Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] uploader privileges@sayemo hopefully your picture will help people if they have the same problem. the default is set to Administrator, Author and Editor to upload and that is the way I have it set on my development page and when I upload with my Administrator account I was not getting the error you were getting. The default setting for the plugin is to allow anybody to upload because the Uploader Only option is set to no by default.
@numerico for none of the settings should you have to restart Apache. So I do not know why you would have to reset it.
Also to let people know I will have a new update in the next day or so fixing one or two bugs and changing the style a bit more in the admin panel. Hopefully people will not have to many problems with the new admin panel design and also just to let people know it shows up best in Firefox, Chrome and Opera but will work in Internet Explorer but does not looks as nice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] uploader privilegesi have not run into the error or problem yet but i will have a look into the problem and see if i can try to reproduce the same problem you have and get back to you with a solution. if you update to .4.7 and the problem is gone then let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Cannot upload imagesin the settings page you can change the types of images which you can upload. You can find the option under Option Torrent scroll down until you see File Uploads and with the option Allowed Image Types you can add an image file extension.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Help with setup?!at the moment no language files are done up and probably will not have any language files until beta .9 or when the stable 1.0 comes out. depending on what kind of site you want the basic settings make work for you. only main settings people will need to do is find a theme that looks nice to them and set that up, have a menu to show only the pages and categories showing that they want shown and any other plugins they may need for their site. anybody who is looking for tips or has questions they can add me on skype my username is buznagn but do remember that i will only be able to reply to any support when i have the time because i do have a normal life and i do have to code the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Error uploading torrent@sinan ??LER
They did not want a fix to clear the error message they wanted a solution to why they got the error message. By telling people what you told them is not a solution. In no way will what you told them work for the problem the person had. Uploading torrents does not work that way, the error they got was because they did not upload a .torrent file and that is the only extension allowed for that upload field. the upload form for uploading torrents is not there to upload any file you want to upload. On the upload page you have one upload field for the torrent file, one for the nfo file and one for the image file. The torrent field only accepts .torrent extension, the nfo only accepts the .nfo extension and the image file accepts as default a few of the image formats but others can be added in the options page for it. As for being more human I stand by what I say if you do not understand the plugin or its purpose and do not have a solution then please do not comment. I have no problem with people helping out but only if they understand the problem completely and know how to solve the problem correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Error uploading torrentwhat do you mean an easy to way to fix it? a .torrent file is not an avi or jpeg or any other file. a .torrent is that so please do not add the code above because it will be useless. tell me which client out there will use your ac3, mpa or flv to download a torrent? i have no problem with people posting here to help out but if you do not know anything about how a torrent site works then please do not try to help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Error uploading torrenti will add more tutorials and try to make the ones i add a bit better but you can find some uploading tutorials here https://wp-tracker.com/index.php/tutorials/upload-tutorials/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Usage guideat the moment there is no usage guide but most settings are already set in the options part of the admin panel. when i get a chance i will set up a site only for the plugin with some tips and helpful info about all the settings and shortcode and whatnot. it will take time though and i am trying to sort everything as far as the code goes and the site so please bare with me
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Feature Requestsi have added in version .4.6 a login widget with some logged in user’s trackers stats. i will post the shortcode in the readme file on the next release in case people do not want to use the login widget. also i hope to have a site setup just for the plugin which will have posts on each release and have info on each shortcode and what not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Error uploading torrentwhich torrent client are you using to make the torrent ie. utorrent, bittorrent, transmission etc..? is the file your trying to upload have the name and .torrent on the end? you should only get that error if your not uploading a .torrent file for example an image file which has a .jpeg or a txt file which has a .txt files that like will give you the error you see.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Fatal error:please update to version .4.6 and let me know if you still get the error. if so then i will make an option in the admin panel to turn the help tab on and off and make it off as the default.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Compatible Themesat the moment when you delete the post it only deletes things related to the post and does not delete the torrents. i will look into sorting that. i plan on phasing out the torrent table in the databank and use only only the post to show the torrent browse page. a few other things i will get rid of also and make it work more with wordpress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Fatal error:ok i will have a look into the problem. i have not seen the problem installing the plugin on two different Linux servers and nobody else at the moment has complain but i will see what i can do.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Compatible Themesi have released an update tonight sorting the problem with the error not showing up in the admin panel if your announce and scrape is not in the current theme directory. let me know if you have any more problems so i can get them fixed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Trader] [Plugin: WP-Trader] Compatible Themeschances are your getting the tracker is sending null data because of one of the fall backs of the plugin at the moment. the fallback is that every time you add a new theme you need to move the announce.php and scrape.php into your theme folder. this is done on install so people normally do not see the problem. normally in the wp-trader admin part there is a check for it which lets you know if the file is not there, but i guess that check has a bug since i sorted another bug. future plans are to get the announce and scrape into the actual plugin folder where it should be but because of headers already sent error it is moved to the theme folder. the announce and scrape can be found in the /wp-content/plugins/wp-trader/templates folder all you would have to do is move them to the root folder of your theme which can be found in /wp-content/themes