Forum Replies Created
Yes, It appears that most of the wordpress flickr plugins have very little support for groups.
I would like to use my “flickr admin” account to display pictures from the flickr group it administrates.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr Photostream] Display photos from group with tags filter ?As of July 15, 2014.
You need to change line 243 of
$photos = $f->groups_pools_getPhotos($id, $tags, NULL, NULL, $extras, $max_num_photos, $page_num);It’d be nice if the author of the plugin did this fix?!?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Featured Image "doesn't count"Thank-you that is a very complete answer.
Would it be possible to add the column “Featured in” on the Media Library Assistant page to the Media Library? (with the option to display it or not)
This would allow someone (my client) be able to see everything on one page, and in the Media Library without having to go to further off pages.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Automatic Domain Changer] add faq topic…This is perfect…
I would suggest adding this to the FAQ in some way, it’s an excellent example of how I can see how the plugin works before downloading/running etc.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [List category posts] Excerpt Length, customize in shortcode feature requestnevermind…
excerpt_size=15Your old site might be exporting your widget_data.json file with the contents that start like this… (open the .json file to edit this)
[{“widgets-sidebar-2”:[“Your new site like the 2013 theme has two possible sidebars named;
sidebar-1 and (footer sidebar in 2013 theme)
sidebar-2 (down the side sidebar in 2013 theme)You will need to edit and save FROM THIS:
[{“sidebar-2”:[“ OR
[{“sidebar-1”:[“Then after modifying the .json file you will be able to import the data into your new site, even if it has different named sidebars.
If you don’t know what the names of the sidebars are, EXPORT from the NEW site and open the .json file to see what names it uses.
an option like “pay attention to sticky?” Y/NSo, in ascending or “normal” order, sticky posts are at the top.
OK, so, with firebug, it is not clear at all that the email address is obfuscated. You need to “view source code”. You will see something like this.
Original, also what you’ll see with firebug
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
Modified email address with “email address encoder”
<a href="mailtۺsdfasdfasdfasdf#104;ris@&#x;zsdfsdfasdf63;&asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfLOTS_OFRAONDOM STUFF</a>
You are correct Joy.
I had run the import on around 300 items with three levels of categories.
Inside of > posts > categories
I had to go into one of the categories, make a very slight modification and save it.
At that point all the imported cats and heirarchy come into existance.This is with wordpress beta3.3B3
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Screen Options in 3.3 Beta 2?You can not put screen options in help.
This is not help, this is an option.
I’ve spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out which plugin has screwed up my WP3.3 beta setup, I disabled my theme, all the plugins and nothing, couldn’t find screen options in “howdy admin” “W” and not in any of the settings menu down the left, general to permalinks.HELP is NOT where people would look to change something.
I have tried with all other plugins off, as I originally said in the post.
I have also tried it with a third party theme and 2010, both with all other plugins disables.
I have also tried now with 2011 theme, and I get the same result.Ultimate Post Type Manager 1.6.9
WP 3.3b2 AND WordPress 3.3-beta2-19067
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.1.58Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rehabtabs] [Plugin: Rehabtabs] fatal error options.phpWhat wordpress needs:
PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
MySQL version 5.0 or greaterMy version:
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.1.58-community-logIt might be an idea to let people know they they need a “newer” version of php than what WP3.3 requires.
Unfortuneatly I have no control as to which version of PHP is installed on the server.
PS, do you live in Vancouver, BC?
Yes, works just fine now WP3.3b2 and CPVG0.2.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Timer] [Plugin: Easy Timer] firebug measures over 50 errors a secondThank-you for the fix, and very quick!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Timer] [Plugin: Easy Timer] firebug measures over 50 errors a secondWhat I have noticed is that this issue happens if any page in any browser window on the computer with easy-timer is running.