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  • Thread Starter bwooster47


    I rebooted box and re-enabled Yoast. Looks fine now, so good enough. Unclear why CPU spiked, but at least it is normal now.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Thanks, I’ll try those things out.

    I have now re-enabled Yoast and for now things look fine.

    If CPU usage blows again, will follow the steps you mentioned and report back.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    I had updated a month ago, so it is mostly recent.

    My site is also very small – tens of pages only. The high CPU persisted for over 2 days before I noticed it.

    Also if it is optimizing database, why is network traffic also so high for that same 2 day period?

    Both network and CPU went to normal after I deactivated the plugin. I also looked for anything strange in Apache logs access and error – nothing there suspicious.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Using the “disable gutenberg” plugin is a workaround – of course can’t use Gutenberg editor, but that is fine with me.

    I suspect all the html tags added by gutenberg
    etc are causing the embed to fail.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Disabling the popup, making it Draft also works – disables the lines this plugin adds to the web page, so my https: site works again.

    Just in case it helps, here are all the bad lines added by the plugin – note the https:// links instead of https as used by all other plugins at my site:

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='mc4wp-form-basic-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='popup-maker-site-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
    var pum_vars = {"version":"1.7.6","ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","restapi":"https:\/\/\/wp-json\/pum\/v1","rest_nonce":null,"default_theme":"1680","debug_mode":"","popups":{"pum-2046":{"disable_on_mobile":false,"disable_on_tablet":false,"custom_height_auto":false,"scrollable_content":false,"position_from_trigger":false,"position_fixed":false,"overlay_disabled":false,"stackable":false,"disable_reposition":false,"close_on_overlay_click":false,"close_on_esc_press":true,"close_on_f4_press":false,"theme_id":1684,"size":"medium","responsive_min_width_unit":"px","responsive_max_width_unit":"px","custom_width":"640px","custom_height":"380px","location":"center top","position_top":"100","animation_type":"fade","animation_speed":"350","animation_origin":"center top","overlay_zindex":"1999999998","zindex":"1999999999","close_button_delay":"500","triggers":[{"type":"auto_open","settings":{"delay":"500","cookie_name":["pum-2046"]}}],"cookies":[{"event":"on_popup_open","settings":{"name":"pum-2046","key":"","time":"19 hours","path":1}}],"id":2046,"slug":"rabais"}},"disable_tracking":"","home_url":"https:\/\/","message_position":"top"};
    var ajaxurl = "https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php";
    var pum_debug_vars = {"debug_mode_enabled":"Popup Maker: Debug Mode Enabled","debug_started_at":"Debug started at:","debug_more_info":"For more information on how to use this information visit http:\/\/\/?utm_medium=js-debug-info&utm_campaign=ContextualHelp&utm_source=browser-console&utm_content=more-info","global_info":"Global Information","localized_vars":"Localized variables","popups_initializing":"Popups Initializing","popups_initialized":"Popups Initialized","single_popup_label":"Popup: #","theme_id":"Theme ID: ","label_method_call":"Method Call:","label_method_args":"Method Arguments:","label_popup_settings":"Settings","label_triggers":"Triggers","label_cookies":"Cookies","label_delay":"Delay:","label_conditions":"Conditions","label_cookie":"Cookie:","label_settings":"Settings:","label_selector":"Selector:","label_mobile_disabled":"Mobile Disabled:","label_tablet_disabled":"Tablet Disabled:","label_event":"Event: %s","triggers":{"click_open":"Click Open","auto_open":"Time Delay \/ Auto Open"},"cookies":{"on_popup_close":"On Popup Close","on_popup_open":"On Popup Open","pum_sub_form_success":"Subscription Form: Successful","pum_sub_form_already_subscribed":"Subscription Form: Already Subscribed","manual":"Manual JavaScript","cf7_form_success":"Contact Form 7 Success"}};
    var pum_sub_vars = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","message_position":"top"};
    /* ]]> */
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    Thanks for the plugin, but would be nice if we could avoid it.

