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  • Thread Starter brittgamil


    In addition I have done a fresh manual re-install of wordpress… And am still having the same problems.

    One thing I didn’t state previously, was that from a visitor’s perspective the website looks fine. It’s the backend that has the problems listed above

    It looks like maybe a menu is showing up under your header image. You can try to go to Appearances ? Menus.

    If you see the “garbage” listed in there you can delete it. For more tips/instructions on working with menus check out:

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    After doing a little more research I added

    define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );

    to my WP-config file at the end of the list of Authentication Unique Keys. It looks like things are back working




    Here are a few answers for you :

    1. In the bottom of the theme I’m using it says ” theme designed by blabla – powered by wordpress “

    Usually Free themes usually ask/require that you keep the creators name in the footer. If you were to remove it, most likely it is in the footer.php file. Before doing that you should look to see if the theme creator has set any rules about that… they would either be written in a readme text file that came with your theme or in the style.css file.

    How can I remove this :S ? It doesn’t look professional :(.

    Chances are the designer doesn’t want his work to be used without credit, so you may want to purchase a theme that wouldn’t have that sort of information in the footer. Maybe check out

    2. Can anyone suggest me a really good ( FAST ) webhost please ?
    Something that can support 5000 unique visitors a day.
    ( Is Bluehost good enough, or do I need a better one ?)

    My personal Favorite is ICDSoft

    3. How can I add Google Ads in my website ?
    I tried to do it by making a post and putting the code over there, but that doesn’t work. All I see is the code when I view the site and not the Ad.
    – Can I put Google Ads wherever I want to ?

    When you put code into a post/page make sure you add it using the HTML editor not the visual Editor. I don’t use Google Ads, but chances are you could probably put in in one of your php files in your theme such as sidebar.php

    4. When you turn ” comments off” the visitor of the website can see on the right side of the template ” Comments off “, how can I remove this text ?

    That is part of your theme… You would have to edit it out of the index.php file, single.php, and maybe category.php…

    6. If I buy a theme from Elegant Themes, can I remove the “Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress” in the bottom of the page ?

    That would depend on the usage agreement that Elegant themes has

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    I was able to get the code to work with a change in the arguments. The reason that it wasn’t working was that the $Category_ID didn’t bring in any information

    This does work:

    <?php if(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Category_ID', true)
         ): ?>    
          'showposts' => 5,
        'cat' => get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Category_ID', true)
        $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
        if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
          while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
    <div class="child-thumb">
    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>
            <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></p>
        } //if ($my_query)
    <?php wp_reset_query() ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    I changed $Category_ID to calling the actual content from my custom field by using get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Category_ID', true)

    I had a similar issue a few months ago. IN my case a blank index.html was placed in my directory so when I tried to view my site it directed to that file rather than the WP files

    Here is the thread of help I received

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    Okay I’ve figured it out… Hopefully this will help someone else. I used this code and edited it for the Get_the_post_thumbnail

    This lists my child pages with their feature image thumbnail INSIDE THE LOOP of the page

    $child_pages = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT *    FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = ".$post->ID."    AND post_type = 'page' ORDER BY menu_order", 'OBJECT');    ?>
    <?php if ( $child_pages ) : foreach ( $child_pages as $pageChild ) : setup_postdata( $pageChild ); ?>
    <div class="child-thumb">
      <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($page->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>
     <a href="<?php echo  get_permalink($pageChild->ID); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php echo $pageChild->post_title; ?>"><?php echo $pageChild->post_title; ?></a>
    <?php endforeach; endif;

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    I discovered my issue. The problem was that someone else who had access to my server accidently moved an empty index.html file to the www folder.

    After deleting that, all is back and well in the world of SPARKcon.

    Thanks for the help.


    have you tried to open up your functions.php file in a text editor and look at line 647 to see if there is an extra bracket “{” there?

    Add this to your styles.css file at the bottom


    you can further customize the style between the brackets. This link is a good reference

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    Maybe the issues is in the .htaccess file? if it makes since that that could be the issue, what should that file say?

    Thanks for all of the help and attention!

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    There is a plugin on that page that I have determined is not the issue.

    Since the page shows up when you view it at it’s full url
    I think that the issue must have something to do with the action of calling a page as the front page.

    Under the reading settings in the back-end if I change the front page displays to “Your latest posts” the homepage still loads as blank

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    Any other suggestions?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Line 32

    Line 32 refers to your functions.php file which is part of your theme.

    In the backend of your site go to Appearance > Editor and select the functions.php file.

    The error is in the 32nd line of this file. If you recently edited this file/deleted a function… that could be why you are receiving that error.

    Thread Starter brittgamil


    nope that doesn’t work

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