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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: change language back endHi Dinsan,
Thanks for your reply. I know how to install plugins. It looks like the functionality (and pluing) I deleted was built in in WP4.7, and I can’t find it back.
Do you know how to get it back and/or where tot find the plugin?Thanks Cais,
I changed the template to the default. It’s a pitty there’s no way of filling the space. I tried this, and it did do something, but nog exactely what I want and not on every browser ??
I’ll close the call. Thanks for your replies. Might you however do know a solutions, pleas let me know.
.ngg-galleryoverview {
width: 100%;
}.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
float:none !important;
display:inline-block;Hi Cais,
Thanks for your reply.
Im not sure what type I use, but I didnt change it so I guess its the basic thumbnail (it says gallery.php). The numer of columns is 0. And it is responsive!I use the gallery in a post with text aswell. The text is aligned justify so fills up the complext widht of the content div. The gallery does not. So I’de like to know if there is a setting or css parameter I can adjust to change this.
Should I provide a screenshot or website link?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: media library not workingMedia library issue resolved. Once again I made a fresh install. I imported the posts etc via wordpress importer (after I exported them, duh). I think that in the previous fresh install I imported whatever went wrong, with the importing of sql backup.
The only thing that isn’t working I like, is that images that I link to from a post, can’t be found because they need a path siteurl/wordpress/imagemap, and all other links are without the “worpdress” and also it used to work that way.
But that’s a different issue.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to imagesI started all over (once more). Fresh install, imported the posts etc (after exporting with worpdress exporter; not via phpmyadmin backup), and it all works. For some reason it was all fucked up, and the fresh install I made earlier, I imported a sql backup, so I probably imported the errors as well.
No everything works great again. finally ??Hi Cais,
Thanks for your reply. I got it solved, somehow.
I copied my the folder with al images from my backup to the server. Then I recreated all galleries one by one. Before I started all over, I used the image folder for the nexgen galleries and I left the images in there. Os a thumbnail folder was created in every folder. Now, I use the option to copy images per gallery to /wp-content/gallery.
For some reason, when I delete the thumbs folder in the original image folder, the creation of the gallery works fine. When I leave the htumbs folder in the original folder, nexgen looks at that folder and copies the thumbnails to wp-content/gallery (and makes new thumbnails from it), and uses the name of the folder which is thumbs. So when I delete the thumbs folder it works fine. Altough I think a read that nextgen only look in the folder and not in subfolders?!Something completely different if I may…
I created some galleries and the show up fine. Meanwhile, I’m playing with a (twentyseventeen) childtheme. And suddenly the gallery breaks up; no styling just a long row of images. It has to do with the child theme, so after a little playing with the adjustments I made, I found out that it has to do with the footer text. I copied over the site-info.php template part file, deleted the “proudly powered by” and replaced it with my own text. That works fine, I see my text. No errors. However, the gallery breaks. When I reverse my changes, the gallery works.
So, there might be a little error in the php, that doesn’t effect the text I want to see, but does break your plugin ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to imagesHi all,
I checked (again) wordpress settings, htaccess, index.php etc. Thank you Kris!
However, the problem isn’t solved.To be sure I deleted all uploaded images and uploaded them (a few) again. Still the same.
When I look in the database with phpmyadmin I see that the images were added (last additions in wp_posts). In the database the guid to this images is : siterul/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/imagename. When I copy this link to the browser, the image shows up.However, in settings I made the site url without “wordpress” (the wordpress address is obviously siteaddress/wordpress). As I mentioned before, posts, themes, plugins etc work fine. Links tot posts work with siteaddress/postname.
So why does wordpress not use the settings for site url for my images? Why does it want to use siteaddress/wordpress/ ???
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to imagesHi Kris,
Thanks again. I looked at the codex page. I followed all steps.Both index.php files are correct.
I deleted both htaccess files, then logged out, closed the browser and logged in again. The htaccess in the root was recreated, in wordpress map not (is that ok or not?)
The site url and worpdress url, and the permalinks were not changed, and are like the codex page.
So it looks like everything is like in the codex page, but still the images are nog working. For some reason, links to posts do work, wordpress can find the wp-content folder where themes and plugins are in, but the image folder (also in wp-content) can not be found…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customizer nog workingYou’re welcom!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: link to imagesHi Kris,
Thanks for your reply.
Links tot posts do work (also plugins, themes do work), so wordpress does know where the wp-content folder is. Also the uploads folder is there (made by wordpress). Only images (I made a images folder in wp-content) goes wrong. It used to work before updating to WP4.7In permalinks I use site url / %/postname%/
In settings/general I see:
wordpress url : (I cannot change that)
site url: (without “/wordpress”, I can change that)I want to use my site without “/wordpress” in the url, and as I said, it works for the posts and pages, but not for images.
So somehow of somewhere I have to tell wordpress that all images are stored in…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: media library not workingI found out that linking to images in posts give a 404.
When I tried regenerate thumbnails it says it can’t find the original location of the images. That makes sence if the images folder is nog found.
I found out that when I put “wordpress” in between the site url and the image folder loction, the link in posts work.
So, settings, htaccess or whatever is wrong. Linking to posts work though (without “wordpress” in the address).This al started after upgrading tot 4.7. As I said before I tried reinstalling (manually), diabling thumbnails etc.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customizer nog workingVale,
I have no idea whether “my solution” will help you…
I used phpmyadmin. I don’t know another way to do this
In phpmyadmin:
-in left panel click the wordpress database
-click “+” at wp_posts table
-click “+” at columns
-click “ID”
-on top click “structure” (in the row that also says sql, import, export, etc)
-just below this row you see a row with name, type, lengt, etc. Here is a box which says “A_I”. This is auto_increment”. click here so it is on.
-safeThis is what I did and it worked for me. Good luck.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Images not displaying on site, nor in media library, but DO existI have the same problem a well. Also since updating to WP4.7.
I can upload images (through the uploader in the library), it works I see them apear in the uploads folder (in different sizes). However, I only see the default.png thumbnail.
What did I try: disabled all plugins, changed to twenty sixteen, checked file permissions, reinstalled (manually) WP4.7. It didn’t work.
The htacces looks fine, since uploading works, I asume the image path is ok (I don’t see a setting for this in settings/media).
So I’m stuck. Hope someone can help me!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: media library not workingEverything is working now, except I still see the grey squares where thumbnails should be.
The other issues I solved by turning auto_increment on in the wp_table in the database. For some reason it was off by updating to WP4.7.So still need some help with the thumbnails ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customizer nog workingSo, I check the database and turned auto_increment on table wp_post on. No idea if this wasn’t needed in WP4.6, of why/how it got turned of.
Now I can use the customizer, I can create new posts, and I can upload images. One small problem still, the thumbnails in the media library are all grey empty thumbnails. Anyone knows what tot do about that?
Almost there!