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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF Front End Editor] Edit fields with no existing valuesok, if it’s any help, i found a quick way around it, no idea if it’ll break anything though ….
file — acf-fee/public/class-acf-front-end-editor-public.php
line 99, remove ” || $value == ” ”
i’ve tested it and it seems ok.
thanks for quick response
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CYAN Backup] Backup procedure loops, will not stopHi Greg,
I don’t want to say with certainty about ‘when’ it starts, after installation and activation, I’d go directly to the settings page, not noticing on the ‘backups’ page if it had started.
I did schedule a backup, but I did so in the same manner as the sites on the hosting plans that did not cause an issue. Timezones might not be correct but I don’t see that being an issue.
As for the temp folder, I’m unsure. I deleted everything out of it.
You don’t have to go into a further headache looking into this. It’s only four sites and I can back them up manually fairly easily. The reports from other sites will be a good reminder for me to do it.
If someone has a similar issue, maybe we can reconnect. There’s no point if it’s just me. It’s budget hosting anyway, so it’s likely a problem with something they’ve set.
Thanks again for your help and the plugin, very appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'sOne interesting thing that I did notice, a bit unrelated, but perhaps it might save yourself a headache in the future —
I gave up on everything above and just dumped a fresh copy of the plugin folder into the plugins dir.
So I went to the map and put in a US ZIP code (I also tried this with geolocation) and the map came up as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.
With that information still in the input box, I tried to narrow it further by selecting a lesser radius.
Nothing happened on submit, just loading wheel.
Looked in the debugger and still saw that ‘notice’ about ob_flush, so I went and disabled debugging in wp-config.
Map started working correctly again.
Just thought this is something you might like to know.
Thanks Tijmen,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'sI’m not sure how to get insight from that command (last_query), however I was able to look in the console and it is returning the appropriate result. It seems as though the container with the store information and the map area are not updating to display it.
I appreciate your help with all of this Tijmen, if you are out of ideas or have more pressing issues to tend to, please do not feel as though you need to continue walking me through this.
In the console, I am getting this notice, however I believe it is unrelated —
<b>Notice</b>: ob_end_flush() [ref.outcontrol]: failed to delete buffer zlib output compression. in <b>/myhosting/site/wp-includes/functions.php</b> on line <b>3092</b>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'sNo errors.
I’m going to go another route, perhaps hiding the GET variable in the form where it asks for location / distance / results, then sending it when the search button is hit.
I appreciate your help with this, but I don’t want to waste any more of your time trying to find a resolution. Perhaps in the next release, you could add something into the shortcode in which only certain stores were displayed? For example, [wpsl stores=”1,4,6,10″].
Thanks again, Tijmen. Excellent work with this plugin regardless of what I’m trying to do here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'sok, I did enable the debug early in the process looking for a solution ??
I did not realize it would come up in firefox. I will investigate.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'sHi Tijmen,
No luck. I’ve also tried it without the get variable (ie. … AND wpsl_id = 1 HAVING …) and it still does not pull anything. The loading wheel just keeps spinning.
I also copied the core of that code into another file and ran it with wpdb->showerrors (nothing will echo to the actual map page), and there were no errors.
I’m stumped and giving up. Too much time spent on this. Thanks for your help and for the plugin. I will definitely still be using it for a store locator in general, but will need to find another solution for the display of particular stores.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'sThank you very much for your help Tijmen, I will report back.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Limiting Map Results to List of wpsl_id'smock example.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gallery Plugin for WordPress - Envira Photo Gallery] Add more columnsAN EDIT to the ABOVE —
The one file is NOT envira-dev-holder.js is is envira.js i believe, sorry, not sure how to edit it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gallery Plugin for WordPress - Envira Photo Gallery] Add more columnswhat’s up playboy.
i got you. can’t guarantee the functionality because i don’t know your breakpoints if your design is responsive or not. i’m sure you’d be able to work with it tho. for mine, it works great after every breakpoint.
follow these steps. all paths relative to plugin folder —
edit common.php
find the string “Six Columns (6)” (no quotes). paste another array val in there for seven columns (this is for the admin settings). don’t forget to include a comma between the 6 and 7 array definitions.mine looks like this….
