Forum Replies Created
Can someone reply to this post. Thanks
Not understood the reply. We are creating a new subscriber login registration using forminator forms. This is not a Woo commerce registration/login.
We are creating HTML form for registration and login and using forminator like the above HTML. After submitting the page we will redirect the user to the subscriber home page. This is entirely different and not part of Woocommerce Login/Registration. We were able to display the form properly and validate it and was working in old version. Now we made it on live and weekly we are updating the plugins. Now your plugin updated and the functionality fully broken.
See the admin side view of these form.
Admin side the HTML form is saving and the input tags are removing in the front end.
Kindly help us to resolve this. Or give us a workaround for this.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by bvk69varghese.
Please remove this request asap. I have resolved this issue. I don’t want to keep this request public. Thanks.
The link which you gave I have checked and the folder structure of my wordpress is not this way. Also I have disabled the other plugins and check the feature still I am getting the same issues. Can you please check this issue in the URL I gave and check if there is any console error for this issue. I don’t have Mac Safari to check the issue. My client checked and he told the issue is still there.
I have created forms using forminator and its working fine in normal case. But its closing the login form on mobile/desktop Safari browser if the auto complete happens. So we are facing lot of customer issues because of this and unable to release the subscription section to customers now.
Please see this attached video for the issue here –
You can see my application here
Can you please check this and reply at the earliest.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by bvk69varghese.
Could you please review this and reply. Thanks.
I have tried all these things. I have downloaded the testing site code and set up in my local and I am getting the same issue. Only difference in testing site code is that if we add that short code its creating only this much.
Testing site (
<div class=”forminator-custom-form”></div>But in my staging site its creating the actual form.
I have exported the same form and created a new form that also not displaying.
I did not see any closed div which you have mentioned. I can see only the above script.
I am moving the staging changes to testing and the testing site is not working as expected. Could you please help me on this. I am printing some text just above this shortcode that is printing. Could you please send me the closed div which you can see in your end?
Yes, The registration and login forms are working correct. My issue is if a validation error occurs its clear all the controls. I want to retain the fields with user enetered values. For eg. in my form I have email, password and terms and condition check box. If the user not selected the terms and condition and submit the form I am showing the error message. Same time I need to retain the email and password which the user entered. I can see one ajax request. But I don’t know how to get the respponse and assign the form elements with these values.
Hope this issue is clear. Thanks
I am not asking the forminator generated passwords. My issiue is a keychain tool generated passwords are not recognising forminator registration form password and confirm password. Its prefilling the data only in first password filed ony which we are generating through keychain. Do you have a fix for this? Thanks.
my application URL –
I have created the subscriber registration and login form using forminator plugin
When I submit the registration form I want to retain the form content. At present I am able to response with my form content. But don’t know how to assign those values to the form. Can you please check this form and reply how to retain the form content.My site URL-
Click on subscribe you can see the registration form.
Also you can see the response with my emailadsress and passwords which the user submitted. How to assign that value to form input fields.
Please help me to resolve this. Thanks.
I have created a HTMl form using forminator here –
When the user clicks on the Subscribe button its going to the registration page. From the registration page bootom link(ログインする) user can click and go to the login form. Same way click on the bottom link(アカウントを作る) in the login form to reach registration form again. But the issue is when a user is reached in registration form and its not recommending the strong passwords and its not prefilling in the password and second password field on the browser. Its behaves like a login password field and prefilling the selected autocomplete username/password field.
How can I allow these password1 and password2 fields with recommended passwords.
Please help me to resolve this.Thanks.
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by bvk69varghese.
I found the issue. I had updated the testing site with the latest version the same issue is happening here as well.
Live site – Version 1.15.9
Test site – Version
So I want to install the lower version of forminator in my live site. I am updating the plugins through composer by applying the following steps.
1. deactivate forminator plugin through admin section
2. Remove forminator reference (“wpackagist-plugin/forminator”:”*”) from composer.json
3. Run composer update
4. Add composer.json with this line – “wpackagist-plugin/forminator”:”″
5. Run composer updateCan you please check the above steps and reply. Thanks
In this form’s admin side screen shot is here. My HTML content contains these three sections.
Here is the form exported script here.
Can you please tell me which db table I can edit the form content?
