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Can you please reply to this quickly.
In the video text you can see a button with the below text in white color in the above URL.
Please see the below screen shot with highlighted text button.
In these two URL I am using formainator forms the first URL I am trying to show the content using ajax. But its not working properly.
Second URL the forminator login/registration forms are loading while loading the page. If you click on the top right login on this page the captcha is not loading. But there is no blocking script error.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by bvk69varghese.
I have loaded the forminator form short code using ajax. You can see the feature here – Here you can see a white colore button. Clicking on this button I am laoding the formanatore registration shortcode using ajax. But the issue is the when I click on the Registration form button its working strange. Its not validating my form and showing some strange text on my page.
I am loading the content like this
add_action( 'wp_ajax_load-subscriber_regn', 'my_load_ajax_subscriber_regn' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_load-subscriber_regn', 'my_load_ajax_subscriber_regn' ); function my_load_ajax_bnsupporter_regn() { echo do_shortcode('[forminator_form id="12574"]'); wp_die(); }
function displayRegContent(){ var url = this.href; var ajaxURL = woocommerce_params.ajax_url; var ele = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxURL, data: {"action": "load-subscriber_regn"}, scriptAttrs: { nonce: "Xiojd98a8jd3s9kFiDi29Uijwdu" }, success: function(response) { $(".bnregnContainer").html(response); } }); }
Can you help me to show the content properly and do the form submission feature properly.
That issue is coming because of the forminator short code.If I comment that short code part the error will disappear. Can you please tell me the exact issue. The issue is appearing because of the scripting is breaking with forminator shortcode.
Can I add this short code using any ajax call? If yes, can you put a sample code to put the code here. That way I can hide the shortcode when the page loads.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by bvk69varghese.
>>> We have already pinged our developer regarding this to see if there is any further information that could be provided regarding this.
Please do note that developers works on complex queries and have a slow response time. We’ll soon keep you posted once we get an update. >>>
Can you please check with your developer and reply how we can take control of the submit button actions in my theme’s function.php my theme twentynineteen
Could you please give a reply to this post.
1. Registration form submission how can I take the control of the validation and db inserting. As per your previous reply the filter is not working. I have sent you all those forms and my validation code. I am waiting for your technical team reply. Its almost 4-5 days I am waiting for this. Could you please give solution not a vague answer. Please help me to resolve.
Here is my question in clear.
I want to integrate Forminator plugin with Login and Registration controls. But I would like to validate the forms and save the data with the filter and write the custom validation and save data. How can I achieve this? I have already sent the forms exported script and my validation code already.
Thanks in advance.
I have fixed the username issue. But after registration its not automatically login the user.At present its not redirecting the user to the login page. Can you recommend a solution for this. If you don’t have any solution please help me this workaround. I have created a blank form with Email,Password and Confirm password for my registration page with this form script.
But the confirm password is not displaying on the form. How can I do the custom validation and user registration and set the user session to my registered user home page. How can I achieve this? I am able to get the POST request in my filter but after that my code is not working.
add_filter( ‘forminator_custom_form_submit_errors’, ‘filter_forminator_custom_form_submit_errors’, 10, 3 );
How can I validate and do the actions in my code to execute?Regards,
We are doing the validations our own because every week we are updating our plugin and all plugin changes we need to do each time when the plugin update. So we are doing the validations and inserting user data/Checking login credentials using our functions.php. Also we want to show the error messages at the top. Also I tried the errors using you registration form. How can I change the file to my theme folder. So that one time correction I can make. Each time plugin updates this file won’t affect the new changes. Can I override the language file or change the path of the plugin language file atleast.
Also I am facing this issue. In our registrtion form ( I enter all valid values in the fields and click on submit the form its showing error. From where its capturing these type of errors. To avoid these type of issues I am using custom validation and submission functions in my functions.php. Could you please give me the details of this – which filter I need to use for the registration and login functions. I am afraid to integrate the forminator plugin and daily facing lot of issues and unable to meet the deadline from my client. Kindly help me with this. Thanks.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by bvk69varghese.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by bvk69varghese.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by bvk69varghese.
Sorry, this is the latest validation code for the forms. Above link is not the latest. Latest validation code is here in the below link.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by bvk69varghese.
I am sharing the filter functions which I am using in my functions.php. Same function is calling when I submit the registration form. But when I submit the Login form its not calling and not getting the $_POST variables. Please see the filter function here.
Kindly review it and give me a solution for this. Thanks.
I have created a page.php and added the 3 forms like below.Those forms are displaying here –
I am just hiding and showing the forms in this page depending upon the link click using jquery. Please see the code samples in the page.php file here –
This is the exported form scripts for the above 3 forms.
12580 Subscribe button display form -
12574 Registration form – Login form – issue is the above registration form submits the request is going to this filter as per your above explanation.
add_filter(‘forminator_custom_form_submit_errors’, ‘my_custom_form_validation’, 10, 3);
But the login form submits its not going to the above filter. Please check my testing page URL and the above form links you can get a clear idea and give me a solution. Please give me a solution clearly. Hope you understand the issue clearly. Please send me a solution. Thanks a lot.
Our issue is we were using the old version and just updated the plugin to latest version all of a sudden the functionality broken. This is the form I am trying to display. In this form HTML there are text boxes for Registration and Login. When we import this script to new version its removing the input text boxes. Is there any option to display these text boxes as it is?
Please see the form script here. You can import and see the issue. None of the text boxes are displaying.
I have written the same filter and submitting my login form and its not coming to this filter and showing some other error. Could you please check this link
Click on Subscribe button you will be taken to the Registration page. In that page you can see a link “ログインする”. Click on this will take you to a login page. Enter a username and password and its not showing some error. Its not coming to the filter which you mentioned above. I am printing the Post variables in this filter. But the submission is not come to this filter and showing some other error.
Can you please give me a proper solution for this? Is this using any other filter to get the post data?
Can you please check this page send me a solution for this. I have integrated the forminator forms Login and Registration. Registration form submission I am getting all data through this filter – “forminator_custom_form_submit_errors” in functions.pho file. But Login submission I am not getting any response in this filter. Can you please check my webpage and help me how to capture the data.
My webpage is –
In your old forminator version we are able to create html inside the form with input controls. But now input controls are not showing in the latest version. So our functionality all broken. We need to create a Subscriber page where user clicks on subscribe we need to take the user to Registration/Login forms. New updated plugin I have created a registrtion form and login form. But don’t know how to toggle with the login to registration form and Registration form to login form. I am planning to without reloading the page I need to show the login form and registration form using jquery show/hide option.
How can I do this through the latest version. Kindly help me to do this. Thanks.
We are using this version of Safari version 15.0. Also I would like to inform you that the same issue we have on iphone as well.
I have exported the form and see the exported file below.
Kindly give us a solution as early as possible. We are struggling to make our subscriber section live because of this issue.