    For example, here’s code that does not depend on the plugin (WPML), just uses WordPress functions:

     * Google recaptcha has a bug, does not automatically handle language and ignores
     * WordPress header which looks like this: <html lang="fr-CA" ...>
     * So have to add hl=<lang code> to the API call:
     *<language code>
     * Use the Invisible Recaptcha plugin hook to insert that, based on standard
     * WordPress functions.
    add_filter('google_invre_language_code_filter', function ($languageCode){
        $languageCode = get_bloginfo( 'language' ); // 'en-US', 'fr-CA', etc
        return $languageCode;

    [Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button.]

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by bdbrown.
    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Thanks, that looks like a good choice. That article talks a lot about applying the filter to the replacement text, but it also applies in my case described above to apply the filter after the shortcode replacement text.

    Now that I know all this, another way of solving this is to add two consecutives newlines before the shortcode, i.e., one empty line above the shortcode.
    And/or if needed, a dummy character such as (space) after the shortcode.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Excellent, thanks, I changed it something else, saved it, and then redid the custom setting to /%category%/%postname%/ again, and after this there are no stray characters.

    I guess there must have been a space in my setup before I did the above steps.
    In any case, all fixed now, thanks.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Thanks a lot, that helped find the bug.

    My site uses a plugin to add categories to pages, and disabling that plugin makes display-posts shortcode work correctly.
    I’ll add a issue to that plugin’s support forum.

    This plugin breaks WP_Query – it is very old it seems:
    Add Categories to Pages.
    Easily add Categories and Tags to Pages. Simply Activate and visit the Page Edit SCreen.
    Version 1.0 | By a.ankit

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    OK, the problem is with WP_Query

    I can’t find this in the docs, but looks like if category=something is used, it then changes the passed in args post_type to always include page too.

    Or at least it is doing that for my setup.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    Oh, and if it matters, I’m using the shortcode on a page.
    I.e., on a post_type of page, I need to display a list of the posts (and not pages) with a particular category.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    OK, something very strange is going on, I added debug code to print the SQL statements.

    For this:
    [display-posts category="myslug" post_type="post" exclude_current="true" offset="3" posts_per_page="4"]

    I see this SQL, which is clearly not what the code above asks for – the SQL is looking for both (page, post) instead of just (post).

    Anyone have any tips on what to look at next?

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  wp1_posts.ID FROM wp1_posts  LEFT JOIN wp1_term_relationships ON (wp1_posts.ID = wp1_term_relationships.object_id) WHERE 1=1  AND wp1_posts.ID NOT IN (7) AND ( 
      wp1_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (3)
    ) AND wp1_posts.post_type IN ('post', 'page') AND ((wp1_posts.post_status = 'publish')) GROUP BY wp1_posts.ID ORDER BY wp1_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 3, 4
    Thread Starter bwooster47


    PHP 7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (cli) ( NTS )
    mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.19

    I think there is some problem related to size of the matched string.
    [26-Jul-2017 04:12:45 UTC] response len: 665969
    [26-Jul-2017 04:12:45 UTC] strpos <head>: 41
    [26-Jul-2017 04:12:45 UTC] strpos </head>: 614639

    So, length of matched string <head>…</head> is 614639 – 41 + 1 + 6 = 614605
    which is the key thing I think is causing wordpress / apache2 php to return FALSE for the preg_match.

    If the length < 500k, it works fine.

    So, while this may be fixable by changing some PHP limit under Apache, may be better to just avoid trying to preg_match such a large substring.

    Will this problem be fixed in next release of Metaslider?

    WP fixed this problem a while ago, see example discussion:

    Would be even better if instead of a protocol relative URL, a path relative url is used, if possible, by removing the domain.

    But any fix would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter bwooster47


    It is a internal local site, so ip address won’t work from outside.

    Anyway, I suspect this is only me, and something in my Chrome setup – probably some plugin is interfering with the JS code?
    I’ll keep digging and report any findings here.

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