Ben Rothman
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: editor-style.css changes ignoredI have run into almost that exact issue with a css file. In my case it was solved when I contacted my host and they did something but did not say what it was. This is a long way to say, contact your host.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Can you create new Menu Locations?The functionality you are looking for may have been removed in FSE themes, so unless you are using a classic theme (in which case your answer is Appearance > Menus) you have to use a plugin.
Does this plugin do what you want?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Mobile can’t login, password pageTry this on a different phone that has not visited the page before.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Mobile can’t login, password pagehello, I am just clarifying the issue: the built-in password protected page in core does not work regardless or which theme is active with all plugins turned off?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Resetting Upload Itemcan you delete that thing and upload it again?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Adding Tracking Number to Order Completed EmailAre you saying that you use this plugin?
It does not appear that that plugin generates an email. Is there another plugin you are using to generate the emails? I would imagine what you are looking for is a functionality of that plugin and this FEDEX one working together. After you figure out which plugin generates the emails, you need to ask either that plugin’s author or the author(s) of this fedex plugin how to add the tracking number into an email.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My page shows but it’s not listed in pages plus menu probemAlso, if the new page was created after the menu then the new page will not be in the menu whether you assign the menu to a location or not. Make sure to add the page to the menu and to assign it to the correct place.
When you type in the website url, does the url change to the login page before you press enter because the url to the login page is saved in the history?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I fix this responsive issue? Any Expert HereThis question seems to be about Elementor so perhaps posting this question on an elementor-focused board would get a better answer.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Author changes when updating ‘patters’ blocksis the issue that the page author changes when you make a change to an existing page with a different author?
oh yes that is interesting, the host has confirmed that they have such security measures. I will optimize the db locally and import it to the live. Thanks!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Lightbox for featured image in loopI see that you are excited about the built-in solution, but I would recommend the plugin “lity” to do this: . This plugin is very flexible and easy-to-use so whatever your specific use case is you will most likely be able to use lity.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: My twitter embed won’t center, but my youtube ones will<div align="center">
will probably not work, try
<div style="margin:0px auto">
But for better practice, give that div a class and then give that class the margin: 0px auto in your stylesheet, but the above will work for a temporary fix.
that is awesome, I am excited. Yes the “{” instead of “[” made the Buy Tickets link conditional based on whether or not it was declared, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My Calendar - Accessible Event Manager] How to make part of event title boldThe template field is sanitized so I cannot add a <span> or <br /> or any code to part of the string. wp_kses instead of escaping the entry would solve this quickly.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Ben Rothman.