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We are currently rewriting a lot of code. Last update was the first step: implementing an alternative to PHP sessions. Then we spent 2 months to audit the whole code. As a result, we are now rewriting the whole notification/email code (frankly, the current one is a mess) and that will be available in the next release, including the possibility to customise email messages by editing a template. Then for the following release we will rewrite the garbage collector and all scheduled task etc, etc. That’s a lot of work. Also we’ve been busy with the release of our new plugin, SaferCheckout .The current version is 4.7, don’t use 4.7.1.
4.7.1 was released to fix a simple PHP notice, but it introduced some fatal errors. We quickly rolled back. So 4.7 is the latest version I recommend to use.It’s a different issue. Your log shows it is not related to wrong credentials, but to the fact that the database has no more available connection : Too many connections
You can check here:
Maybe your server has too much traffic and some connections are rejected on all installed sites?
If you have root access, check with the netstat command :
-All TCP connections:netstat -ntop
-DB connections on port 3306:netstat -ntop | grep :3306
The firewall cannot connect to the database, the connection is refused (maybe due to wrong credentials).
Can you download this script:
1. Rename it to “wp-db.php”.
2. Upload it into your WordPress root folder.
3. Go to https://YOUR WEBSITE/wp-db.php and look for error in the results.
4. Delete it afterwards.Did you run a malware scanner, like NinjaScanner ( ) ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NinjaScanner - Virus & Malware scan] seems to be offlineCan you try this instead:
$ wget
It looks all good to me.
Do you still have that problem?We haven’t been able to recreate the problem so far. Consider downgrading to the current version 4.7. Very few people have that issue, so it’d difficult to debug.
As we’re rewriting a lot of code in the plugin, it should be all fixed in the next release.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Dashboard Cleaner] Few questionsThanks for your suggestions, I’ll add them to the plugin’s wish list.
It’s not possible unfortunately. There are a few reasons:
1. The profiler needs to hooks all file I/O in order to inject its code into the PHP compiler. But if you want to deal directly with the opcode cache, there’s no more file I/O and no more compiler. The profiler won’t even load or run.
2. Since version 7.0, PHP includes an opcode optimizer: after creating the first set of opcodes, it forwards it to the optimizer where it will get through 13 passes that will optimize it (peephole, jump, call, literal optimizations etc). That means that at the end of the day, your code in the opcache may have been optimized and thus don’t match your original code found in your scripts. That problem occurs with xdebug too, which can’t run well when the optimizer is turned on because it removes some VM instructions xdebug needs. The optimizer is turned on by default and it’s one of the reasons why PHP is faster and uses less memory since v7.0.Thanks for reporting the issue, I’ll fix it in the next release.
You would need to pass all parameters to the profiler:
-Select “Custom post/URL” from the “Page to profile” option and enter the URL.
-Enter the username in the “Run profiler as” option.
-Click “Advanced Options”, select GET or POST, enter the “name=value” parameters and possible cookies.If you don’t know what URL or parameters are sent, you can use your browser’s developer tools to see them:
1. Go to your check out page.
2. Open the developer tools (CRTL + Shift + i
), and select the “network” tab.
3. Click the “Add to cart” button.You should see all parameters and the URL in the network tab.
Regarding the 3 graphs, I found a couple of interesting articles explaining how to fix the accessibility issue: : Adding a simple table below the graph that is hidden to a regular browser but visible to a screenreader. : Several similar options. All of them apply to the HTML “canvas” tag, which is used in Code Profiler.If you think that can solve the problem, let me know and I’ll add the table to each graph in the next version, it is very easy to implement.
Also, here’s a sample file of all data exported in CSV format:
It includes 8 files:
* 1-profiles_list.csv: List of all profiles from the “Profiles List” section.
* frontend-test_slugs.csv: “Plugins and Theme Performance” section.
* frontend-test_scripts.csv: “Scripts Performance” section.
* frontend-test_functions.csv: “Methods and Functions Performance” section.
* frontend-test_queries.csv: “Database Queries Performance” section.
* frontend-test_iolist.csv: “File I/O List” section.
* frontend-test_iostats.csv: “File I/O Statistics” section.
* frontend-test_diskio.csv: “Disk I/O Statistics” section.The free version lets you export the graphs in a PNG image format only.
The premium version lets you export all graphs and tables in CSV format. But I’m not sure if your screenreader can handle those CSV files easily. If you want to make a test, let me know and I’ll upload somewhere a couple of CSV samples exported from the profiler.I can see that your issue was solved in a separate support ticket, hence I’m marking this topic as resolved. If you face the same problem again, please reopen the support ticket.