Forum Replies Created
1: If you want to have an answer you shoud not wait 3 weeks to ask
2: You know exactly what the restrictions of your plugin are, right?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Is it GDPR compliant?I read this: “Our technology vendors are GDPR-compliant, and may temporarily store an IP address and set a client cookie for security purposes.”
Whose IP-Adress will be stored?
How will it be stored? (complete?)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] User roles unclearHallo @asgaros
das mit dem “Mitglieder”-Button hat sich inzwischen gel?st.
Was aber noch nicht gekl?rt ist, ist der letzte Part im Video: Das man zu einem Sicherheitsabfragefenster gelangt, wenn man versucht sich anzumelden.In der htaccess haben wir einen Verzeichnisschutz für den Zugriff auf /wp-admin bzws auf wp-login.php angelegt der auf unserer Produktivseite auch funktioniert – dort melden sich ja auch Leute bem Kauf eines Produktes an, ohne in diesen Fehler zu laufen.
Gru? bydlo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] User roles uncleari am quite lost actually
1: I added a usergroup but i dont see any way how to add users to that group
SOLVED – can be done by bulk edit
2: I dont find a way to say “reading for everyone / posting only if registered”
SOLVED – category is responsible for reading permissionThis one is still an issue
3: there is some strange behaviour regarding “memberlist” and “register”.
would you mind have a look at this screencast?
[video src="" /]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] Category breadcrumbOk, thank you very much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Asgaros Forum] User roles unclearIt seems that every existing user automatically becomes assigned to one of the 4 forum-roles:
bannedthis leads to the described situation that all our customers end up on the forums-member-list although they never subsribed to the forum.
How can we fix that?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Update problemNachtigall, ick h?r Dir trapsen.
Gleich verr?tst Du mir das meine Lizenz abgelaufen ist und ich ohne eine neue zu kaufen nicht updaten kann.
Und ohne Update ist die künftige Funktionalit?t nicht gesichert?
So ungef?hr?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Update problemSorry – aber ich werde daraus nicht schlau.
Helper: 1.2.1
Woocommerce: 3.5.1
Woocommerce germanized: 2.2.4
Woocommerce germanized pro: 1.9.3Und nun?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Foobar after update – bad customer careYour answer is as substantial then your support or your customer care – low!
Even if we had tested your new version in a sandbox it would not have prevented the need to rewrite all CSS.
You just dont care – thats it.And your “nice words” are just marketing and reputation management
BTW: Your actual update crashed another customer site we maintain.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Plugin that merges images for an Art-Gallery/Canvas-ShopSorry – but this is to oldschool.
One of my employees wrote something two years ago but short before he finished he became quite ill and had to leave us.
Than it was forgotten and now i wanted to start the project again.of course i found some docs about it – but to be honest…i cant figure out what it does and i am not sure if its complete.
So i thought it might be better to search for a plugin and i am pretty sure that it exists.
The link i provided probably states that there is.bydlo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] All 404 have been redirected to /wp-login.phpRest asured that i checked it very careful.
Every! single! URL that should have thrown out a 404 did redirect to the login.
This link from a googlesitesearch ( led to the login-page as well: to be misunderstood:
I am not searching for someone to blame.
I am searching for the reason.
And i am not saying that redirection is the reason- i am asking if someone have encountered such a behavior or have knowledge about possible conflicts that cause (why ever) these issues.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Force Regenerate Thumbnails] Doesnt delete unused thumbsDa war nicht viel zu entdecken. Wir wussten welche Thumbs von unserem Theme genutzt werden.
Gel?scht hat sie dann jemand der mit der Shell klarkommt mit irgendeiner Version von “delete” (irgendwas mit delete if 80×80 etc)Its solved!
All settings to do that are available in the settings of the plugin and not in the widget.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] All 404 have been redirected to /wp-login.php1: I know that Redirections doesnt have a feature to do that
2: I am not talking about a feature – i am talking about an issueForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] All 404 have been redirected to /wp-login.phpEdit:
We use Yoast-SEO-plugin as the free version.
Could that be the reason for the conflict?