak,

    Yes did that and the visual builder is working again now.



    My client experienced this problem on her site i.e. instead of opening pages she got exactly the message above on whatever page or post she tried to visit.

    It was corrected by deleting the plugin via Cpanel’s file manager. I have not re-installed the plugin since but now have multiple posts with short code displaying instead of an email address that is supposed to be encoded.

    Obviously the quick way to resolve that problem is to re-install the plugin, but I cannot do that without knowing if this problem has been fixed or not.

    Could someone advise if this issue has now been resolved please?

    I think the main thing is that when the Database goes wrong, it is so easy to fix it. Going through CPanel into the database module and clicking on repair puts it right in seconds. WP or Database, doesn’t really matter to me, I am now agreeing it is a Database problem, but as stated very easily fixed.

    I think this one should be marked as solved.

    Just wanted to add that I lost another blog completely, so there must be something going on with WordPress 3.2.1. Two blogs completely disappeared and this time I wasn’t even updating, that last time I went on it was to do a back up after my previous experience.

    The good news is that I went into mySQL through CPanel and clicked on repair database and all my blog posts were immediately reinstated. So that really does work.

    There is a ‘repair database’ button on the MySQL control panel in CPanel. Someone on the other thread said they fixed the problem they had like this by using that.

    Too late for me I already did it the hard way, but worth a try for anyone that hasn’t managed to get their posts back.

    Hi all, I am pretty sure that the user admin rights were corrupted when this happened to me. Why I say that is because when all my posts disappeared, I tried to reload them from a back up and that didn’t work either. Then I tried to add a new post manually to see what happened and I got the ‘you cannot edit this post’ message.

    I was lucky in that most of my blog had been recently transferred over from blogger and I left blogger live when I did it.

    I wasn’t sure how to fix the database so I was in a position where I couldn’t reimport my blog posts from blogger or add any new posts manually. What I did was to, grab as much information that was left in my blog as possible, the theme I used, plugin lists, widgets etc. etc. Then I removed WordPress using CPanel and after that I reinstalled WordPress again. Once I had done that I tried to import from Blogger, and yes now it worked.

    I then found the cache version of my blog by typing in cache: into Google search. I was really lucky in that all my latest missing posts were there in the cache version. I quickly copied them all into a word processor including all the links and images I had used in the posts.

    I set about putting my blog back together and after about 4 hours work I had re-instated my blog. Lesson learned is back up your blog regularly and also create a back up of your database using CPanel, then if it becomes corrupted you can re-install it.

    Clearly if someone knows how to clear out a corrupt user profile for the admin from the database and then put it back properly, that could well solve the problem.

    It would also be good if someone could describe how to check if the posts are actually still there or have been deleted. That way you might have a chance of recovering them.

    Lastly, I guess you could do the same as me, but it was a lot of work and of course I did have most of my blog backed up. Hope that helps.

    I have an own domain hosted WordPress blog version 3.2.1. I made a minor change to a post this morning and when I clicked ‘update’ every single post in the blog disappeared.

    I didn’t panic I thought there was no problem and I tried to restore it from a back up. First I tried to grab all the information from Blogger because I used to host it there and just left it live when I moved it across. That didn’t work although it seemed to. Then I remembered I had an xml version of the blog. So I installed the RSS import plugin and tried from there, it said I was successful but when I looked, still no posts.

    Then I tried to create a new post manually and it said

    You are not allowed to edit this post

    , even though I was logged in as administrator.

    After reading this I think it may be the clue. Anyone think this is a related problem?

    I also did have a weird thing happen to me when I was editing another blog, some message saying the Matrix has got me and to follow the white rabbit, but I have not seen that on the blog with the disappearing posts and later read that it was a harmless trick. I am starting to think there is a bit more to it than that or am I just being paranoid.

    I also have this problem, I am using someone else’s free template and they have a page set up for each of 3 ads sizes where you can place your code for the ads and they were showing fine until I used widgets to organise my sidebar and then they stopped showing.

    I used an ads widget to place adsense in the sidebar to overcome the problem and then I had the same problem with that. It shows on my extra pages (about me for example)and single posts but does not show on my main home page with multiple posts.

    The previous theme I used did the same thing as well so I don’t think it is anything to do with the theme I am using. The blog is A Good Time is Blog Time

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