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Yes it works thanks!
For novices like me here’s how to create sub-sub-menus;
Appearance -> editor->navigation [ menu-items/pages with a submenu are denoted by “>”, so select the one for which you want a sub-sub-menu] ->pencil icon->item->submenu icon->Add link.
It’s easy to inadvertently add the entire list of extraneous pages + Custom links . To delete them, select the 3-dot icon -> “Remove Custom link” and/or “Remove Page list”.
On the website menu items with a sub-menu have a “v” after the name.
Sub-menu items with a sub-sub-menu have a “>” after the name.
Hoping this eases frustration for other novices,
Many thanks Felipe!
You’ve eased my frustration and I’m back on track. I’ll try your suggestions and let you know tomorrow how it works out.
Thanks Felipe! I’ll try that and let you know.
Thanks Felipe!
I can easily create sub-menus that way, but it didn’t seem to work for sub-sub-menus. Should that work? What have I missed?
Many thanks James! Do you know if theme twenty twenty-four can display sub-sub-menus and, if so, how?
Thanks for the prompt reply t-p! I’ll do that but do you know if the 6.4 software allows sub-sub-menus?
Many thanks jordesign!
I’d like info on adding footnotes or endnote to Pages but “Post your question in the?appropriate forum,?…” just goes back to “Welcome to Support” which is frustrating.?How can I initiate a topic?
As I requested, HostPapa kindly deleted?the files from my server and the database from my hosting account, and installed WordPress again so I can begin afresh much more carefully.
I suggested this to HostPapa; “Since I may not be the most ignorant neophyte others are likely to mess up initially as I did. I therefore suggest that you alert your tech support people to recognize this without requiring 55 emails and escalating this to you. It would also save you and clients much frustration and valuable time to post this info, and a link to the superb WP forum, prominently.”
Many thanks for educating me and saving me from despair so I can now proceed to explain how people can protect themselves from wildfire.
Looking at Databases in Cpanel confirms that it would be foolish for me to try deleting the files from my server and the database from my hosting account, and installing WordPress again so I’ll ask HostPapa to do it. Now at last I have an idea of what’s needed for which I’m grateful.
Thanks James.
I want to lose everything – settings, customizations, posts, pages, and comments – so I can truly begin afresh. Do I delete the entire database or only the data in it? How can I do it?
Thanks James – now I’m getting somewhere so perhaps I can truly begin afresh!
Do I delete the database/s or just delete the data? How can I do it?
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by brucewildfire. Reason: clarification
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by brucewildfire. Reason: clarification
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by brucewildfire.
Thanks James!
Do I correctly infer that, for some unspecified reason, I should avoid Customize and use Editor instead?
Strangely, although I download an unsullied copy of twentytwentyfour, I just found to my dismay, another change I had made in my initial vain attempts. On the dashboard I see “Delete Cache”. Would that delete my garbage so I can truly begin afresh?
What is LLAR on the dashboard?
Is there a clear explanation anywhere of the difference between pages, patterns, and templates?
Many thanks Threadi! I’ll try creating some pages then a navigation menu and then tdrop-down menus.