Thank you LBC Local SEO for your reply.
I like your plugin , but I’m not good at programming.
On this page there .. <div class=”post-1119 page type-page status-publish hentry” id=”post-1119″>
I read about this problem and I noticed that if there
<div class=”hatom-extra”> <span class=”title entry-title”> Suggest property </ span> was last modified: <span class=”updated”> April 25th, 2014 </ span> by <span class = “author vcard”> <span class=”fn”> Anna Shevchenko </ span> </ span> </ div> 3A% 2F% 2Frequest% 2F is no problem.
How to Fix <div class=”lbc-row”>
<div class=”lbc-m-col-full lbc-col-full lbc-location-update-date”>
<span class=”updated”> 2014-05-14 07:58:22 </ span>
</ div>
Have a nice day ,Anna
Sorry for my English)))