Please help me to resolve this.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by bvk69varghese.
I have fixed the script error and now you can see the form here – The issue is I have imported the below exported script from my testing site to my live site. There is a button tag is there when I save the script the button tag is not saving. That is the issue.
{"type":"form","data":{"fields":[{"id":"html-1","element_id":"html-1","form_id":"wrapper-6403-1070","type":"html","options":[],"cols":12,"conditions":[],"wrapper_id":"wrapper-6403-1070","field_label":"","variations":"<div class=\"fullwidth-row2-second\">\n<h3>BN Supporter<\/h3>\n<div class=\"catHead\">\u00a0<\/div>\n<hr \/>\n<p class=\"rupee-span\">\u00a5700\/\u6708<\/p>\n<p class=\"month-span\">carbon-based lifefrom<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<div class=\"catHeadSmall\">\u00a0<\/div>\n\u756a\u7d44\u3092\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8\u3059\u308b<\/li>\n<li>\n<div class=\"catHeadSmall\">\u00a0<\/div>\n+\u672a\u516c\u958b\u60c5\u5831\u306e\u5171\u6709<\/li>\n<li>\n<div class=\"catHeadSmall\">\u00a0<\/div>\n+\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30bf\u30fc\u9650\u5b9a\u30b0\u30c3\u30ba\u3078\u306e\u30a2\u30af\u30bb\u30b9<\/li>\n<li class=\"marginBtm\">\n<div class=\"catHeadSmall\">\u00a0<\/div>\n+\u516c\u5f0f\u30b9\u30c8\u30a2\u5168\u306615%\u30aa\u30d5<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<input id=\"nek_login\" class=\"btn\" name=\"nek\" type=\"button\" value=\"Subscribe\" \/><\/div>\n<p> <\/p>\n<div class=\"txtPara\">\n<ul>\n<li>\u300c\u8a73\u7d30\u300d<\/li>\n<li>*\u756a\u7d44\u3092\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8: \u7686\u3055\u307e\u306e\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30c8\u306b\u3088\u3063\u3066\u756a\u7d44\u3092\u7d99\u7d9a\u3057\u3066\u914d\u4fe1\u3059\u308b\u3053\u3068\u304c\u3067\u304d\u307e\u3059\u3002<\/li>\n<li>+\u7279\u5178\u2460: \u672a\u516c\u958b\u30d7\u30ed\u30b8\u30a7\u30af\u30c8\u3084\u65b0\u5546\u54c1\u306a\u3069\u3001\u672a\u516c\u958b\u306e\u60c5\u5831\u3092\u5171\u6709\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002<\/li>\n<li>+\u7279\u5178\u2461: BN Supporter\u9650\u5b9a\u30b0\u30c3\u30ba\u3092\u3054\u8cfc\u5165\u3044\u305f\u3060\u3051\u307e\u3059\u3002<\/li>\n<li>+\u7279\u5178\u2462: \u516c\u5f0f\u30b9\u30c8\u30a2\u306e\u30aa\u30ea\u30b8\u30ca\u30eb\u30b0\u30c3\u30ba\u5168\u3066\u309215%OFF\u3067\u3054\u8cfc\u5165\u3044\u305f\u3060\u3051\u307e\u3059\u3002<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>"},{"id":"currency-1","element_id":"currency-1","form_id":"wrapper-1939-5791","type":"currency","options":[],"cols":12,"conditions":[],"wrapper_id":"wrapper-1939-5791","calculations":"false","limit_min":"480","limit_max":"1000","currency":"JPY","field_label":"Total Amount","placeholder":"","limit_message":"false","required":true,"condition_action":"hide","precision":"0"},{"id":"text-1","element_id":"text-1","form_id":"wrapper-5122-4990","type":"text","options":[],"cols":12,"conditions":[],"wrapper_id":"wrapper-5122-4990","input_type":"line","limit_type":"characters","field_label":"Text","placeholder":"E.g., text placeholder"}],"settings":{"pagination-header":"nav","paginationData":{"pagination-header-design":"off","pagination-header":"nav","page-break-1-steps":"Choose Option","last-steps":"Card","pagination-labels":"custom","page-break-2-steps":"Information","page-break-1-next":"Next","page-break-2-next":"Next"},"formName":"donation-from","version":"","form-border-style":"none","form-padding":"","form-border":"custom","fields-style":"open","validation":"on_submit","form-style":"flat","enable-ajax":"true","autoclose":"","submission-indicator":"show","indicator-label":"Submitting...","form-type":"default","submission-behaviour":"behaviour-redirect","thankyou-message":"<p>Thank you for subscribing<\/p>","submitData":{"custom-submit-text":"Pay Now","custom-invalid-form-message":"Error: Your form is not valid, please fix the errors!"},"validation-inline":"1","form-expire":"no_expire","form-padding-top":"0","form-padding-right":"0","form-padding-bottom":"0","form-padding-left":"0","form-border-width":"0","form-border-radius":"0","cform-label-font-family":"Roboto","cform-label-custom-family":"","cform-label-font-size":"12","cform-label-font-weight":"bold","cform-title-font-family":"Roboto","cform-title-custom-family":"","cform-title-font-size":"45","cform-title-font-weight":"normal","cform-title-text-align":"left","cform-subtitle-font-family":"Roboto","cform-subtitle-custom-font":"","cform-subtitle-font-size":"18","cform-subtitle-font-weight":"normal","cform-subtitle-text-align":"left","cform-input-font-family":"Roboto","cform-input-custom-font":"","cform-input-font-size":"16","cform-input-font-weight":"normal","cform-radio-font-family":"Roboto","cform-radio-custom-font":"","cform-radio-font-size":"14","cform-radio-font-weight":"normal","cform-select-font-family":"Roboto","cform-select-custom-family":"","cform-select-font-size":"16","cform-select-font-weight":"normal","cform-multiselect-font-family":"Roboto","cform-multiselect-custom-font":"","cform-multiselect-font-size":"16","cform-multiselect-font-weight":"normal","cform-dropdown-font-family":"Roboto","cform-dropdown-custom-font":"","cform-dropdown-font-size":"16","cform-dropdown-font-weight":"normal","cform-calendar-font-family":"Roboto","cform-calendar-custom-font":"","cform-calendar-font-size":"13","cform-calendar-font-weight":"normal","cform-button-font-family":"Roboto","cform-button-custom-font":"","cform-button-font-size":"14","cform-button-font-weight":"500","cform-timeline-font-family":"Roboto","cform-timeline-custom-font":"","cform-timeline-font-size":"12","cform-timeline-font-weight":"normal","cform-pagination-font-family":"","cform-pagination-custom-font":"","cform-pagination-font-size":"16","cform-pagination-font-weight":"normal","payment_require_ssl":"","submission-file":"delete","form_name":"donation-from","form_status":"publish","use_ajax_load":"","cform-color-settings":"true","prev-background-static":"#b4ccef","next-background-static":"#b4ccef","button-submit-background-static":"#686868","prev-background-hover":"#81a9e1","next-background-hover":"#81a9e1","button-submit-background-hover":"#81a9e1","redirect-url":"https:\/\/\/payment","akismet-protection":0},"client_id":null,"notifications":[]},"status":"publish","version":""}
——————————————————-From the above URL you can see that the form is not showing without the subscribe button inside the above script. That is the issue.
I am unable to send you the screen shot of the admin settings. In my form behaviourRendering sections both options are disabled.
Only issue I am facing is the Subscribe button in the above script is not saving. If I add the subscribe button in the HTML like this
<input class=”btn” name=”nek” type=”button” id=”nek_login” value=”Subscribe”/>
After saving I can see the html as<div></div>
Its not saving the input tag.
Please check this and reply at the earliest possible. Thanks.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by bvk69varghese.
I have installed Hummingbird cache plugin on this site while installing the forminator plugin. Now I have removed Hummingbird from my website and reinstalled Forminator. Still the form content is not saving. I have added the below my code in my functions.php and tried the URL no form content showing on this page.
if (strstr($current_rel_uri ,"/bnsupporter") != '') { echo "reached"; echo do_shortcode('[forminator_form id="11655"]'); }
I have created the form content html like the post above. But thenaviagtion button is not displaying.
What is the issue here in this page? The navigation button in this page is not displaying. I have not applied all the styles for this page. So the page is not looking good now. But the issue is the button is not saving to the form content and my navigation broken.
Can you please help me on this issue fix. Thanks