WordPress SEO by Yoast broke some functionality on my e-commerce site as well. The My Account page links don’t work, so once a user is logged in, the following links don’t work: “edit your password and account details,” “edit” your Billing Address and “edit” your “Shipping Address.”
All plugins, themes and WordPress version are up to date. I originally thought it was a WooCommerce issue, but when I disabled WordPress SEO by Yoast, the problem was solved.
My client purchased the WooCommerce SEO extension, thinking it would solve the problem since surely the WooCommerce extension is compatible with WooCommerce, but it requires WordPress SEO by Yoast to be activated, which breaks the functionality.
Please help. And if you cannot solve this, can my client get a refund for the $119 WooCommerce plugin package he just purchased?