Forum Replies Created
hah! I should have looked around a little more before posting… Figured it out. The WP GDPR shortcode was inserted into the form message four times ([wpgdprc]) – so it was easy to edit out once found. However, it does seem to be a minor bug that the shortcode was inserted four times.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: salt reset causes 503 erroraw damn. I see what it is now. When I copy from the browser the characters aren’t plain text. Just made the new salt plain text et voila, it worked….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: salt reset causes 503 errorbefore:
define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘D&46KDjXXstf|PIl|Ul<l|{r.I|*~DpBD|nvKUaY+OiO`B>K62w+tUz]v0;_3=LR’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘zp47!M*I(C?G+,pM_CjY.O}|N$v_1!Yb4|c%aj|WX[wia)X>AUf-34mLua%rem`|’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘i.fXo1X$ qwkZu[>r+!De.Uq0k}X)1vT-)GIV&K(cMb`,(X@7X=O*8JAyqfbzYx’);
define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ’43N2zX?;|bcX#Ha0,SU1O}%lD)ePgkTJR~J~g_T_QSO`S:LJ(ESmx%ZhmOCf_D2a’);
define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘0^*fXL|g!mdHRM-v+/bW>@QKx_cbz295jb|8L<m/Qk}~6_Ej1QD@XqV{S#ZyH7/)’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘TQb@yX?&<P$1^M2l+MW-2qX!v&d3<+glKi)r39?MN83^mG_+X*M0r51s@ie|s^[0’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘q:qiu+@P4`gl,2bt*|&={ukGbl]zw]ds7Xu]0KY)X[+{mOWY?e_5AsuPO:M<]#G(‘);
define(‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘V;$%8!!loi/Y@+XEw0Kl[m+j{a(_vC+:>(}9C,y`087(RNO2I~K.:>T=$Rg-S~/W’);after:
define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘Hv69oN?!X@]!x<=5=;73zI<]WBnD?U4m?%CS2frW56Kqgo1U4-x#:{6:c1e.6Ow>’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘|/2]_mV9xU[ZSPHG=f#R8cu.gB^0kekS*+~t!`Eqw^MQQ7<:mx/Zes><}|ry!q)z’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘#;87RfFY*SK.].~wDLe ?vxOav[>rp=FD+p{zYU:6?(=|fy9z-}-)ztbkKM[/YTZ’);
define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘D._J2XV(v,du+atxePYm1Xc-PEu~Cag(3oBVRSnZWd|O^,>q9=]jTKgIL{C<i$-s’);
define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘.r)-]ZV0}$A[2XuMYh@5=Y4priz+l <*j}xXP6E6U5jQx/Qf5I|YPu1AcN+QV?tf’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘+L$N?p.EWkh>~T5c,2yU}l`af[gasdLQp Zv:EAoj|v<2_MI<]oXs$f%Yy=LV)rU’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘E*O$ngP%+sVt/MGhf-p)#{)GZ+b$^?]:,P(7a^&&r-uVzT7*ly]FWR
define(‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘Le2HCN,9}s)Mx|>ZqWk++#>D+[$Nxp<m9^;
*0^Y%.gUtpO_,r]?_x8u7+PdVa5′);Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: salt reset causes 503 errorno typos (and I’ve combed through it), I’ve tried it more than a dozen times. When I replace it, I get the 503 error, when I go back to original code, no more error. It’s mystifying.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Featherlight - A Simple jQuery Lightbox] caption location and sizeok, I just had a good look at the documentation (should have done that earlier!), and found all the answers I need.
Thank you so much for making this great plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Featherlight - A Simple jQuery Lightbox] caption location and sizethe captions are displaying over the images (at the lower edge), and on mobile the captions are truncated (with …). Unfortunately I don’t have a link because I’m working on a dev server.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WooCommerce - Gift Cards] Excellent plugin! UPDATE: not anymore :(This review is indeed for the correct plugin. My apologies for mentioning a feature that’s included in the pro version. That being said, I’ve used this plugin (free and pro) on different sites, for the past few years, and stand by my five-star review. I’ve also found the developer to be responsive and helpful with questions. I’d encourage you to try the pro version.
Erick, I updated the review! Sorry for the delay, hadn’t seen your response until now. Thanks for all your hard work on this plugin.
Hi Erick! I’d definitely upgrade that rating to four stars now! I can’t see how to do that though.
Your latest updates have definitely made a huge difference. I know there were some growing pains with the initial 2.0 version, but they seem to be ironed out now. Thanks for keeping up with the development on this plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Simple Shopping Cart] Custom Fieldsdoes the premium version allow for adding an extra field?
I hear you, but I cannot find a conflict on my site with NGG. The 1.x version was fine on my site, this version is very very slow. And I’m not alone in that complaint, unfortunately.
my site is very very slow to load – there’s nothing special about the site (i.e. not a lot of plugins and no special functions) and it’s not highly trafficked. I’d heard complaints about the NGG slowing page load speed (there was even a third-party plugin to address this for the 1.x version
I ran the p3Profiler plugin, and sure enough, NGG is the culprit.
I love this plugin, was a huge fan of the 1.x version, but the way it slows down my site now is really bad. Makes it almost unusable at times.
Korvus – I have had that problem, but when I move the updated post back to the first position, then the last post in the list disappears.
Faison – thanks for the heads-up about the other plugin. I’m going to give that one a try too.
Faison –
I tried your code fix too, and it didn’t work for me either. But thanks truly for the effort.The problem I’m having it that no matter how I re-order the posts, the last post in the list always gets dropped.
Please let us know if you develop your own plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Show caption text instead of title in Fancybox for WordPress pluginJan – already looked there, thanks.
damiroqaui – thanks! I will check it out!