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  • @cydward – please try the latest version (6.6.2) of the plugin that is available from the Plugin Repo – that resolves the issue. If you are still having problems please let me know.


    Hi guys,

    Have you all updated to version 6.6.2? I have been extremely busy with the launch of two sites that have required an immense amount of my time, so haven’t had a chance to look into the problems above.

    Our sites launch this Thursday and I should have a bit more free time to focus on the above errors.

    I will be working on the SVN versions as well as integrating all the fixes into 7.0.

    Please be patient, while I try and work with the developer to get all these problems sorted out.


    Glad it’s working for some ?? @bushwhack I’ll drop you an email again and let’s see if we can figure it out.

    Hi guys,

    Here is the link:

    I have tested this on a live site and there are no issues so far as I can see.

    Please read the notes below before installing.

    I have patched the 6.6 version and dubbed it version 6.6.1 however there is no reflection of this in the Plugins Repo or in the Administration area, but it is heavily commented where I made changes. This will be sent through to the developer and I will work closely with him to add all the changes into the upcoming version.

    Please ignore all the changes i have posted above if you are new as they are all included and follow the process below.

    If you have already followed the above, just replace the entire plugin folder using the method below.

    NB: Backup, Backup, Backup

    Before installing this patch (you need to replace the entire plugin) make sure you have made a backup of both your database and your current plugin folder. Delete the existing plugin, unzip and upload the linked file and replace any css that you may have edited.

    Please note that the css for a day that has an event no longer functions via the administration and now appends a class to the cell element.

    Changelog (including above fixes):
    – Added the ability to enable/disable tooltips in the administration
    – Fixed WordPress 3.0 initialization issues
    – Added “hasEvent” class to table cell for days that have events
    – Modified the LargeCalendar and LargeCalendarJS to echo by default, but added the ability to return the markup using bool(true/false). This is merely documented for historical purposes as the change was needed for the new shortcode loading of the calendar to work and has no effect within any templates.
    – Added Native WP Shortcode for the plugin to load the Large Calendar. Now loads by calling “[events-calendar-large]” replacing the existing method. Please replace where necessary in your pages/posts.
    – The WP shortcode addition also stops the plugin from preventing other plugins/themes shortcodes to load when used on the same page as the calendar.
    – Cleaned up JS from above which was looping when navigating through 2 or more months.
    – Changed the JS in the sidebar calendar to load the JS and prev/next links correctly when navigating through months

    It is 2:30 am here so I may have missed something, so if you notice any bugs or if there are any issues, please post here or via my email and I will get to them as soon as possible.

    Also note, I only made the above changes to the large calendar, with 1 minor change to the sidebar calendar and cannot for certain say that event listing or the sidebar widget calendar is working 100% but if you come across any issues, I will have a look.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Hey guys.

    I am currently working on a patch, which I will send through to the original developer as well as working on some additional changes for the upcoming release.

    I am going to be putting the patched version together for 6.6 online and will get those changes into 7.0 as well.

    My current version has the Tooltips removed as it was something I did not want, but I have rolled back and am adding a switch to the menu, to allow them to be turned on or off.


    Hi Sam,

    Just drop me an email (email is above) and I will send you the plugin files, but bear in mind I just came across another error which is causing custom shortcodes not to load on the page that is requesting the calendar.

    I am trying to find a workaround to it now.


    Hey guys,

    As far as I know the developers are almost ready to release version 7 of the plugin.
    Guys, I cannot see what might have gone wrong with the fwd/bck buttons. They are controlled by the JS, so if they are not being inserted correctly then the JS that I have pasted above is not being handled correctly.

    my email is byron (at) – please mail me your individual links and I will have a quick look.

    I will also package my custom files that I edited, which you can replace. However I can only guarantee that this would work with the 6.6 beta version.


    Hey guys – I will have a look tomorrow and see if I can come up with anything and also give a detailed patch fix providing the files that I have. This was commented on as I progressed through each step so it may not be 100% clear.

    Hi Erfo,

    Apologies for the delay. Been a bit hectic.

    As far as I know, the problem I came across was using the redirect method

    redirect 301 "/example"
    redirect 301 ""
    # I have another redirect 301

    you should rather change those to a RewriteRule


    Hi guys – if you are in need of a quick fix before 7.0 comes out and need to have the calendar work with WordPress 3.0 – you can see my fixes that I submitted over here. Read each post as it explains what changes are necessary to allow the Large Calendar to work.

    Ok so I have fixed the large calendar using the above techniques, and managed to solve the jQuery issue, by changing the html that was appended to the calendar.

    	.append("«&nbsp;<?php echo ucfirst($this->get_incrMonth($m-1));?>")
    	.mouseover(function() {
    		ecd.jq(this).css('cursor', 'pointer')
    	.live('click', function() {
    		ecd.jq.get("<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>/index.php",
            {EC_action: "switchMonthLarge", EC_month: "<?php echo $m-1;?>", EC_year: "<?php echo $y;?>"},
            function(ecdata) {
              	ecd.jq('#calendar_wrapLarge').empty().append( ecdata );
    	.prepend("<?php echo ucfirst($this->get_incrMonth($m+1));?>&nbsp;»")
    	.mouseover(function() {
    		ecd.jq(this).css('cursor', 'pointer')
    	.live('click', function() {
    		ecd.jq.get("<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>/index.php",
    			{EC_action: "switchMonthLarge", EC_month: "<?php echo $m+1;?>", EC_year: "<?php echo $y;?>"},
    			function(ecdata) {
    				ecd.jq('#calendar_wrapLarge').empty().append( ecdata );

    You will see that the append() function is changed from append(ecd.jq(ecdata).html()) to append( ecdata ) in both the functions and I changed the .click function to use the .live function.

    The above code starts around line 440 in ec_js.class.php.

    As mentioned above, these fixes work for the LargeCalendar, but I have not tested the widget or events list.

    Ok just to follow up:

    To get the calendar to load correctly I needed to load the WP_Locale class in the actual EC_Calendar::__construct method.

    function __construct() {
    		$this->locale = new WP_Locale;

    This is working fine, but when clicking on the previous or next month link in the large calendar, the calendar updates fine but the jQuery functions are not being loaded correctly.

    Using Firebug, I can see that the GET request correctly pulls the data through, but the jQUery is being removed and as such, it does not load any extra events or loads the updated next and previous links. I am still investigating and will feedback any changes that I notice.

    I must also state that this is only for the large calendar in the front-end. The backend calendar is working correctly so far, but I am not sure about the listing of events or the sidebar widget, as these are elements of the plugin that we do not use.

    Hi guys.

    I managed to get a quick work around to allow the calendar to load using WP 3.0 but when navigating months using the Large Calendar, it breaks the links for prev/next months.

    To fix the error:
    I removed the “require_once(ABSWPINCLUDE.’/locale.php’);” call on line 85 on events-calendar.php.
    Changed line 333’s add_action hook from ‘plugins_loaded’ to ‘init’

    Am investigating the navigation controls going missing.


    Check that there are no duplicate rules in the .htaccess file. There should be the standard rules, and then add you rules within the <IfModule> wrapper below the standard WP rewrite rules.




    hey guys! see this post for a fix for the above!

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