Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Where can I find WP 1.5.3 of 1.5.2 for download?You can backup your database before you go with WP 2.00 so you can roll back database and downgrade to WP 1.5.3
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Google Ad Words Hack/Plugin?You can insert adsense if you have TextControl plugin installed then you can insert javascript code for adsense directly into your posts. Or you can use blogging client like this
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML-RPC problems in WP 2.00Submitted as a bug: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP strips my uploaded HTML :-(BTW I found the similar problem with posts added via XML-RPC. WP 2.00 reformatting posts added via XML-RPC automatically and here is a solution:
Maybe this can help you too.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: XML-RPC problems in WP 2.00Oh I found a solution on how to prevent WordPress from mixing extended entry with main entry when posting via XML-RPC client. Seems like new WP2 removes all kind of HTML comments and unknown tags from posted HTML code.
How to fix:
in /wp-includes/ sub-folder find a file called “functions-post.php”:
Open it and find and comment the following line:
$post_content = apply_filters(‘content_save_pre’, $post_content);
So you will get something like this:
// Get the basics.
/* commented by Eugene Mironichev –
to prevent removing of <!–more–> from post added via xml-rpc
$post_content = apply_filters(‘content_save_pre’, $post_content);
$post_excerpt = apply_filters(‘excerpt_save_pre’, $post_excerpt);
… etcWill add ticket about this into bug tracker but not sure if this is a bug or feature of WordPress 2.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Developers Question? Accessing Comments through Xml-Rpc WP 2.0blueblaze, I think that can be done only by implementing new XML-RPC interface API for comments as there are no support for comments in existings APIs (Blogger, MovableType, Metaweblog)..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP strips my uploaded HTML :-(Maybe you should try to install “TextControl” plugin so you will be able to turn off default HTML reformatting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problems with POST2BLOG blogging client for windowsyou should report this to the support of Post2Blog probably this is caused by WordPress settings. And check if you have latest version of the program
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: File uploading fix for XML-RPC in WP 1.5.2OK seems like someone has taken bug description and submitted it to bug tracking already ?? Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Any WP blog clients?Check Post2Blog 0.9(free Beta) blogging client with support for direct posting to WordPress from Word, IE and Firefox and images/files FTP uploading: