Forum Replies Created
Can you please tell me where to update the form content in the DB. So I can update the DB content with the original test site content.
This is very Urgent. Admin side I am unable to save the form content. Kindly help me to resolve this issue. Thanks
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by bvk69varghese.
Thanks for your response.
As per yur instruction I have removed the lazy loading of images using jquery like below.
$(document).ready(function () { var images = $('img'); $.each(images, function() { $(this).removeAttr("loading"); }); });
But the LCP score is increasing more in this case. Is this what you mentioneed?
Also I have updated the Hummingbird plugin as per our weekly plugin update. Now the mobile left nav some line or text is displaying on the cross button of the close menu option when you change the Menu items.
Please see the issue here –
Could you please check these issues andgive a reply. Please give a proper solution to reduce the LCP score. Thanks.
Can you please reply to my above post. Thanks.
We are trying to improve the LCP score but the Hummingbird plugin had increased the score. So please help us how to improve the score using Hummingbird. Thanks.
Thanks for your response.
I can see the report of of our live site( I can see that the LCP score has increased from 3.2s to 10.2s after installing HummingBird. You can also see this in your testing. Top of the screen it will show the previous score and bottom it will show the current score. Can you please explain why the LCP score has increased after enabling Hummingbird plugin? Should I make any changes to the Hummingbird settings to reduce the score?
Please help us to resolve the issues. Thanks.
I have fixed all errors on my website by adding and removing the CSS and js from the bulkupdate list in Asset Optimisation. After adding the plugin my LCP score has increased on all pages in How can I improve the score. Also I am using javascript slider in my homepage and the error showing the slider images are using lazy load. How to remove the lazy load of images using your plugin.
My live URL is –
Please help me to resolve the issue. Thanks.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by bvk69varghese.
I have integrated the Hummingbird in my test website. Enabled cache and Asset Optimisation Compress/Combine and did the bulk update. This is breaking the woocommerce pages. So I reset cache and made it automatic. We are facing one issue right now. In the add to cart button the tick mark is not appearing in mobile and Desktop. I am getting font loading error also in this page.
Without enabling the Hummingbird this is working fine in our live site here –
Could you please help us to resolve this issue. Thanks.
Thanks for your reply. I have deactivated the Hummingbird plugin and the jquery error is not going ( I think the Plugin cache is there in the system. How to reset the settings.?
I have removed the jquery.js in the bulk update checkbox and did the bulk update, there is no change in the error is still showing. Is there any data stored in the DB to enable/disable the settings.? I did the reset option and its still showing the jquery error on the front end.
If the error disappears I can reinstall and check the asset optimisation?one by one for the plugin.Please help me to resolve the issue. Thanks.
Thank you so much. I have added the exclusions and many issues have been resolved.
But now there is some other issues
I only did these settings in my testing site(
1. Page caching did by adding wp-config file – define(‘WP_CACHE’, true);
2. Enable preload caching – Enabled forChoose which pages you want to trigger cache preload. We recommend you always preload the homepage.
Any Post or page has been updated3. CSS /JS bulk option and selected compress option.
Now we are facing these issues.
1. In product details page product images are not displayed(
2. After selecting the product attributes the add to cart button clicks it will change the color and a tick mark should be displayed. But the tick mark is not appearing after enabling Hummingbird.You can see the live site with working functionality here –
Could you please help me to resolve this. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your help. The issue has been fixed. But when we check our site performance on your test tool and in the CLP score is not improving. I have changed the different settings and the the scores are not improving. The CLS score is already fixed under 1 and other scores are not improving through this plugin. Do you have any recommendation for the CSS/JS settings for our site( for this plugin. Do we need to change any settings on the plugin to improve the score?
Thanks in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Product sold out variation button color changeThere is a correction in my post. In my application I am using this plugin for diplsaying the products variations as buttons. The plugnin name is WooCombinator For Variable Products. Can someone helpme how to change the button color to red if the variation is out of stock. Thanks in advance.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] List two sections of Products listing in WoocommerceThank you @shaunkuschel.
While adding or editing a product I can assign the product as a blogger product. That time the postid of the post meta table will be saved with the product id and the above queries conditions to be applied. Hope this clarifies.
At present in my home shop page products are listing without category display. If its a category based display I can add the blogger product as a category and listing it. This is not possible in my case.
My requirement is in my current shop page product listing(without categories), I need to add one section
Bloogger Products
List the products from the above query.
Any idea, Please reply.Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] List two sections of Products listing in WoocommerceHi All,
Thank you @shaunkuschel.
I will explain my requirement in detail.
In the shop products listing page I need to show two sections.
1. Normal woocommerce products listing. This is working now. shop home page all products are listing. I need to add a new section with products below these products.
These products ids I will get it from user meta. If you are using sql we can get the product ids like this. “SELECT post_id FROM “.$wpdb->postmeta.” WHERE
=’is_product_active_blogger_user’ AND meta_value!=’no'”I need to list these products just below the woocommerce products listing with a title “Blogger Products”.
My current woocommerce products listing page is like this.
Product1 Product2 Product3
Product4 Product5 Product6
Product7 Product8 Product9
But my new requirement I need to change this page layout like below.
Product1 Product2 Product3
Product4 Product5 Product6
Product7 Product8 Product9`
Blogger Products
Productx Producty Productz
Productp Productq Productr
Products Productt Productu`
First part is already working. Second part product ids I will get like that. How can show those new products just below that with the “blogger Products” title.
Hope this explanation will help someone to provide me a solution. Thanks in advance.