Hi, I can’t figure out how to post so I am using the reply section.. Very new here on the site.. I just installed the wp audio plug in (I got rid of another which I had no problems with except that it allowed downloading and I dont want a future headaches by having that option)..
When I go to insert a audio plug in , in a post, I click the music note, go to media library, get the file I want, click audio, insert.. then I get this
[audio:https://broadwayweststudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/04-spotlight2.mp3|titles=04-spotlight] not the button!
the link is not working and i dont have the button either.. i only changed one post..
btw, i went to settings and made sure everything is configured and it is.
please help. i left my remaininig mp3 links on the site but what they end up doing now is going to a new page with the audio file, which I would so like to stop.
i saw a post somewhere that you can remove enclosure manually on audio files to stop downloading, but i dont see where.. there was a reference to the post and the custom field, but it says nothing..
help, kris