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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Theme] WP 5.8 compatibility – button not existHi, I am having the same issue with wordpress 5.8.2
I don’t see the download button.Ok Thanks!
Sorry, I just noticed that the url is still jpg, but If I download the image, it is webp!
tahnks!Where are the new webp images saved anyway? I am having a look at the images on uploads folder, and all I see is .png and .jpg formats…
Sorry, I just don′t understand, I don′t see wepb anywhere…Hi Mateusz,
I have some questions:
the description says “When installing a plugin you do not have to do anything more. Your current images will be converted into a new format. Users will automatically receive new, much lighter images than the original ones.”1. If my current images will be converted into a new format, then what is the purpose of the “Regenerate all” button?
“When the browser tries to download an image file, the server verifies if it supports image/webp files and if the file exists.”
– I am using Chrome, and I don′t see that tha images downloaded are Webp.If I understand well, the images names are still image.png, or image.jpg, but the content of the image is converted to webP ?
I just want to know if there is a way that I can verify that my images have been succesfully converted to webp.
What about new images that I upload, are those automatically converted and server as webp?
My aconfusion arises from the fact that all the images urls are still png and jpg.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Movie databaseThanks Justin ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I want a nav bar menu similar to the reference siteYou refer about the place it is positioned, or the hovering effects ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I change wordpress posts display size?1. You can make use of css3 multiple column property:
column-count: 3;
don’t forget to add specific vendor prefixes also:
-webkit-column-count: 3; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-moz-column-count: 3; /* Firefox */———
You can create a class to target specific paragraphs that you would like to be three column like this:
.three-column {
column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-count: 3; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-moz-column-count: 3; /* Firefox */
}<p class=”three-column”>
Najve?krat se govori o jedilniku, ki je klju? za doseganje rezultatov. Vendar pa tudi, ?e je sestavljen pravilno, odgovarja le redkim posameznikom, ker ve?ina ne upo?teva kaosa intolerance in alergije, ki ga spro?ijo razli?ne vrste hrane. Poleg tega je za normalno delovanje in tvorbo mi?i?ne mase potreben kisik, ki ga v zaprtih telovadnicah zagotovo ne boste dobili v potrebni koli?ini za doseganje pravih rezultatov. Potem je tu ?e stres, ki porabi ogromne koli?ine energije, pa se mnogi tega niti ne zavedajo. ?e psihi?ne obremenitve v ?olah ali slu?bah telesu pokurijo veliko energije. Na? imunski sistem ustvarja vso potrebno s presnovo beljakovin, ma??ob in ogljikovih hidratov. Vse te stvari se ka?ejo na fizi?nem nivoju, kjer je ?lovek lahko mo?no osiroma?en potrebnih hranil in zato ne more uspe?no napredovati s pridobivanjem mi?i?ne mase. Zato visoke proteinske diete ne bodo dale pravih rezultatov.
</p>If you like all your posts to have all the paragraphs three column, It might be a better idea to use a more generic selector:
.post p {
column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-count: 3; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-moz-column-count: 3; /* Firefox */
This is css, you should add it on a stylesheet provided by wordpress, or your theme.
2. For changing posts excerpt (brief description of the post) you can use a plugin, or do a manual modification. I would definitely do the manual modification. What theme are you using?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: metabox value as numberMay be I didn’t explain well enough.
I need to query all my articles that belong to the same magazine (let’s say number 1)
that belong to a specific custom post type (articles) and are publish.
And I really need to order by article number. So I have two custom meta_values:
_magazine-number for the filtering, and _article-number for the ordering.this is the closest I could get:
SELECT pm.post_id FROM wp_yxgi_postmeta as pm INNER JOIN wp_yxgi_posts p ON p.ID = pm.post_id WHERE pm.meta_key = '_magazine-number' AND pm.meta_value = '1' AND p.post_status = 'publish' AND p.post_type = 'articulos'
The thing is, how can I order by ‘_article-number’ If I have already told the query that ‘meta_key’ is ‘__magazine-number’ ?
I have been dealing with this the whole day!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: metabox value as numberCatacaustic, thank you very much. I will try that.
You are awesome ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: metabox value as numberHi catacaustic,
I knew the intval(). The thing is I am performing a wp_query, and I need the posts to be ordered by a number added with a custom metabox. How can I perform intval() within the $args?
// Wp Query $args = array( 'post_type' => 'articles', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'meta_key' => '_article_number', );
“…for PHP it’s as easy as just declaring it…”
I didn’t knew this. How ?Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Custom Post Type vs Custom TemplateThank you guys ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: stylesheet precedenceVolunteer Moderator:
– Yes, i could use more specific style, but i rather not for the same reason i prefer not to use !important. Because i want to do the things right. Why would i use a more specific rule, when i want to refer to the same exact element? And, i would need to be more specific every time i encounter the same problem. I think placing style.css (or any stylesheet i use to write my own custom styles) at the bottom, it’s a more simple and elegant approach (personal opinion).– yes, i am talking about theme’s stylesheets.
I couldn’t find where to upload an image after i started the thread. So i uploaded it to my google drive:
– I am using “bule diamond”. That is exactly what i was refering to. Thanks so much.Really appreciate the help guys, thanks so much. ??