…starting at 5……
‘value’ => ‘5’,
‘name’ => __( ‘Five Columns (5)’, ‘envira-gallery’ )
‘value’ => ‘6’,
‘name’ => __( ‘Six Columns (6)’, ‘envira-gallery’ )
‘value’ => ‘7’,
‘name’ => __( ‘Seven Columns (7)’, ‘envira-gallery’ )
);return apply_filters(…..
after that, there is a javascript file you need to edit…
the filename is envira-dev-holder.js
open it. i recommend going to, paste that bad boy in and spit it out into something readable. you can paste the reformatted version into the file and save. it’s only a couple extra KB.after that, do a search for “enviraGetColWidth” (no quotes) in that text.
starting at case 6, here is my code (note, ‘break’ is no longer after 6, but after 7 instead) —
case 6:
if (c <= 480) {
d = a.width()
} else {
if (c <= 768) {
d = a.width() / 2
} else {
if (c <= 1024) {
d = a.width() / 3
} else {
d = a.width() / b
case 7:
if (c <= 480) {
d = a.width()
} else {
if (c <= 768) {
d = a.width() / 3
} else {
if (c <= 1024) {
d = a.width() / 6
} else {
d = a.width() / 7
return parseInt(d – (e * (b – 1)) / b)
}Obviously, the 768 / 1024 etc act as breakpoints. change the dividing number to the number of cols you want based on the width (1024/768/etc).
If you’ve already given up, hopefully someone else will find this useful.
word to ya motha.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Twenty Twelve hyphenationthanks pete
ok so i found a hack for this.
few things off the top —
1) i’m using this for a responsive site that is not fluid. i don’t really know the terms, but it basically breaks into a new arrangement at different widths. (go here for an example and resize the window horizontally — )
2) this is quick and dirty. little things like pagination sizes / controllers etc may need to be fine tuned if you care for htme. it’s not extremely difficult through the css.
3) if you are using the plugin to auto-resize the banners, i highly doubt this will work.
4) make sure the auto-resize is off otherwise it will not work (the determination is made by the plugin at the ‘else’ statement I refer to below).
5) i’d recommend commenting lines out instead of deleting in case this doesn’t work.
6) in the settings for the slider width and slider height, set them to the size you want it to be when viewed on a desktop computer. the smaller sizes will override it on smaller screens.primers —
1) you’ll need to edit the file ‘thethe-image-slider.php’ in the plugin folder
2) you’ll need to edit your CSS file ‘style.css’ in the theme folder.——————————-
Part 1 — edit thethe-image-slider.php
——————————-go to line 269ish
find this is the line
$output .= ‘<div class=”thethe_image_slider ‘.$arrOptions[‘_slider_style’].'” id=”thethe_image_slider’.$oPost->ID.'” style=”width:’.$arrOptions[‘_slider_width’].’px;”>’;
replace it with or comment it out (#) and add —
$output .= ‘<div class=”thethe_image_slider ‘.$arrOptions[‘_slider_style’].'” id=”thethe_image_slider’.$oPost->ID.'” >’;
(all we did above was take out the width style attribute)
go a line down and find this line
$output .= ‘<div class=”thethe_image_slider_inner” style=”width:’.$arrOptions[‘_slider_width’].’px; height:’.$arrOptions[‘_slider_height’].’px;”>’;
replace with the line below (or comment it out)
$output .= ‘<div class=”thethe_image_slider_inner”>’;
again, we are removing the style attributes
go to approx line 308 or 310 (it depends on whether you commented lines or overwrote them.
in the ‘else’ statement find this line —$output .='<img src=”‘.$image_src.'” alt=”‘.$slide[‘title’].'” class=”thethe-image-slider-image”/>’;
replace with the line below (or comment it out)
$output .='<img src=”‘.$image_src.'” alt=”‘.$slide[‘title’].'” class=”size-slider-image thethe-image-slider-image”/>’;
now, there is an added class in this line. is it necessary? i have no idea. i was testing out different things and i’m not sure if it was what did the trick. if you’re a nerd and want to take it out because its unnecessary and takes up like 20 bits, take it out. i’m not too worried about it.
THAT”S ALL FOR THE thethe-image-slider.php FILE. just those three lines
——————————-ok, so in each of the different blocks for different screen sizes, this is the only code I added–
just change the widths/heights to fit how large the slider should be.
.thethe_image_slider {width:240px !important;height:64px !important;}
.thethe_image_slider_inner {width:240px !important;height:64px !important;}
.size-slider-image {width:240px !important;height:66px !important;}
.thethe_image_slider.frame-white {border:0px !important;}EXTRA NOTES:
in the third line — .size-slider-image — note that the height is a few px greater. i noticed there was a little bit of vertical stretching (like 1px, but noticeable) goign on during the slide transition. Making the slide image larger than the container seemed to help.
the fourth line is for the controller… i like the white framed controller but it added a 10px border to the entire thing. so here, i am removing that border.example:
@media screen and (max-width: 408px) {
… code …
.thethe_image_slider {width:240px !important;height:64px !important;}
.thethe_image_slider_inner {width:240px !important;height:64px !important;}
.size-slider-image {width:240px !important;height:66px !important;}
.thethe_image_slider.frame-white {border:0px !important;}
}that’s it.