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  • .. nevermind .. I found it.

    Thread Starter ericalynn


    Yeah I have a feeling its just something unique with my setup .. thanks for trying to look into it ?? I hacked it together for now .. I just have to be careful with your updates

    Thanks again .. keep up the good work!

    Thread Starter ericalynn


    Its a private group .. I actually created my own secret testing group to test with .. threw some posts and events in there .. I’m the only member .. you could probably do that for yourself easily since you have to be the manager of the group to recreate the ‘managed_groups’ permission

    Thread Starter ericalynn


    figure it out guys .. not very secure .. I hard coded a test for a feed key .. but it might help somebody else out.

    Add this code to your theme’s functions.php or a site specific plugin.
    Replace {random string token} with your own random string token.
    Then pull your feed with:{random string token}

    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'open_feed' );
    function open_feed(){
        if(is_feed() && $_GET['feedkey']=='{random string token}'){
            remove_filter('posts_join_paged', array('WordPressAccessControl', 'posts_join_paged'), 10, 2);
            remove_filter('posts_where_paged', array('WordPressAccessControl', 'posts_where_paged'), 10, 2);
            remove_filter('the_excerpt', array('WordPressAccessControl', 'remove_excerpt'));
            remove_filter('the_content', array('WordPressAccessControl', 'remove_excerpt'));
    Thread Starter ericalynn


    ok – the location/venue seems to be returning from my {group-id}/events queries (listing all of a group’s events) .. but {event-id} objects (single events) use place .. I have no idea why my results are different .. but that’s what I’m getting using v2.3 API explorer & your plugin.

    I sent my version of your plugin to the email I got when I signed up for your support forum on

    Maybe it’ll help somebody else ??

    Thread Starter ericalynn


    I’m not totally sure what’s going on .. it says I’m using version 2.3, but the location & event fields that I’m getting were deprecated in 2.3 ..

    I do have user_managed_groups in the scope of my token because I turned in on for my own FB plugin that I wrote to import the feed from my ‘secret’ group .. so maybe I’m getting a different result because I manage the group?

    I’m going to do some more research to see what’s really going on .. but I did find this ExpressiveDate class really helped with your myDateTime createFromFormat with all the different possible formats Facebook might return .. you might find it useful in the future –

    $date = new ExpressiveDate();
         $myDateTime = $date->setTimestampFromString($event['start_time']);

    Thread Starter ericalynn


    Franky – I fixed my issue.

    FB API switched out place for location and venue, plus some of the events had a different time format .. I can send my changes to you if you want.

    Thread Starter ericalynn


    Sorry you’re right .. my control panel said it was 5.4 .38 but phpinfo on that directory told a different story .. fixed .. thanks!

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